How can I find a physics related job?

In summary: If you pass this CSET for physics, you can find a job teaching physics in High School, or some other places.
  • #1
Ok, here it goes. I graduated with a degree in math in 2010, and so far to now, I have been teaching chess, and math at college prep tutoring centers. I am interested in getting a job in physics, because I think physics is cool. My first question is: Do I need to go back to school, if I choose physics as a career. My second question is: If I do choose Physics, what sort of stuff can a person like me do? My prefer answer is that I can get a physics job by learning something myself, and putting it in my resume. My third question is: Out of curiosity, it seems to me that there is a oversupply/glut of PhD, and a lack of university position jobs. I would guess this also applies to physics, right. I am curious what exactly these people do if they fail to secure a job in universities?
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  • #2
Some options: get a masters degree in physics or a related discipline like Optics/imaging science or medical physics. That would open doors for you in the optics/imaging industry, medical physics, and a few other professional STEM fields (scientific programming corps like MathWorks, Wolfram, etc.).

If by physics you mean "pure academic research with tenure at a university", then yes that is about as narrow and picky you can possibly get, and you will not make it anywhere near that without a phd and several years of relevant experience.
  • #3
Why are you interested in physics? Did you take any physics classes in college? With virtually no physics background, you won't be hired to do a physics job. What kind of job did you have in mind? Not everyone earning a PhD in physics wants to work for a university. Many if not most get jobs in industry, labs, or for the government and contractors. But you're not eligible to apply to a masters or PhD program in physics with no background in the field. They don't start over from the beginning.
  • #4
My opinion is that there is no such thing as a "physics related job". You are either a physicist doing research or you are not. Many people who try and fail to become physicists rebrand and remarket themselves as engineers, computer programmers or teachers.
  • #5
I did study some physics on my own.
  • #6
There are certainly "physics related jobs" that are not directly involved in doing research. High school physics teachers and engineers supporting physicists doing research are two that come to mind. However, these may or may not be "close enough" for your taste.

If you want to be directly involved in research, you need a Ph.D. in physics, period, end of sentence. Less would be required if you wanted to teach high school or work as an engineer, but they would both require more education than "I've studied some physics on my own".
  • #7
TMFKAN64 said:
Less would be required if you wanted to teach high school or work as an engineer, but they would both require more education than "I've studied some physics on my own".
Not really. At least in California you could take and pass the CSET for physics after "studying some physics on your own" or even just remembering AP Physics B . Biology and Chem grads do it all the time to teach physics in addition to chem or bio to be more marketable in getting a teaching job because they can be assigned courses in different subjects. Physics grads do the same for chem or bio.
  • #8
Yes, you are right. I somehow didn't think the OP had a bachelor's degree, which is a requirement for a teaching credential in CA, so I thought he'd need to finish a degree. But since he said he has already graduated with a degree in math, passing CSET is all that's required.
  • #9
TMFKAN64 said:
Yes, you are right. I somehow didn't think the OP had a bachelor's degree, which is a requirement for a teaching credential in CA, so I thought he'd need to finish a degree. But since he said he has already graduated with a degree in math, passing CSET is all that's required.

I want to understand this more. You mean to say If I pass this CSET for physics, I can find a job teaching physics in High School, or some other places?
  • #10
This is in California.

What you need is a "Single Subject Teaching Credential" for physics, or at least an "Emergency" version of this. When my wife did this for math five years ago the credential required:
* A bachelor's degree
* Giving your fingerprints to get a criminal background check clearance
* Passing a general reading/writing/arithmetic test (CBEST)
* Passing the CSET in the subject you are interested in.
* Completing a one year approved teacher credentialing program..

The "Emergency" credential means you can do away with the credentialing program if a district is willing to hire you and apply for it on your behalf.

So, in theory, since you already have a bachelor's degree, you could be qualified to be a high school physics teacher in the state of California by passing two more tests and submitting to a background check.

Now, the real problem would be finding a job. This is not a great time to become a teacher. And districts are not really thrilled about hiring someone with only an "Emergency" credential, because they have to report statistics on how many teachers are "well-qualified", and only having an emergency credential is not considered good enough.

Even factoring in the one-year credential program though, this is probably your quickest way to a "physics-related" job.
  • #11
ha! EVERY job is physics related. Though you may not need a Physics degree for every job, it always helps.
  • #12
TMFKAN64 said:
This is in California.

What you need is a "Single Subject Teaching Credential" for physics, or at least an "Emergency" version of this. When my wife did this for math five years ago the credential required:
* A bachelor's degree
* Giving your fingerprints to get a criminal background check clearance
* Passing a general reading/writing/arithmetic test (CBEST)
* Passing the CSET in the subject you are interested in.
* Completing a one year approved teacher credentialing program..

The "Emergency" credential means you can do away with the credentialing program if a district is willing to hire you and apply for it on your behalf.

So, in theory, since you already have a bachelor's degree, you could be qualified to be a high school physics teacher in the state of California by passing two more tests and submitting to a background check.

