Help with mesh analysis, please

In summary, the conversation involves a problem with mesh analysis and the use of source conversion to solve it. The participants discuss the use of current and voltage sources and the equations involved in solving the problem. One participant suggests using four simultaneous equations, while another suggests using two equations and solving for two unknown variables. The correct method is debated and eventually resolved, with the final answer being confirmed as correct by the instructor.
  • #1
I need help with the following mesh problem. Doing the source conversion screws me up. I really need to get this problem correct and would like to check my answer with somebody who is more competant than myself at mesh analysis.
Please help asap
Thanks in advance


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  • #2

There is 4 loops, 2 with current sources and 1 with a voltage source, and one with I.

Label each loop with I1, I2 and I3 with a clockwise direction. You know the current sources already establish the current in the loops.
  • #3
The way that the instructor has us solving these is to convert the current sources to voltage sources. Is that not neccesary? If not what are the equations? I do not know how to do it with the current sources. We have been told that they must be voltage sources.
  • #4
frogdogbb said:
The way that the instructor has us solving these is to convert the current sources to voltage sources. Is that not neccesary? If not what are the equations? I do not know how to do it with the current sources. We have been told that they must be voltage sources.
I agree with waht. The circuit is presented with lots of current info, so I would stay with Ii as the middle vector. If your instructor wants you to go to the extra work of redrawing the circuit with voltage sources, then whatever.

BTW, you've labeled the capacitor as 3 Ohms. Do you mean -j3 Ohms at the frequency of interest? (or I guess 3<-90 in the notation in the drawing)
  • #5
yes you are right it is 3<-90 or -j3. My instructor wants us to solve mesh for voltage sources so that is how I have to do it to get credit.
The mesh equations I came up with after converting sources are.
I the first curretn source 4a<0 is V1, the second current source is V2 and the voltage source is V3
V1= 4A<0*j2=8V<90
V2= 2A<45*4=8V<45
V3= 3V<90
Mesh equation
(j2+4+2)I1 -(2)I2 = V1 - V2
-(2)I1 + (2 - j3)I2 = V3

(6+j2)I1 -(2)I2= 6.12V<157.5
-(2)I1 +(2 - j3)I2 = 3V<90
Simultaneous equation solved:
I1= 1.41301<143.804
I2= 1.44114<172.344

I through the resistor=I1-I2
(1.41301<143.804) - (1.44114<172.344) = .70405A<65.855
Is this correct?
  • #6

ok here it is, I2 should be -2<45 A.

Converting to voltage sources is not the way to do meesh analysis but I showed you convert it anyway.
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  • #7
Ok thanks for your help but now I am really connfused. I redrew the circuit after I converted the voltage sources to show the change. I have not seen the method you use that is not what any of the professors use for Mesh. I can almost make sense of what you are saying but I use the simultaneous equations function on my TI-86 to calculate the results. You way looks to me like it would require 4 simultaneous equations. I would rather do it the way the prof. wants to see it but I also want to know the easier way to do it also.
  • #8
ok so is it
(4<0)I1 +(2<45)I2 +(2-j3)I3 -(2)I = 3<90 I3
(j2)I1 -(4)I2 +2-j3)I3 +(6+j2)I = 0 I
(4<0)I1 +(4)I2 +(3<90)I3 -(4)I = 2<45 I2
(j2) +(2<45)I2 +(3<90)i3 -(j2)I =4<0 I1
  • #9
I agree with waht on the method to do Mesh Analysis. You establish "meshes" or currents around each loop; that is, you assume there are currents I, I1, I2, and I3 going around the loops as waht has drawn in his diagram. There are 4 unknowns. If you do a KVL around these loops, you will have 4 equations. 4 equations, 4 unknowns, question solved.
  • #10

Yea, you have 4 equations with 4 unknowns, but you already know 2 variables I1 = 4<0 and I2 = -2<45 so the equation simplifies to 2 unkown variable I and I3

I1 = 4<0
I2 = -2<45

I3*(2-3j) - I*(2) = 3<90

I3*(2) - I*(6+2j) = (4<0 * 2j) + (-2<45 * 4)

I don't have my calc, so maybe you could run the numbers.
  • #11
I1 = 4<0
I2 = -2<45

I3*(2-3j) - I*(2) = 3<90

I3*(2) - I*(6+2j) = (4<0 * 2j) + (-2<45 * 4)

Would the 3<90 not be -3<90 since the mesh currents are going clockwise which would be current flowing into the positive and out the negative making it -3<90?
  • #12

yes it was

I3*(2-3j) - I*(2) - 3<90 = 0

hence, I3*(2-3j) - I*(2) = 3<90
  • #13
Ok so the result was:
So since the two equations that were solved were not accounted for would I the =I+I1+(I2)-I3
I=.944<-47.28 + 4<0 + (-2<45) - .343<-128.5
  • #14

Well I was able to solve the problem. I am not sure why our instructors insist on source conversion but I guess it makes it simpler since I do not understand otherwise. The correct matrix is as follows for source conversion.


(6+j2)I1 -(2)I2 I1 V1-V2
(-2)I1 +(2-j3) I2 V3


I would be interested too see how to do it with the four loop equations if someone wants to write out the simultaneous equations and solve for I to see if it matches. According to the instructor my answer above is correct.

FAQ: Help with mesh analysis, please

What is mesh analysis and how is it used in circuit analysis?

Mesh analysis is a method used in circuit analysis to determine the voltage and current in each loop of a circuit. It involves creating a set of simultaneous equations using Kirchhoff's Voltage Law and Ohm's Law to solve for the unknown variables.

When is mesh analysis used?

Mesh analysis is typically used when there are multiple current sources in a circuit or when there are more than three nodes. It is also useful when the circuit contains dependent sources.

What are the steps for performing mesh analysis?

The steps for performing mesh analysis are:

  1. Label each loop in the circuit with a unique current variable.
  2. Apply Kirchhoff's Voltage Law to each loop, taking into account the direction of the current and the voltage drops across each resistor.
  3. Write out the equations for each loop, setting them equal to zero.
  4. Solve the resulting simultaneous equations to determine the current in each loop.
  5. Use Ohm's Law to calculate the voltage and current in each resistor.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mesh analysis?

The advantages of mesh analysis are that it can be used to solve complex circuits with multiple current sources and it is a systematic and organized approach. However, it can become cumbersome and time-consuming for circuits with a large number of loops and it may not be suitable for circuits with nonlinear elements.

How can I check if my mesh analysis is correct?

You can check if your mesh analysis is correct by verifying that the current and voltage values obtained from your equations satisfy Kirchhoff's Voltage Law and Ohm's Law. Additionally, you can use a circuit simulator or perform a hand calculation using another method, such as nodal analysis, to compare your results.

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