Japan Earthquake: Political Aspects

In summary, this new thread is intended to be a complement to the "Japan Earthquake: nuclear plants" thread, which is focused on scientific discussion. Subjects that can be discussed in this new thread include more "political bits" around the accident development. Moderation will still exist in this thread, and contributors are requested to cite sources of information when making comments.
  • #106

re: Sievert vs Gray, it just irritates me immensely to see a Geiger counter that advertises it's giving out Sv. The bloody thing doesn't even do Grays on gamma very well, the thing overcounts betas - yet it proudly says microSieverts/hour.

I understand. But the issue isn't that it reads in microSieverts/hour. ANY measurement system will be just as accurate on that device as any other one. The key, I believe, is to make it as accurate as possible.

But how accurate are those estimates? We all know them are imperfect; nothing is perfect; and so on and so forth. In science, each number has error range.
When you say it is imperfect, please tell how much do you think it is imperfect. The "imperfect measurement" is a tautology.

And? The fact is that the system is in use and it works, whether you agree with how accurate it is or not. Is there another way of doing it that works better in that situation?

Your entire post goes off on a tangent about things that aren't remotely close to dealing with counting sieverts on a geiger counter. Do you really think that they never took any of your situations into account when they designed the system and when they use it? Ludicrous!

You might not like the fact that there are error ranges and estimates and such, but in the end it doesn't matter. There isn't any other way of determining these things.

And just to make sure everyone knows my position, I'll say it again.

I think there were serious mistakes made in the running of the NPP's in Japan. I think there are currently and will be more mistakes made everywhere. But my opinion is that the gain is worth the risk as long we err more on the side of caution than we have in Japan.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #107

Drakkith: What I do not like is that nobody is calculating or reporting the error ranges. There is an other way. Honest science. Where not only you tell the measurements, but you also tell how much (and how often by how much) it can be wrong.
Other thing that I do not like is this nonsense discussion where any error - be it off by up to an order of magnitude, be it to 1% tolerance, is equally 'imperfect'. You just don't distinguish between any degree of 'imperfect', and for you it makes absolutely no difference, it's all verbal reasoning from you, is it not? Yes/no, perfect/imperfect (and everything is imperfect), etc.

"Do you really think that they never took any of your situations into account when they designed the system and when they use it? Ludicrous!"
Do I think they haven't took any? No, they have, some of. Do I think they have took ALL ? No I don't! It is immense amount of work. It is just not doable, period. What is doable though, is a honest estimation of by how much it can be wrong. Hell, even a dishonest estimation of the error range is still a huge step forward compared to 'throw some numbers out and assure them that it is the best measurements that can be done'.

"But the issue isn't that it reads in microSieverts/hour. ANY measurement system will be just as accurate on that device as any other one."
Suppose you had a ruler that reads in calories, you measure size of the fruit with it. Well, the distance measurements on that ruler can be accurate, but the calorie on that ruler are not. You can, however, use the ruler that reads in centimeters (or inches), with a conversion table (for different fruits), to obtain calories far more accurately.
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  • #108

jlduh, I have no interest in joining this thread.

I'm interested in the technical aspects of Fukushima, not the politics.

As such there are aspects of Fukushima that might be compared to Three Mile Island or Chernobyl or SL1 or any number of sites or events.I only wondered if that documentary was considered a "fringe" video made by nutjobs or not.

You are living in France so I thought you might have some knowledge of the subject matter.

2, 3 and 4 are each spewing steam at the moment.
  • #109
Dmytry said:
Drakkith: What I do not like is that nobody is calculating or reporting the error ranges. There is an other way. Honest science. Where not only you tell the measurements, but you also tell how much (and how often by how much) it can be wrong.

It isn't reported because it only serves to confuse almost everyone and cause even MORE panic. The average person doesn't like any possibility of errors, no matter how inevitable they are. (In my experience at least) This doesn't make it dishonest to me. I guess it does to you.

Other thing that I do not like is this nonsense discussion where any error - be it off by up to an order of magnitude, be it to 1% tolerance, is equally 'imperfect'. You just don't distinguish between any degree of 'imperfect', and for you it makes absolutely no difference, it's all verbal reasoning from you, is it not? Yes/no, perfect/imperfect (and everything is imperfect), etc.

Incorrect. I have no idea why you would believe this. Any errors that are outside of whatever is reasonable given the situation are unacceptable.

"Do you really think that they never took any of your situations into account when they designed the system and when they use it? Ludicrous!"
Do I think they haven't took any? No, they have, some of. Do I think they have took ALL ? No I don't! It is immense amount of work. It is just not doable, period. What is doable though, is a honest estimation of by how much it can be wrong. Hell, even a dishonest estimation of the error range is still a huge step forward compared to 'throw some numbers out and assure them that it is the best measurements that can be done'.

I disagree. It is entirely possible to accurately calculate reasonable estimates.

