Compact subset of a locally compact space

In summary, to prove that if X is locally compact and a subset of X, V, is compact, then there is an open set G with V \subset G and closure(G) compact, we first use the fact that X is regular to find open sets around each point in V whose closures sit in U. Then, using the local compactness of X and compactness of V, we can construct an open cover of V and find a finite subcover, whose union forms an open set G with V \subset G and closure(G) compact. Additionally, the boundary of G is also compact as it is a closed subset of a compact space.
  • #1

Homework Statement

How would I prove that if X is locally compact and a subset of X, V, is compact, then there is an open set G with [tex]V \subset G[/tex] and closure(G) compact?EDIT: X is also Hausdorff (which with local compactness implies that it is regular) if that matters

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
If X is regular, then given a point x in X and a nbhd* U of x, we can find a nbhd W of x whose closure sits in U. Do this for each x in V. Now use the facts that X is locally compact and that V is compact.

(*: I'm using nbhd to mean an open set containing x.)
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  • #3
So because X is locally compact, we have a nbhd around every point x whose closure is compact, call it N_x. Now, like you said, for all x in V, we take find a nbhd around x, call it M_x whose closure sits in N_x.

The union of M_x over x in V form an open cover of V, so we have a finite subcover, say {M_x_1 to M_x_n}. Union M_x_i is an open set that contains V. Is its closure compact, though?
  • #4
Okay. I see why the closure is compact. But also, how would I prove that the boundary of our open set G is compact?
  • #5
It's a closed subset of a compact space, isn't it?
  • #6
Got it. Thanks.

FAQ: Compact subset of a locally compact space

1. What is a compact subset of a locally compact space?

A compact subset of a locally compact space is a subset of a topological space that is both compact and locally compact. This means that the subset is closed and bounded, and every point in the subset has a compact neighborhood within the larger space.

2. What is the difference between compact and locally compact?

The main difference between compact and locally compact is that compactness is a global property, meaning that the entire space is compact, while local compactness is a local property, meaning that each point in the space has a compact neighborhood.

3. Can a locally compact space be non-compact?

Yes, a locally compact space can be non-compact. This is because local compactness only requires that each point in the space has a compact neighborhood, but the space as a whole may not be compact.

4. How are compact subsets useful in topology?

Compact subsets are useful in topology because they have many desirable properties, such as being closed and bounded. They also allow for the use of certain theorems and techniques, such as the Heine-Borel theorem and Tychonoff's theorem.

5. Can a non-compact subset of a locally compact space be compact?

Yes, a non-compact subset of a locally compact space can be compact. This is because a subset can be compact without the entire space being compact, as long as it satisfies the definition of compactness (being closed and bounded).

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