Polarization when associated with electric fields?

In summary, polarization refers to the shifting of electric charges within a material in response to an external electric field, creating an overall dipole moment. It occurs when an electric field is applied to a material, resulting in a temporary buildup of charge on one side and a deficit on the other. The difference between polarized and unpolarized light is that polarized light vibrates in a specific direction while unpolarized light vibrates in all directions. Polarization is important in optics because it affects how light behaves when passing through certain materials, and it can be used to reduce glare, improve image contrast, and reveal hidden details. In technology, polarization is used in LCD screens, 3D glasses, cameras, and communication systems to reduce interference
  • #1
Can any 1 please help me out with this...i'm not able to understand the term polarization when associated with electric fields??
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Acting on a dielectric, an electric field polarizes the molecules by stretching the positive charges and negaive charges in opposite directions.
This gives each molecule an electric dipole moment.
A polarization vector P is introduced that is equal to the dipole moment per unit volume.
  • #3
heythanx a lot..

FAQ: Polarization when associated with electric fields?

What is polarization when associated with electric fields?

Polarization refers to the shifting of electric charges within a material in response to an external electric field. This results in the separation of positive and negative charges, creating an overall dipole moment.

How does polarization occur in materials?

When an electric field is applied to a material, the electrons within the material are displaced from their original positions, causing a temporary buildup of charge on one side and a deficit on the other. This creates an electric dipole moment and results in polarization.

What is the difference between polarized and unpolarized light?

Polarized light refers to light waves that vibrate in a specific direction, while unpolarized light refers to light waves that vibrate in all directions. Polarized light is created when unpolarized light passes through a polarizing filter.

Why is polarization important in optics?

Polarization is important in optics because it affects how light behaves when passing through certain materials. It can be used to reduce glare, improve image contrast, and even reveal hidden details in objects.

How is polarization used in technology?

Polarization is utilized in various technologies, such as LCD screens, 3D glasses, and polarizing filters for cameras. It is also used in communication systems, such as satellite and fiber optic cables, to reduce interference and improve signal quality.