"But the issue isn't that it reads in microSieverts/hour. ANY measurement system will be just as accurate on that device as any other one."
Suppose you had a ruler that reads in calories, you measure size of the fruit with it. Well, the distance measurements on that ruler can be accurate, but the calorie on that ruler are not. You can, however, use the ruler that reads in centimeters (or inches), with a conversion table, to obtain calories far more accurately.

Except that you can use your conversion table before you measure to ensure that your marks are accurate before you measure. If we didn't know what kind of fruit it was beforehand, that would be different.

I use the word reasonable here because every situation is different and must be looked at individually.
  • #110

pdObq said:
You are contradicting yourself big time.

I'm going to revisit this, not because I'm so concerned that I might (be seen to) have contradicted myself, but because it's simply a false comparison.

Saying there's a "complex" of any kind does not mean everyone within this complex acts in unison, that it's a monolithic well-greased machine. The military industrial complex term appears to date to Eisenhower's speech:


and more recently other writers have added different societal sectors to the term, usually academic (google it and you'll find writings, at least on the web, about that factor), security, and political.

The intimate relations between the military and nuclear sectors go back to the beginning of the nuclear age.

So, in sum, the MIC concept, at least, is well-established and supported by no small amount of evidence; adding other sectors less so, yet it's not something I just pulled out of my hat.

On the other hand, when one member of this forum states or strongly implies that two others think exactly alike based on a couple of statements by one of them (this statement about Dmytry and me was originally made after I'd made one or two posts) then they are being inaccurate.

So you have a bit of information being used arrive at an erroneous conclusion, vs. decades of information, books, the statements of a former POTUS/highest ranking general during WWII etc.

One would think this difference would be obvious.
  • #111

I wrote:

So since you've stated that there isn't, in contradiction to many others (try the google, it's pretty cool), it's a fact. Right.

Drakkith said:
Not in the way you are referring to it there isn't.

And you're not responding to my point.

I wrote: FWIW I think you are, I just think you a) have blinders on and b) are rhetorically out of your depth.

Drakkith said:
So? I don't care what you think about me.

same, non-responsive.

Drakkith said:
I've interacted with plentry of people as well. Most of them that DON'T have at least some small amount of scientific mindset don't have a clue how the world actually works. They tend to spew things such as "The government/big business/whatever they don't trust, is out to get them and everyone else and is evil or incompetent and can't ever be trusted at all".

So as long as the have a bit of scientific mindset they're not clueless. I'll agree somewhat, and would counter that people with ONLY a scientific mindset are equally clueless, except that such generalizations are not only full of contempt but also utterly simplistic and unrealistic.

Drakkith said:
They tend to spew things such as "The government/big business/whatever they don't trust, is out to get them and everyone else and is evil or incompetent and can't ever be trusted at all".


Drakkith said:
Probably because of the difficulty in keeping tact for years of people who don't understand a word of what comes out of their mouths.

That kind of naivete has nothing to do with being unscientific. Moreover, the kind of utter disregard for those who don't share your mindset (sound familiar?) you're displaying here is destructive, but more interestingly exactly the kind of contemptuous/hubristic attitude that has being a major factor in getting us into deep doo-doo over and over (see Chernobyl, TMI, Macondo, FDI).

I'll go further and ask: how much death and destruction, how much pollution, how many babies and children blown apart by mines, cluster bombs, irradiated by DU munitions and exploding nuclear plants, etc etc etc has been caused by artists?

Poor performances, ugly, poorly-executed paintings, unlistenable music aside, just how much harm have these clueless artists wreaked on the world?

Now about that engendered by (99% well-meaning) scientists and engineers?

I'm not advocating a return to the stone-age. Technology is wonderful as long as it doesn't endanger our lives (or genetic heritage). But arrogant, contemtuous engineers who think, conversely, that the blueprints in the lab transfer perfectly to the messy reality outside have done much more harm to the world AND to the future of technology than any group of "clueless artistic-types."
Drakkith said:
Nonsense, if I make a statement that is 100% about something that is immune to opinion, such as facts, numbers, ETC, and I'm incorrect, then I will immediately admit my mistake when I am made aware of it. The problem here is that 99% of this thread ISN'T about those kinds of things.

First, you begin numerous responses to people with very disparaging words, the "nonsense" in this case being a perfect example.
Then, it's a huge assumption you're making that there's this clean, clear break between "facts, numbers" etc and how those facts and numbers affect the real world when applied to it.

Together, they create the exact impression of the one-sided, out-of-touch-with-reality, arrogant contemptuous scientist/engineer the very people you despise rail against.
Drakkith said:
It's about opinions. Even the title of the thread screams opinion.

And this is the whole point: you can't debate on this thread in such a black-and-white fashion while demonstrating such a lack of respect for those who disagree.

I've read your responses re technical aspects on this thread, and it's obvious you're well-schooled, but even then you're pretty caustic in refuting others.

