Solving a Grade 12 Physics Problem: Pulling vs Pushing a Heavy Box

In summary, the question is asking which method - pulling up or pushing down at an angle - would be easier to move a heavy box without applying horizontal force. The answer should be in the form of an algebraic equation, using knowledge of grade 11 physics formulas. It has been determined that using trigonometry is necessary to divide the force into horizontal and vertical components, and the diagrams and equations have been provided for both methods. Further work may be necessary to fully solve the problem.
  • #1
Bonus Question...

So my teacher gave us this question... where he describes that. "We have a heavy box, we want to move it but can NOT apply horizantal force (meaning CANT get on your knees and push it) we would have to either push down on it at an angle to move it, or pull up and push (or pull he didnt specify), which method is easier?"

Ok well I would say that pulling up on it would be easier because it reduces the amount of friction, right? Pushing down on it, increases the friction... But the hard part is...

Our answer has to be in the form of an algebraic equation..

How do I go about converting my answer into algebra (assuming my answer was right).

He said it's a grade 12 problem, but we should be able to do it... (using our knowledge of physics, grade 11 formulas ..)

Ive seen some grade 12 problems... the only difference right now for me between grade 11 and 12 problems is that they throw in some trig... Would I have to use trig here because you're pulling up, the surface isn't horizantal? Or could I use grade 11 knowledge and make an equation?
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  • #2
Draw two pictures, one showing a force pushing down on the box and the other showing a force pushing up. Yes, you will need to use trigonometry to divide the force into horizontal and vertical components. In one the vertical component will be downward, adding to the weight and increasing the friction. In the other the vertical component will be upward, reducing the weight and decreasing the friction.
  • #3
I drew two diagrams, the thing is that I understand what you're saying... but I still can't express it as an equation...
im trying to come up with an equation for the first FBD I drew which has the downward force on it.

Y Dir-

Fn(normal force) - Fd (force downward) - Fg (force of gravity) = 0

...Thats all I have so far... :(
  • #4
Wait wait wait wait

... I tried again and for my first FBD (for the downward force) I got

Ff = MFn
Fn = mg + Fdsin
Ff = M(mg+Fdsin)

And that would mean that for the second one it would be

Ff = M(mg-Fusin)


Can I go further?

FAQ: Solving a Grade 12 Physics Problem: Pulling vs Pushing a Heavy Box

What is the difference between pulling and pushing a heavy box in terms of physics?

Pulling and pushing a heavy box require different forces and result in different types of motion. Pulling a heavy box involves using a pulling force that is parallel to the direction of motion, while pushing involves using a pushing force that is perpendicular to the direction of motion. This can affect the friction and normal forces acting on the box, resulting in different accelerations and movements.

Which method, pulling or pushing, is more efficient for moving a heavy box?

In general, pulling tends to be more efficient for moving a heavy box. This is because pulling utilizes the full force of the person's body, while pushing only utilizes the upper body. Additionally, pulling allows for more control and stability over the box, making it easier to maintain a constant force and direction of motion.

How does the angle of the pulling or pushing force affect the movement of a heavy box?

The angle of the pulling or pushing force can greatly affect the motion of a heavy box. When the force is applied at an angle, it can be broken down into two components: one parallel to the direction of motion and one perpendicular. The parallel component is responsible for the acceleration of the box, while the perpendicular component can affect the normal force and friction. Therefore, the angle of the force can greatly impact the overall movement of the box.

What are some potential factors that may affect the force required to move a heavy box?

Some potential factors that may affect the force required to move a heavy box include the mass of the box, the coefficient of friction between the box and the surface it is being moved on, the angle of the surface, and the angle and magnitude of the applied force. Other factors such as air resistance and the condition of the surface can also play a role.

What are some ways to increase the efficiency of moving a heavy box?

Some ways to increase the efficiency of moving a heavy box include reducing the weight of the box, using a smoother or more slippery surface, reducing the angle of the surface, and using a pulling force instead of a pushing force. Additionally, using a pulley system or enlisting the help of additional people can also increase the efficiency of moving a heavy box.

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