The Hardest Internet Enigma - Can You Solve It?

In summary, the hardest internet enigma is a complex puzzle that has stumped many people. It involves a series of encrypted codes, hidden clues, and challenging tasks that must be completed in order to solve it. The enigma has gained a reputation for being nearly impossible to crack, making it a popular challenge for internet users. While many have attempted to solve it, only a select few have been successful, adding to its mystique and difficulty.
  • #1
"Hardest internet enigma"

646107 people have tried it since it started in April '05. When I tried a month or so back, no one had finished it.

I like to consider myself a fairly smart guy, but I tried it and definitely only made it to level 5 or 6 before giving up.

PS - I think some on the net have collaboratively worked on it and might have found a solution, but that takes the fun out of it and I'm not even sure if they've completely solved it.

(Sorry if this is old news.)

Good luck:eek:
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  • #3
I can't get past level 3

Ok i cheated and got past level 3 but the un/pw didn't make any sense!
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  • #4
this is a huge ripoff of notpron. level one is exactly like level 2 of notpron and level 2 is just like level 3 of notpton.

edit- currently stuck on six
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  • #5
Yeah, it's a lot like notpron. But in his defense, he talks about notpron in the info section and credits it as his inspiration.
  • #6
whoo! level 31! Most of these are too similar to notpron. I remember how to do them. I had to cheat on 30 though :redface:
  • #7
Fancy picture.. great

FAQ: The Hardest Internet Enigma - Can You Solve It?

1. What is "The Hardest Internet Enigma"?

"The Hardest Internet Enigma" is a complex and challenging puzzle that has been circulating on the internet for several years. It is considered one of the most difficult enigmas to solve, with very few people claiming to have successfully cracked it.

2. Who created "The Hardest Internet Enigma"?

The creator of "The Hardest Internet Enigma" is unknown. Some believe it was created by a group of hackers, while others think it was designed by an individual genius. The true origin of the enigma remains a mystery.

3. How do you solve "The Hardest Internet Enigma"?

Solving "The Hardest Internet Enigma" requires a combination of critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and knowledge of various fields such as mathematics, computer science, and cryptography. It is a multi-layered puzzle with hidden clues and codes that must be deciphered in a specific order.

4. Has anyone solved "The Hardest Internet Enigma"?

There have been claims of people solving "The Hardest Internet Enigma," but none have been officially confirmed. The creator of the enigma has also never revealed a solution or confirmed if anyone has solved it.

5. What is the purpose of "The Hardest Internet Enigma"?

The purpose of "The Hardest Internet Enigma" is unknown. Some believe it was created as a challenge or a test of intelligence, while others think it may be a recruitment tool for secret societies or organizations. However, without confirmation from the creator, the true purpose remains a mystery.