Obtaining a BA/MA/PhD in literature (to take one example) means years of debating often absolutely debatable points--what did Shakespeare/Dickens/Joyce mean when he wrote this? One garners evidence the best one can and then makes a case with it--kind of like scientific research. But, as I stated before, many if not most people endeavoring in the humanities realize in the end it's all opinion--just better-supported or not-so-well supported opinion--so at least a modicum of self-doubt is not just helpful, but necessary to succeeding. The best scientists have this too, yet so many have this utter confidence in science as the sole source of the truth, which inexorably leads to dismissing non-scientists as clueless, as you have above.

Back in the day all students had to study a core curriculum of humanities, but with the increasing dominance of science and hi-tech in the world this has pretty much stopped. As a result most people in the tech-world these days have little or no education in the humanities. To me this is a monumental tragedy and is a factor in creating potentially monumental catastrophes like FDI.

You no doubt are of the opinion that I'm going way overboard. Well, this is an opinion thread, isn't it. If that's too messy for you perhaps you should stick to technical issues.
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  • #112

Susudake said:
On the other hand, when one member of this forum states or strongly implies that two others think exactly alike based on a couple of statements by one of them (this statement about Dmytry and me was originally made after I'd made one or two posts) then they are being inaccurate.

So you have a bit of information being used arrive at an erroneous conclusion, vs. decades of information, books, the statements of a former POTUS/highest ranking general during WWII etc.

One would think this difference would be obvious.

Your previous statement implies that all these complexes are all purposely doing harm to everyone, and then lying about it and spreading false information all on purpose. This ignores the fact that each of those complexes are made up of thousands of individuals whose ideals, beliefs, morals, etc are all diverse and range all over the place.

Knowing this, AND based on personal experience in some of these "complexes" myself, i guarantee you that your catchall statement is hideously incorrect. For every person that lies, cheats, and steals their way around there are dozens of honest people that work diligently and provide the best information possible.
  • #113

Susudake said:
And you're not responding to my point.

That's because you don't have a point. Not one I can see at least. Please elaborate if you do.
same, non-responsive.

There isn't anything to respond to. It's just you assuming that I have blinders on or whatever. So again, I don't care.

So as long as the have a bit of scientific mindset they're not clueless. I'll agree somewhat, and would counter that people with ONLY a scientific mindset are equally clueless, except that such generalizations are not only full of contempt but also utterly simplistic and unrealistic.

That kind of naivete has nothing to do with being unscientific. Moreover, the kind of utter disregard for those who don't share your mindset (sound familiar?) you're displaying here is destructive, but more interestingly exactly the kind of contemptuous/hubristic attitude that has being a major factor in getting us into deep doo-doo over and over (see Chernobyl, TMI, Macondo, FDI).

I'm not disregarding anyone. You're the one continually bringing up pointless statements and judging entire groups of people.

I'll go further and ask: how much death and destruction, how much pollution, how many babies and children blown apart by mines, cluster bombs, irradiated by DU munitions and exploding nuclear plants, etc etc etc has been caused by artists?

As I don't know of any reliable way of finding out how many artists have been in the military, I can't tell you. But I'd bet there were a few.

Poor performances, ugly, poorly-executed paintings, unlistenable music aside, just how much harm have these clueless artists wreaked on the world?

Now about that engendered by (99% well-meaning) scientists and engineers?

How about all those that promote violence and such? Plenty out there.

I'm not advocating a return to the stone-age. Technology is wonderful as long as it doesn't endanger our lives (or genetic heritage). But arrogant, contemtuous engineers who think, conversely, that the blueprints in the lab transfer perfectly to the messy reality outside have done much more harm to the world AND to the future of technology than any group of "clueless artistic-types."

How many poets, artists, songwriters, painters ETC have inspired rebellion, war, ETC in history? How many non scientists/engineers have made incorrect choices based on ignorance or dismissal? Or based purely on religious views? Plenty. EVERYONE is capable of making bad decisions or doing harm to someone else.

First, you begin numerous responses to people with very disparaging words, the "nonsense" in this case being a perfect example.
Then, it's a huge assumption you're making that there's this clean, clear break between "facts, numbers" etc and how those facts and numbers affect the real world when applied to it.
Together, they create the exact impression of the one-sided, out-of-touch-with-reality, arrogant contemptuous scientist/engineer the very people you despise rail against.

Have I linked any specific numbers? No. That's because I understand that no matter what I type up here on my computer, it won't be close to being accurate because I'm not there. I don't have the needed information.

And this is the whole point: you can't debate on this thread in such a black-and-white fashion while demonstrating such a lack of respect for those who disagree.

Like you've been doing this whole time? I don't have any problem with your stance. Trust me, I'm not responding to you merely because you disagree with me. I'm attempting to point out WHY certain things work and others don't. And I will most definitively point out when people make assumptions about broad groups (like you have) for no good reason.

I've read your responses re technical aspects on this thread, and it's obvious you're well-schooled, but even then you're pretty caustic in refuting others.

