What Comes After Graduating with Multiple Degrees and Landing a Job?

In summary: Congratulations on your graduation!I thought Med School was where you did all the practicing. Afterwards, you should be able to actually do it! :biggrin:
  • #1
I just finished my last exam last night at midnight and put it under my professor's door. God damn it feels good to finally graduate. I will be leaving with BS math, BS chemistry, and minor in economics. As for now I have been offered a full time job as a medicinal chemist at a pharmaceutical company. I plan on taking the mcats in april and applying medschool though next year. Well, time to get back to drinking. BTW where the heck did I put down my glass of Dom Perignon?
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  • #2
lol graduateD. yes i did go to college :smile:
  • #3
Well, what can I say. Another chapter of life closes. Graduation is a bit more sentimental to me than just, hey I'm out the door however. It's a great time to contemplate of all the things you've been doing these past years and how you've changed or matured. In anycase, congratulations !
  • #4
gravenewworld said:
lol graduateD. yes i did go to college :smile:
ha ha :smile: I thought your title was an imperative sentence.
Congrats to you! Way to go!
Med school, huh? You're just a glutton for punishment. :biggrin:
  • #5
Congratulations gravenewworld!

Good luck on the MCAT's and best wishes with regards to Med School.
  • #6
Awesome, congrats!
  • #7
Thank you all. I am quite sure my parents will be thrilled when I finally get my $160,000 piece of paper in the mail.
  • #8
gravenewworld said:
I am quite sure my parents will be thrilled when I finally get my $160,000 piece of paper in the mail.
Haha, yeah, what a buncha suckers. Er, I mean

Congrats, gravenewworld!!!1

It's a grave new world! Hah. Eh. Yeah. Woo. So do you know what you want to do after med school?
  • #9
honestrosewater said:
So do you know what you want to do after med school?
Usually, one practices medicine. :biggrin: :smile:

Congrats Graveneworld!
  • #10
Moonbear said:
Usually, one practices medicine. :biggrin: :smile:
I thought Med School was where you did all the practicing. Afterwards, you should be able to actually do it! :biggrin:

FAQ: What Comes After Graduating with Multiple Degrees and Landing a Job?

1. What is "Wahoo Just Graduate from College"?

"Wahoo Just Graduate from College" is a phrase that is often used to celebrate someone's recent graduation from college. It is typically accompanied by cheers, applause, and other forms of congratulations.

2. What does "Wahoo" mean in this context?

In this context, "Wahoo" is a slang term that is used to express excitement or joy. It is often used as an exclamation or cheer, similar to "hooray" or "yay".

3. Is "Wahoo Just Graduate from College" a common phrase?

Yes, it is a fairly common phrase that is often used at graduation ceremonies or parties to celebrate a recent college graduate.

4. Can "Wahoo Just Graduate from College" be used for other types of graduations?

While it is most commonly used for college graduations, it can also be used for other types of graduations, such as high school or graduate school. It is a versatile phrase that can be used to celebrate any major academic achievement.

5. Can I use "Wahoo Just Graduate from College" to congratulate someone who hasn't graduated yet?

Yes, you can use this phrase to express your excitement and anticipation for someone who is about to graduate from college. It can be used as a form of encouragement and support for their upcoming achievement.

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