Now, the real problem would be finding a job. This is not a great time to become a teacher. And districts are not really thrilled about hiring someone with only an "Emergency" credential, because they have to report statistics on how many teachers are "well-qualified", and only having an emergency credential is not considered good enough.

Even factoring in the one-year credential program though, this is probably your quickest way to a "physics-related" job.

I got a misdemeanor in traspassing for punching my roommate at UCLA. Would this be a problem?
  • #13
ha! EVERY job is physics related. Though you may not need a Physics degree for every job, it always helps.

As a physics phd working as a statistician, I strongly disagree. Most jobs physics degrees get just don't the degree.
  • #14
TMFKAN64 said:
This is in California.

What you need is a "Single Subject Teaching Credential" for physics, or at least an "Emergency" version of this. When my wife did this for math five years ago the credential required:
* A bachelor's degree
* Giving your fingerprints to get a criminal background check clearance
* Passing a general reading/writing/arithmetic test (CBEST)
* Passing the CSET in the subject you are interested in.
* Completing a one year approved teacher credentialing program..

The "Emergency" credential means you can do away with the credentialing program if a district is willing to hire you and apply for it on your behalf.

So, in theory, since you already have a bachelor's degree, you could be qualified to be a high school physics teacher in the state of California by passing two more tests and submitting to a background check.

Now, the real problem would be finding a job. This is not a great time to become a teacher. And districts are not really thrilled about hiring someone with only an "Emergency" credential, because they have to report statistics on how many teachers are "well-qualified", and only having an emergency credential is not considered good enough.

Even factoring in the one-year credential program though, this is probably your quickest way to a "physics-related" job.

Yup, before the budget crisis the state used to be desperate for physics teachers. I imagine nowadays they might just not offer physics in some schools or pack them like sardines.
  • #15
Integral said:
ha! EVERY job is physics related. Though you may not need a Physics degree for every job, it always helps.

Couldnt you substitute english/math in for physics and it would still be true?
  • #16
PhillipWong said:
I got a misdemeanor in traspassing for punching my roommate at UCLA. Would this be a problem?

Felonies I think are the deal breakers or a trend of recurring misdemeanors.
  • #17
Integral said:
ha! EVERY job is physics related. Though you may not need a Physics degree for every job, it always helps.

I'm not sure how "window cleaner" is physics related... Or how it would possibly help.
  • #18
micromass said:
I'm not sure how "window cleaner" is physics related... Or how it would possibly help.

I think he's joking... A window cleaner needs to know a bit of the physics of gravity to know which way the cleaning solution is going to run. No degree needed, but physics is needed (in some silly sense).
  • #19
micromass said:
I'm not sure how "window cleaner" is physics related... Or how it would possibly help.

Newtonian mechanics and Coulomb's law of friction explains why ladders only slip AFTER you climbed to the top of them :smile:
  • #20
PhillipWong said:
I got a misdemeanor in trespassing for punching my roommate at UCLA. Would this be a problem?

After a quick google search, it looks like they are mainly concerned with sex and drug offenses and violent felonies. They apparently have more latitude than that, so they can throw the book at you if they want for less... but they seem to accept arguments that the behavior is unlikely to happen again. So you could always argue you were young and stupid and it won't happen again, and you'll probably be OK.

FAQ: How can I find a physics related job?

1. How can I find a physics related job?

There are several ways to find a physics related job. First, you can search for job openings on online job boards, such as Indeed or LinkedIn. Second, you can attend job fairs and networking events specifically for scientists and engineers. Third, you can reach out to your university's career center for job opportunities and resources. Finally, you can directly contact companies or organizations that interest you to inquire about job openings.

2. What types of jobs are available for those with a physics degree?

There are many types of jobs available for those with a physics degree. Some common career paths include research scientist, engineer, data analyst, teacher, and consultant. However, there are also opportunities in fields such as finance, healthcare, and technology that require a strong understanding of physics principles.

3. What skills and qualifications are typically required for a physics related job?

The specific skills and qualifications required for a physics related job will vary depending on the specific position and industry. However, most jobs will require a strong foundation in physics principles and problem-solving skills. Other common qualifications include a degree in physics or a related field, experience with data analysis and programming, and strong communication and teamwork skills.

4. Are there any specific industries that offer a high demand for physics related jobs?

There are several industries that have a high demand for individuals with a background in physics. These include technology, aerospace, defense, energy, and healthcare. Additionally, with the growing emphasis on data-driven decision making and technology, there is an increasing demand for physics graduates in fields such as finance, consulting, and data science.

5. What are some tips for standing out in a competitive job market for physics related positions?

To stand out in a competitive job market, it is important to showcase your unique skills and experiences. This could include highlighting any research projects or internships you have completed, as well as any relevant technical skills or certifications. Additionally, networking and building relationships with professionals in your desired industry can also help you stand out and potentially lead to job opportunities. Finally, continuously learning and staying up-to-date on the latest advancements in your field can also make you a more attractive candidate to employers.

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