Obtaining a BA/MA/PhD in literature (to take one example) means years of debating often absolutely debatable points--what did Shakespeare/Dickens/Joyce mean when he wrote this? One garners evidence the best one can and then makes a case with it--kind of like scientific research.

Sure. And if this was the case here I wouldn't have a problem. However this isn't the case. All I've seen is one person (including myself) after another spew random opinions about without any evidence to back any of it up. And on top of that, any evidence linked against that view is immediately disregarded as inaccurate because "people aren't trustworthy" or whatever. I try very hard to make sure that when I dispute something I do it for a reason and not merely because I don't believe it's accurate. Unless of course it's something only opinion based, and then I will try to explain why I believe their view is incorrect the best way I can.

But, as I stated before, many if not most people endeavoring in the humanities realize in the end it's all opinion--just better-supported or not-so-well supported opinion--so at least a modicum of self-doubt is not just helpful, but necessary to succeeding. The best scientists have this too, yet so many have this utter confidence in science as the sole source of the truth, which inexorably leads to dismissing non-scientists as clueless, as you have above.

Truth? What truth is there except science? Science at its base is a search for truth! It also includes things like humanities! How and why people act the way they do, different cultures, it all is encompassed. So I really don't know what you mean when you say that so many have this confidence as science as the sole source of truth, as I've never known anything else to be "truth".

Back in the day all students had to study a core curriculum of humanities, but with the increasing dominance of science and hi-tech in the world this has pretty much stopped. As a result most people in the tech-world these days have little or no education in the humanities. To me this is a monumental tragedy and is a factor in creating potentially monumental catastrophes like FDI.

I have no idea whether this is a factor or not. All I can say is that all in all safety is MUCH better nowadays than it has ever been.

You no doubt are of the opinion that I'm going way overboard. Well, this is an opinion thread, isn't it. If that's too messy for you perhaps you should stick to technical issues.

That's fair. If this is going to be an "opinion thread" then I will post accordingly. I was unaware this thread was mostly opinion based.
  • #114

To all: you should read the first posts i have written for starting this thread, i think it should be useful to avoid misconception about this thread and understand in which conditions it has been created and what is expected to be seen.



Again this Fukushima disaster is a very special one and most of us are very affected by what happens there, but we are also left with very little resources to act and even understand what happened, what's happening, and what will (possibly) happen: the scale of this accident 5' reactors hit at the same time, more than 10 cores involved with several in a very bad state or probably in current meltdown, in an area with very high densities of population, this has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE and in fact is out of proportion of most of our resources (reources on site to try to contain the situation, but also resources here on this forum to analyse the situation). We have to admit that.

If you read the main thread and consider the PF guidelines, based on the very specific kind of this situation as described above, i can guarantee that this thread woud be "quiet like a dodo" ,as someone recently wrote with some humour, if only restricted to pure facts or theories published in some reviews and so on! Why? Well because this main thread is just trying to keep contact with what happens there (and in fact will be an unvaluable and incredibly useful record of all the events in the future) and that this situation is right now mainly beyond any scientific explanations and approaches, also because most of the infos we get are from Tepco and proved to be (for various reasons...) very inconsistent, unreliable, full of mistakes, and very incomplete (complete analysis of all the isotopes found are very scarce for example, this would be a big help for the SFs for example: WHY?).

I wrote some days ago a message to explain why, in my opinion, more and more moderate members were getting frustrated and even upset even if they were trying to stay as much as possible on the analysis of facts, numbers, and parameters:


This should explain why this "more political" thread can have its interests in the current and very special situation happening at Fukushima. It's also here to try to keep the main thread as "clean" as possible on facts and analysis, but again what makes this main thread very alive (this is the only place most people find on the net to continue to follow this subject on a day by day basis from the technical standpoint, and this gives PF a very good visibility and gives high credit to this forum!) is the amount of information collected and recorded and debated here, which are not, let recognize it, always as "pure" as some scientific approach would like them to be, but because this is just not possible... This Fukushima is a worldwide accident and the scale of it, and the way it started and the way it evolves, are the main reasons of this being like that.

So please consider this more political thread as it should be, regarding what i explained, and avoid entering into too personal disputes which are boring IMHO.

Also, if this kind of thread has no interest from your standpoint, you can also simply avoid it :smile:
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  • #115

Even if this could have done in far better conditions of course (i mean that we shouldn't wait for a tsunami and a nuclear crisis to do it of course, because these are tough conditions for citizens...) this crisis is probably going to lead to good measures to work on energy efficiency and energy saving programs:Govt sets summer power-saving target at 15%


The plan that was hammered out on Friday by the government taskforce calls on corporate and individual users to reduce their electricity use by a uniform 15 percent from the peak summer period last year. This is ten percentage points lower than the maximum 25 percent target announced in April.

