Does this horsepower for this car seem like the right value?

In summary, the speaker is discussing a lab in physics involving the calculation of the drag coefficient. They are trying to determine if a value they obtained during the process is accurate and whether a horsepower of 7.68 at 55mph for a 2002 Honda Accord EX with a v6 engine and curb weight of 2943 lbs makes sense. They also mention calculating it in a different way and getting a different result. They apologize for their lack of knowledge on the subject.
  • #1
For a lab in physics where we have to go through an enormous process to calculate the drag coefficient, I am trying to figure out if one of the values I got along the way makes sense so that I don't continue with bad data.

I gathered time and speed deceleration data and drove a 2002 Honda Accord EX with a v6 engine, curb weight 2943 lbs.

For this car does a horsepower of 7.68 hp at 55mph sound reasonable?

I calculated it in a different way and got about 16 if that makes any more sense.

I'm sorry for my total lack of knowledge on this subject, I know I'm probably butchering the terminology, etc.
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FAQ: Does this horsepower for this car seem like the right value?

1. What is horsepower and how is it measured?

Horsepower is a unit of measurement used to describe the power or work output of an engine. It was originally based on the amount of power needed to lift 550 pounds by one foot in one second. In modern times, horsepower is calculated using torque and RPM (revolutions per minute) in the formula: horsepower = (torque x RPM) / 5252.

2. How does the horsepower of a car affect its performance?

The horsepower of a car is a key factor in determining its performance. Generally, a higher horsepower means a faster and more powerful car. However, other factors such as weight, aerodynamics, and transmission also play a role in a car's performance.

3. What is considered a good horsepower for a car?

The average car has a horsepower of around 120-200. However, the desired horsepower can vary depending on the type of car and its intended use. For example, a sports car may have a higher horsepower in order to achieve faster speeds, while a family sedan may have a lower horsepower for fuel efficiency.

4. Can a car have too much horsepower?

Yes, a car can have too much horsepower for its intended use. If a car has too much horsepower, it may be more difficult to control and can potentially be dangerous. Additionally, a car with high horsepower may also have lower fuel efficiency and higher maintenance costs.

5. What factors can affect the horsepower of a car?

Several factors can affect the horsepower of a car, including engine size, fuel type, air intake, exhaust system, and tuning. Other external factors such as weather and altitude can also impact a car's horsepower. Additionally, regular maintenance and proper driving habits can help maintain and potentially increase a car's horsepower.
