Effect of temperature on increase in volume

In summary, density is mass divided by volume. As you heat something up the volume increases so the density decreases.
  • #1

I have a fundamental question

Density is mass divided by volume. As you heat something up the volume increases so the density decreases.

Ok, but can anyone explain with a physical(intuitive) example: that is why is it that when you heat up something volume increases??Any intuitive example?

Please help!
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  • #2
In a beaker take a little water and start heating. Before the boiling point is reached, pour a drop of blue ink in the water. See how the blue is spreading. You will notice that some sort of a ìcurrentî is generated in the water. The hot water molecules from the bottom of the beaker move up. This is called the convection current. The current keeps on circulating till the entire body of water heats up uniformly. Transfer of heat in liquids and gases always takes place through convection.

Also, is it that, in the convection example;

In a beaker take a little water and start heating. Before the boiling point is reached, pour a drop of blue ink in the water. See how the blue is spreading. You will notice that some sort of a ìcurrentî is generated in the water. The hot water molecules from the bottom of the beaker move up. This is called the convection current. The current keeps on circulating till the entire body of water heats up uniformly. Transfer of heat in liquids and gases always takes place through convection.

Is it that, the rise of hot water is due to density decrease and the resultant effect of buoyancy?
  • #3
temperature is related to motion of particles, let's just call them electrons since I don't know much about this and the concept of the atom in my head is just a core with flying electrons around it...

so, the warmer/hotter matter is, the larger (amplitude) the motion of the electrons and hence they tend to occupy more space...

that's why solids not only expand, after that they tend to melt and liquids boils and after that evaporate...every molecule is simply needed more space for itself and its own energy overcomes other molecular forces of attraction...

and yes the circulating vertical current is due to difference in density...

...that is why air-conditioning vents are typically placed at the top of walls, below the ceiling and eventually the cold air will want to come down and cool the entire height of the room

... and why some heating vents up north do just fine at the bottom of the wall along the floor and eventually the hot air will want to go up and warm up the entire height of the room.
  • #4
svishal03 said:
Ok, but can anyone explain with a physical(intuitive) example: that is why is it that when you heat up something volume increases??Any intuitive example?

First of all, not everything expands when it is heated. Gases in rigid containers do not expand when heated, they increase in pressure but the volume remains constant. Water at 0°C does not expand when heated, it contracts until the temperature reaches about 3.984°C. After that it expands.

Temperature is a measure of kinetic energy; that is, energy of motion. When the temperature of an ideal gas is increased, the molecules of that gas move faster and hit harder and more often. If the gas is not constrained, it will push whatever is around it away. In other words, the gas will expand.

That's about as simple as I can make it. It's not really a simple matter.
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  • #5
gsal said:
temperature is related to motion of particles, let's just call them electrons since I don't know much about this and the concept of the atom in my head is just a core with flying electrons around it...

Let's call them atoms or molecules. Your conceptual view is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohr_model" .
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FAQ: Effect of temperature on increase in volume

What is the effect of temperature on the increase in volume?

The effect of temperature on the increase in volume is that as temperature increases, the volume of a substance also increases. This is due to the particles in the substance gaining more energy and moving further apart, leading to an expansion in volume.

How does temperature affect the expansion of gases?

Temperature has a direct effect on the expansion of gases. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the gas molecules also increases, causing them to move faster and take up more space, leading to an increase in volume.

Does temperature have the same effect on all substances?

No, temperature does not have the same effect on all substances. In general, most substances expand with an increase in temperature, but the degree of expansion varies depending on the type of substance and its physical properties.

Is there a specific equation to calculate the change in volume due to temperature?

Yes, there is a specific equation known as the coefficient of thermal expansion, which can be used to calculate the change in volume of a substance due to temperature. This equation takes into account the original volume of the substance and its coefficient of thermal expansion.

Can temperature also affect the density of a substance?

Yes, temperature can also affect the density of a substance. As temperature increases, the volume of the substance expands, causing the density to decrease. Similarly, as temperature decreases, the volume of the substance contracts, leading to an increase in density.