Under the plan, factories and other major consumers will be asked to prepare to reduce their use of electricity in the summer.
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  • #116

jlduh said:
Even if this could have done in far better conditions of course (i mean that we shouldn't wait for a tsunami and a nuclear crisis to do it of course, because these are tough conditions for citizens...) this crisis is probably going to lead to good measures to work on energy efficiency and energy saving programs:

Govt sets summer power-saving target at 15%


Yes, this is a good thing. Everybody went on an energy conservation binge after the earthquake to minimize the need for blackouts, and it was pretty successful, but I think the big challenge this summer will be to see how well fans can replace air conditioners.
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  • #117

jlduh said:
If there should be an ultimate reason for not having privately owned companies running plants like the nuclear ones with so heavy consequences to social life and communities around in case of accidents, i think it could be this one:

In the list of what they will do to raise "maximum" funding, I see "reduce the salaries and the bonuses -which bonuses by the way? Will they still have bonuses?) BUT i DIDN'T see something like:

"refund the necessary dividends accumulated in the past by shareholders"

(for an other example of huge social impact of a crisis, this remark could apply to all private banks in the financial crisis, with in both cases the TOO BIG TO FAIL THREAT TO PUSH TO ACCEPT THE "DEAL")

Instead of this, sates/citizens will probably pay collectively for it.

For any "normal citizen", this is not acceptable to privatize the gains for years and share the losses with the community. Especially when a company has a so long list of frauds and lies to the community behind her...

Ok, you drove drunk several times in the past, this time you have a huge accident and kill and injure many people and destroy their house, you have to pay fines and penalties for it and... you go to see the government to ask to help you to pay part of the stuff -but promise you will do your "maximum" to pay part of it!

Does it sound right and logical to you, as a "normal citizen"?

I know that it has been said several times here: "don't condemn them as long as you didn't run into their shoes".

But hey, if I was a japanese citizen, couln't I say ALSO that they stealing MY SHOES in fact?

Gov decides about the structure to be put in place to help Tepco pay compensation:


Under the framework decided on Friday, a new state backed institution will be set up to facilitate quick payments to those affected. The new body would receive financial contributions from electric power companies that own nuclear power plants in Japan.
The government will inject public funds by allocating to the institution a special type of bond that can be cashed whenever necessary.The institution would strengthen TEPCO's capital base by making use of these funds to pay compensation claims and make business investments.

The institution would annually return a certain amount of money from TEPCO to the state coffers.

This is quite fuzzy to say the least. For sure Tepco has two big levers in its hands in case of bankrupcy: the risk of lack of supply AND the risk of leaving the state with 4 crippled reactors on its back. Would be interested to see what will be the final key ratio for financing this structure, between nuclear industry contributions and state contributions. Anyway, at the end, the ones who will pay are the citizens or the users (which are both the same). The only question is to know the contrinution of private nuclear shareholders in the compensation financing. Why doesn't nuclear industry have a mutual compensation system (mutual insurance) being feed by nuclear companies, to be used in that kind of accident? Even if it proved not sufficent, oil industry have something like that in place i think. It can also be done with a kind of reinsurance mutual fund, like ASSURPOL in France (even if i think the nuclear industry is not in this system either in France: nuclear risks are so big that the insurance for consequences is a real problem, but one way or the other, this has to be adressed -and its better if it is before hand!- and costs to be included in the total cost of the produced energy through nuclear plants):

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  • #118

This news confirms go into the direction of 2 points already mentionned in this thread, the latter being just above:


Referring to information offered by Japan right after the accident, Poneman said the US side had difficulty grasping what was actually happening. He said if US officials had been able to obtain data more quickly, they could have given better advice.

It seems that not only us here are saying this...

Poneman said that even before the Fukushima crisis, the US had repeatedly urged Japan to ratify an international treaty over damage from serious nuclear plant accidents. He expressed hope that Japan will ratify the pact soon.

Under the treaty, compensation for serious nuclear accidents would be financially supported by funds collected from the signatories.

Well, this is precisely what i was mentionning in the post above!
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  • #119

jlduh said:
More contamination on the grass in towns outside of the evacuation zone, and far outside!


NOTE THAT NIKKO CITY IS AT AROUND 170 kms FROM THE PLANT (SOUTH WEST) which is quite far... the other one is at around 100 kms same direction.


It seems that the winds are spreading the bad stuff in several directions, the North west has been severely touched, the South West could start to get the same scenario.

Over a long period of time (who knows when this crisis will be contained), we can fear that long life Cs-137 (ans maybe Strontium?) will accumulate here and there, like thin layers of small snow falls which would never melt and add weeks after weeks...

The only difference being this is invisible and dangerous snow...

Some more contamination of tea leaves:


Radioactive material above designated safety limits has been detected in tea leaves harvested in 5 municipalities in Kanagawa Prefecture, neighboring Tokyo.

The prefectural government checked samples of leaves harvested in 15 municipalities in the region. Officials say that samples from 5 of those were found to contain unsafe levels of radioactive cesium.

They say 780 becquerels of cesium were detected in tea leaves in Odawara City, 740 becquerels in Kiyokawa Village, 680 becquerels in Yugawara Town, 670 becquerels in Aikawa Town and 530 becquerels in Manazuru Town.

