Who Are Yahoo Slurp Spiders? - Daniel

  • Thread starter dextercioby
  • Start date
In summary: In fact, I'm not even going to mention anything about them in this summary. I think you get the idea. :)In summary, Daniel discovered that Yahoo Slurp Spiders are indexing the site for their search engines and he's scared because of the creepy images that come to mind.
  • #1
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Okay,guys & gals,i know I'm too curious (and probably going to die,because of that*removed emoticon*),but,as checking the "Who's online" page,i came across something intriguiging:
QUESTION;Who are "Yahoo Slurp Spiders"...?And what do they do for a living??


P.S.*emoticon removed*
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Dear me!
Up till now I've lived in blissful ignorance of the existence of slurp spiders (my online option was set on members only); but now, I'm getting scared..
(it doesn't exist slurp spiders underneath my bed, does it?)
  • #3
Sorry,Arlidno,but I'm so stupid,that i didn't get the joke.Or wasn't it a joke ?? :-p


P.S.Fot the joke case:*rofl*:-p
  • #4
I only just noticed those today too! I really don't like spiders. I've vaguely heard of spiders in a web context, but am not entirely sure what they do. I suspect they are the things that run around capturing web pages for search engines (there was a google one in there too earlier). But, I did find it somewhat disturbing they were called "slurp" spiders. Scary, awful images of giant, drooling arachnids trying to suck out our brains are going to haunt my nightmares tonight! Eeewwww!

For that matter, I've never before been able to see the list of all the pages guests are viewing either. Did something change in the settings so we don't just see members in the "Who's Online" page?

Edit: Okay, I found out who these guys are, but their name is still giving me the creepy crawlies! And I still don't know why I can suddenly see that they are there when I never could before. http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp/
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  • #5
Moonbear said:
For that matter, I've never before been able to see the list of all the pages guests are viewing either. Did something change in the settings so we don't just see members in the "Who's Online" page?
Perhaps the spiders chose to reveal themselves today..
What might that mean?
  • #6
Message alert:
At the next to last page, I found a "googlebot. spider" lurking.
But only seconds later, it was nowhere to be found!
Keep your eyes open and watch your back..
  • #7
arildno said:
Perhaps the spiders have chosen to reveal themselves this day..(that doesn't bode well)

*Grabs can of RAID and vacuum cleaner* I really, truly hate spiders. If you want to see me act like a total wimp, let a big, fat, furry spider into my house. Just remember, if you do that, I'm shoving you toward it to get rid of it. :biggrin: Though the really big ones get herded out the door because I'd rather chase them with a broom than squash them.
  • #8
arildno said:
Message alert:
At the next to last page, I found a "googlebot. spider" lurking.
But only seconds later, it was nowhere to be found!
Keep your eyes open and watch your back..

Makes you wonder if The Matrix is really fiction, doesn't it? *cues Twilight Zone music*
  • #9
Thanks,Moonbear,that's a very unfortunate (and creepy) use of names,indeed...Idiots...*Yukk*

  • #10
All-right, I saw your edit now Moonbear; but the presence of the "googlebot.com spider" remain unexplained..
  • #11
arildno said:
All-right, I saw your edit now Moonbear; but the presence of the "googlebot.com spider" remain unexplained..

That's Google's version. That's the one that gives me images of The Matrix style robot-like spiders. Still creepy, but not as bad as the images the word "slurp" brings to mind. As if I don't have enough trouble falling asleep.
  • #12
The name **spiders** go well with **web** and one can have a decent analogy why it would **crawl** the **web**. Personally, i think that's a nice geeky name for a "Web site indexer". Ofcourse, everyone doesn't have to like the names. I wonder what would u guys feel if u were using linux. I guess you would be surprised to see that u have to type gimp to start a photo editing tool :p.

gimp : Disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet
(Dont even try to relate this meaning with the software :p)

-- AI
  • #13
:smile: You guys are too funny!

I believe that the bots and spiders are just indexing our site for their search engines. I actually search PF more often with Google than with our own search feature. It works a lot better. :redface:
  • #14
Tom Mattson said:
:smile: You guys are too funny!

I believe that the bots and spiders are just indexing our site for their search engines. I actually search PF more often with Google than with our own search feature. It works a lot better. :redface:

What's the computer geek fascination with creepy crawly things? First it was bugs, then viruses and worms, now spiders, and not just spiders, but Slurp spiders (y'know, it's mostly that slurping sound that is bothering me). Must be from all those geeks who sit by the computer eating all day, not picking up their crumbs or washing their dishes. The whole darn internet needs to be fumigated! :smile:

Yeah, I've noticed that too about Google being better at finding PF threads than the search feature here. When I'm looking for a specific post, and it's in the middle of a LONG thread, our search engine (unless I missed something somewhere) only takes me to the start of the thread rather than to the specific post that matches the search terms. Even if I search within the thread, it doesn't seem that helpful.

Nonetheless, why do we suddenly see them when I've never seen them before? I'm sure they've always been around, but it's just much better to not have to look at them. :-p

Edit: nevermind that last question, I found the menu to display only members instead of "All" so I don't have to see spiders crawling around anymore.
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FAQ: Who Are Yahoo Slurp Spiders? - Daniel

1. Who is Yahoo Slurp Spider?

Yahoo Slurp Spider is an automated web crawler or bot created by the internet company Yahoo. It is used to index and collect information from websites for the purpose of improving search engine results.

2. What is the purpose of Yahoo Slurp Spider?

The main purpose of Yahoo Slurp Spider is to crawl and index web pages for the Yahoo search engine. This helps Yahoo provide accurate and up-to-date search results to its users.

3. How does Yahoo Slurp Spider work?

Yahoo Slurp Spider works by following links from one website to another, collecting data and indexing it for the Yahoo search engine. It uses algorithms and specific criteria to determine which pages to crawl and how frequently to update them.

4. Is Yahoo Slurp Spider harmful to my website?

No, Yahoo Slurp Spider is not harmful to your website. It is a legitimate bot used by Yahoo for indexing purposes. However, if you notice unusual or excessive crawling activity from Yahoo Slurp Spider, it could be a sign of spam or malicious activity, and you should take steps to block it.

5. How can I control Yahoo Slurp Spider's crawling activity on my website?

You can control Yahoo Slurp Spider's crawling activity by using a robots.txt file to specify which pages of your website you want to be crawled. You can also set crawl rate limits in your website's settings to control how frequently Yahoo Slurp Spider visits your site.