Damn, this info is really a breaking news to me, not because of the levels (even it there are sufficiently high to make them unsafe!) but BECAUSE OF WHERE THEY HAVE BEEN MEASURED:

KANAGAWA prefecture is south of Tokyo!

I located Odawara on this map for example:


So this is around 330 kms south west of Daichi plant!

Minami Ashigara, also listed in the article, is even further


The scale at which unsafe deposits are falling is enlarging day after day...
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  • #120

Color me surprised.
But seriously, because of Fukushima we'll see how well humans can live in fallout areas. It's unconceivable that half of Japan will be evacuated, so...
  • #121

zapperzero said:
Color me surprised.
But seriously, because of Fukushima we'll see how well humans can live in fallout areas. It's unconceivable that half of Japan will be evacuated, so...

Well the level of contamination is rather important, its certainly not the first time we have seen a nuclear accident cause problems for farming many hundreds of miles away. As parts of countries such as the UK are still dealing with this issue 25 years after Chernobyl, it won't be at all surprising if we see foodstuffs with contamination levels above the limit in many locations across Japan over time.
  • #122


According to the announcement, sludge with radioactivity levels of over 100,000 becquerels per kilogram should preferably be incinerated and melted in Fukushima Prefecture before being kept at sewage plants. Ash generated through sludge incineration should be contained in metal barrels to prevent it from scattering.

Ummm, is incinerating radioactive sludge a good idea?

Sludge with radioactivity levels of under 1,000 becquerels per kilogram can be recycled into cement and other material if the levels can be reduced to under 100 becquerels through mixture with other materials and dilution.

"The volume of radioactive sludge should be reduced as much as possible through recycling," said an official with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, adding that the recycling of such sludge into fertilizer should be withheld for the time being.

Oh well at least the radioactive fertilizer is off the agenda for now, what a relief.
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  • #123

SteveElbows said:

Ummm, is incinerating radioactive sludge a good idea?

Oh well at least the radioactive fertilizer is off the agenda for now, what a relief.

According to some data on EX-SKF here
the sewage sludge incineration releases about two thirds of the radioactivity, with the rest concentrated over tenfold in the ash. The ash is then used to help make cement, which may release more of the radioactivity, so the contamination is recycled through the air.
Unfortunately, while the iodine contamination could be largely solved for dairy products by using the milk to make cheese, cesium's long half life makes it a lasting menace.
There is no good fix, at best the people will need to filter everything and avoid local food.
Japan is becoming a testbed for living in a dirty world. Not a good thing.
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  • #124

jlduh said:
Some more contamination of tea leaves:

Damn, this info is really a breaking news to me, not because of the levels (even it there are sufficiently high to make them unsafe!) but BECAUSE OF WHERE THEY HAVE BEEN MEASURED:

KANAGAWA prefecture is south of Tokyo!

It was mentioned on the news last night that those tea plantations have the bad luck to be on the sides of mountains facing Fukushima, so winds from that direction preferentially deposit fallout there. This effect was also apparently observed in the aftermath of Chernobyl.
(Same effect as seen for rain or snow,too, I guess.)
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  • #125

jlduh said:
Even if this could have done in far better conditions of course (i mean that we shouldn't wait for a tsunami and a nuclear crisis to do it of course, because these are tough conditions for citizens...) this crisis is probably going to lead to good measures to work on energy efficiency and energy saving programs:

Govt sets summer power-saving target at 15%


Yep. It's still unfortunate that this had to happen. I'd hate to have to do something like go without AC all summer down here in Louisiana. (Summer is like 5-6 months long here by the way, or at least it feels like it)
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  • #126

Plutonium detected in rice paddy by a food manufacturer more than 50 kms away from Fukushima power plant:



Additionally, a certain food manufacturing company conducted a survey by themselves. In a rice field is more than 50kms away from the Fukushima power plant, it was found that there was very high radiation that is very different to what the government released.


High density plutonium is in the rice field that was mentioned previously.


According to this food manufacturing company, they currently don't announce these results due to the large influence* that this rice field has high concentration of plutonium.

* Note: It is not mentioned what the influence is but it implies they do not currently release the information as it may have an impact on the media/public.
  • #127

Dr Robert A Jacob said:
“4 reactors that are all still emitting significant amounts of radiation into the environment so this is not a situation that has been brought under control …we have ongoing leakage”

“Managing public opinion is as serious an operation as managing the crisis itself

“...it is easier to just reduce the amount of information the public has so that you can control the situation, at least from the point of view of public opinion and keep people from panicking”

http://www.youtube.com/user/RussiaToday#p/search/15/Dxbm7iJTT8U at 4:20 onwards

unfortunately he also took up the leaning unit 4, 03:10 onwards, somehow those graphics look familiarhttp://jen.jiji.com/jc/eng?g=eco&k=2011051400255
Japan to Seek APEC Cooperation to Dispel N-Crisis Rumors

Washington, May 14 (Jiji Press)--Japan is to seek cooperation from other members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in dispelling harmful rumors stemming from the country's nuclear crisis at a meeting of APEC trade ministers to be held Thursday-Friday in Big Sky, Montana.
Japan will ask its APEC partners to respond calmly to the radiation leak accident at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan, with regard to their import restrictions on Japanese food and industrial products, sources said.

Only way to suppress rumors is to have an open, honest and complete information policy.
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  • #128

Well, looking at the last results of contamination in the last days in the grass, tea leaves and maybe now rice padding, now at a large distance from the plant (more than 300 kms for the tea leaves), it smell that this desaster is going to become a very large affair in the next weeks/months. A a big scandal also.
  • #129

jlduh said:
Well, looking at the last results of contamination in the last days in the grass, tea leaves and maybe now rice padding, now at a large distance from the plant (more than 300 kms for the tea leaves), it smell that this desaster is going to become a very large affair in the next weeks/months. A a big scandal also.

And now
Radioactive ash found in Tokyo sewage plant -

The ash, containing an unidentified substance with a radioactive density of 170,000 Becquerel per kg, was collected from a plant in Koto Ward, eastern Tokyo, the Nikkei and Sankei dailies said, quoting metropolitan government sources.
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  • #130

hopefully not something bad again...


Trouble delayed cold shutdown of Hamaoka nuke reactor
SHIZUOKA, Japan, May 15, Kyodo

Chubu Electric Power Co. said Sunday that cooling system trouble delayed the 'cold shutdown' of the No. 5 reactor at its Hamaoka power plant in Shizuoka Prefecture for about two hours earlier in the day, while ruling out any external release of radioactive substances.
  • #131

AntonL said:
And now


Not good news.
Earlier coverage of the contamination at other sewage treatment plants in the vicinity of the accident site here:
The contamination measured in those sites near to Fukushima was about 30,000 bequerels of cesium per kg of waste, rising to about 10x that in the residual ash left after burning the sludge. So the contamination measured here has only dropped by about a factor of 2 despite the increased distance. Clearly the hope that airborne emissions would be efficiently diluted as they disperse has been disappointed.
Sewage is an excellent indicator of the overall level of pollutants and is routinely used for that purpose, for instance to monitor urban drug use. These data indicate that the radiation contamination from Fukushima is already so widespread that it is doubtful whether the Japanese authorities have any options other than to increase the allowable contamination levels for foodstuffs and construction material.
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  • #132

Perchance this sheds a little more light on why TEPCO is behaving the way it's behaving.

The new enervated TEPCO


"Tepco's interest-bearing liabilities, including corporate bonds, total more
than ¥7.3 trillion, most of which is owed to insurance companies and financial
institutions, both private and government-owned. The biggest lender is the
Development Bank of Japan, which is 100 percent state-owned. It has lent more
than ¥300 billion to Tepco.

Shortly after the Fukushima plant accidents, major banks committed another
¥2 trillion in credit lines to Tepco, including ¥600 billion from Sumitomo Mitsui
Banking Corp.

Should Tepco go bankrupt, not only would the Japanese financial market be thrown
into an utter chaos, but international markets would lose their trust in Japanese
banking institutions to the extent that the institutions would have to pay higher
interest rates to secure funds.

If worse comes to worst, Tepco share certificates would become worthless sheets
of paper for 600,000 shareholders as well as for many corporate pension funds that
have included Tepco stock in their portfolios. The steep drop in Tepco's stock price has
already dealt a blow to investment funds in the United States. Nearly 20 percent of its
stock is held by non-Japanese investors. This has reportedly led the Obama administration
to urge the Kan government to take steps to prevent a further decline in Tepco stock."
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  • #133

Danuta said:
Perchance this sheds a little more light on why TEPCO is behaving the way it's behaving.

The new enervated TEPCO


"Tepco's interest-bearing liabilities, including corporate bonds, total more
than ¥7.3 trillion, most of which is owed to insurance companies and financial
institutions, both private and government-owned. The biggest lender is the
Development Bank of Japan, which is 100 percent state-owned. It has lent more
than ¥300 billion to Tepco.

Shortly after the Fukushima plant accidents, major banks committed another
¥2 trillion in credit lines to Tepco, including ¥600 billion from Sumitomo Mitsui
Banking Corp.

Should Tepco go bankrupt, not only would the Japanese financial market be thrown
into an utter chaos, but international markets would lose their trust in Japanese
banking institutions to the extent that the institutions would have to pay higher
interest rates to secure funds.

If worse comes to worst, Tepco share certificates would become worthless sheets
of paper for 600,000 shareholders as well as for many corporate pension funds that
have included Tepco stock in their portfolios. The steep drop in Tepco's stock price has
already dealt a blow to investment funds in the United States. Nearly 20 percent of its
stock is held by non-Japanese investors. This has reportedly led the Obama administration
to urge the Kan government to take steps to prevent a further decline in Tepco stock."

Excellent point.
TEPCO is in a difficult position, serving as the spearcatcher for the Japanese government, exposed to overwhelming costs and liabilities, with only a promise of some government support for the eventual compensation payments.
The company has not the resources, financially, managerially or technically to cope adequately with a disaster of this magnitude. However, the problem is so bad that there is no clear reason for the government to step in and take charge. It would raise costs but not get more accomplished, afaik.
The center of Japan is already seriously contaminated and the reactors are scrap.
Admittedly, Michio Ishikawa of the Japan Nuclear Technology Institute has forcefully argued for a much more aggressive approach, but he may have changed his view in light of the disclosure that reactor 1 was entirely lost within a day of the disaster. Now that the reactors are lost, the problem becomes a vast and painful cleanup, which will leave Japan permanently scarred. The political leadership will try to ensure that that can remains tied to TEPCO. The money is a tertiary concern.
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  • #134

jlduh said:
hopefully not something bad again...


Hummm, no, nothing serious, just 400 tons of seawater found in N°5 reactor coolant of Hamaoka plant!


In the course of shutdown, plant operator Chubu Electric Power Company found impure substances in coolant water at the No.5 reactor.

The company reports damage to a duct connected to a condenser, a system that turns the steam generated by a nuclear reactor to water through the use of seawater.
Chubu Electric Power Company says 400 tons of seawater may be mixed into the cooling water that goes through the reactor.

It says 400 tons would not severely affect the reactor, and that no radioactive substances were detected outside the building.

But in order to prevent the reactor being eroded by seawater, the operator will take measures to remove salt from the cooling water.

They should ask Tepco which has a good know how of cooling reactor with seawater...

Damn, they were saying that theses plants didn't endure damages during earthquake... Might not be exactly the case?
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  • #135

etudiant said:
... The political leadership will try to ensure that that can remains tied to TEPCO. The money is a tertiary concern.
Yup, you are right, the can remains tied till the last hours. But methinks TEPCO is doomed already (KABOOM). It has
over 90 billion bucks in debt(that's from a month ago) and around 30 billion in equity buffer. Nationalization is on the
horizon. It's just too big a company to let tank. Then Japan can hit up the US for money owed to further finance the
stoppage and cleanup of the ongoing nuke disaster.
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  • #138

jlduh said:
Hummm, no, nothing serious, just 400 tons of seawater found in N°5 reactor coolant of Hamaoka plant!

Em, #5 is a BWR? Yeah, yeah, no problemo with the injection of a little seawater:mad:. So the real reason they shut Hamaoka
down is due to earthquake damage necessitating almost trashing(if not trashing) reactor #5 with seawater, and not the sudden
concern over underestimated risk and peoples' welfare. God but these guys positively stink at spin doctoring too.
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  • #139

Danuta said:
Yup, you are right, the can remains tied till the last hours. But methinks TEPCO is doomed already (KABOOM). It has
over 90 billion bucks in debt(that's from a month ago) and around 30 billion in equity buffer. Nationalization is on the
horizon. It's just too big a company to let tank. Then Japan can hit up the US for money owed to further finance the
stoppage and cleanup of the ongoing nuke disaster.

Your opinion is clearly shared.
The Japanese National Policy Minister Koichiro Genba just said publicly that TEPCO 'may not survive as is'.
Link here: http://jen.jiji.com/jc/eng?g=eco&k=2011051600073
  • #140

etudiant said:
Your opinion is clearly shared.
The Japanese National Policy Minister Koichiro Genba just said publicly that TEPCO 'may not survive as is'.
Link here: http://jen.jiji.com/jc/eng?g=eco&k=2011051600073

So it seems.

Somewhere in the middle of this are some very angry Japanese banksters threatening
to refuse any future loans to TEPCO after Edano's hint, hint, ah, bold suggestion, that
said banksters waive all of TEPCO's present loans.

But, well, nationalization after the bankruptcy would solve that "future loans" obstacle
too. (And quite frankly, who really gives a hoot about banksters losing any money.)

We shall see how it all plays out.

Bank chiefs unsettled by Edano's remarks over TEPCO

"The heads of major banking groups did not hide their discomfort on Friday at
remarks by the government's top spokesman suggesting banks lending to the
embattled Tokyo Electric Power Co. (OOTC:TKECY) should forgive their debt and
help the utility pay compensation over the crisis at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
power plant.

Loans extended to Tokyo Electric, known as TEPCO, by SMFG, Mizuho and other
big banks amount to around 4 trillion yen, including 1.9 trillion yen in emergency
loans offered after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

''We have lent to TEPCO, considering the significant role it plays for the interest
of Japanese society,'' a senior official at a major bank said, complaining about
Edano's comments.

In the event of debt forgiveness, the official added, any loans to TEPCO must
be categorized as nonperforming and this could make it rather difficult for banks
to extend additional loans to the company."

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