Terrorism: Weak vs Strong, Causes & Nuclear Weapons

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  • Thread starter Microburst
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In summary, while terrorism can be terrible when practiced by weak individuals or groups, it can also be justified in the name of culture or political goals by those who don't have access to more sophisticated weaponry.
  • #71
Burnsys said:
Burnsys... FAIR AND BALANCED! hahaha

:smile: :smile: :smile:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
fourier jr, I don't know that I've seen such little relevance take so many words to say before. But if you feel like making an argument to support the point, go for it.

Burnsys, I'm not denying that they exist, the conspiracy theory is in that they control the world. (of course, that would beg the question - if they did control the world, are they fighting each other for that control?)

Also, you haven't presented an argument yet...
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  • #73
russ_watters said:
fourier jr, I don't know that I've seen such little relevance take so many words to say before.

1. the US manipulated the UN
2. the real reasons for the Iraq ataq #1 were Bush's popularity (or lack of...) and the impending military budget cuts.

was that a just war or what?

re: CFR I don't think that they control the world, but they are definitely the ones who have been planning out US world domination for the last 80 years. Here's the review/synopsis of the definitive study on the Council on Foreign Relations again:

having actually read that book I can verify that pretty much all the stuff about the post-WWII world order came from the CFR's own War & Peace Studies. (see the section of the synopsis on Shaping a New World Order) One single article had about 200 references to Council documents or studies.
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  • #74
russ_watters: I think creating circumstance for terrorism is also terrorism. Middle east , no doubt is the most abused and manipulated region of the world.
  • #75
fourier jr said:
1. the US manipulated the UN
2. the real reasons for the Iraq ataq #1 were Bush's popularity (or lack of...) and the impending military budget cuts.

was that a just war or what?
Assume for the sake of argument both are true. That doesn't necessarily lead to your conclusion (Iraq did, afterall, invade their neighbor), but assume that is true as well. What does any of that have to do with terrorism? Answer: nothing.

Microburst: since its our existence that is causing this terrorism (they have said it quite explicitly), that makes every victim also a terrorist. That's some pretty twisted logic.

Both of you are having trouble dealing with the fact that words have objective definitions. You simply don't want to use the word as it is defined because of what it means (which is a pretty ironic problem).
  • #77
russ_watters said:
fourier jr, I don't know that I've seen such little relevance take so many words to say before. But if you feel like making an argument to support the point, go for it.

Burnsys, I'm not denying that they exist, the conspiracy theory is in that they control the world. (of course, that would beg the question - if they did control the world, are they fighting each other for that control?)

Also, you haven't presented an argument yet...

I will be quick. it's late. are 2 am..

CFR/Trilateral Commission Members
Members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission dominate key positions in America's government, military, industries, media outlets and educational foundations and institutions. The following is a partial list of current CFR members and the positions of influence they hold in society. The CFR's membership is limited to 3,000, and there are only 325 Trilateral Commission members.

This are articles from their oficial website...
March 2, 1999:
What Does the Future Hold for China and the World?

From the findings of these studies flow the following policy prescriptions:

The United States must establish a set of priorities that contributes to PRC integration into the world community and serves as a benchmark for the relationship. These priorities include: enhancing mutual security, developing economic relations that benefit both partners more equally, and encouraging the rule of law.
The United States and China must pursue the most promising areas of cooperation aggressively, such as preservation of stability on the Korean peninsula, environmental protection, energy conservation, and improvement of China's monetary and financial system.
The United States must offer China a seat at the table when rules that affect its interests are decided; this is an important element in China's commitment to fulfilling its international agreements.
The United States must have the support of Europe and Asia in establishing a set of norms that will govern China and America's interaction in world affairs; the United States can lead, but it cannot dictate.
(Remember how many journalist and CEOs in the media are from the CFR )

President Bush's First 100 Days: For Your News Coverage, Experts from the
Council on Foreign Relations


April 27, 2001 - President George W. Bush's 100th day in office is this Monday, April 30, 2001. To help journalists cover the first 100 days of Bush Administration's foreign policy, the Council on Foreign Relations is pleased to offer interviews with some of the world's leading foreign policy experts. We encourage you to call our experts directly; we list them below with their Council on Foreign Relations phone numbers. Please identify interviewees as being with the Council on Foreign Relations

By controlling government through the CFR, the power brokers are able to control America’s economy, politics, law, education, and day-to-day subsistence. …The CFR is an extension of the old-world imperialistic British oligarchy." – Dr. James W. Wardner, author of the book The Planned Destruction of America

"The Council on Foreign Relations [is] dedicated to one-world government… [and]…for converting the United States from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of one-world dictatorship." – Congressman John R. Rarick

The most powerful clique in these elitist groups [Ed. Note: Such as the CFR and the Trilateral Commission] have one objective in common – they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. A second clique of international bankers in the CFR…comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government. – Chester Ward, Rear Admiral (U.S. Navy, retired; former CFR member)

"The purpose of the Trilateral Commission is to engineer an enduring partnership among the ruling classes of North America, Western Europe, and Japan – thus trilateral.
(From their web site)

"The Trilateral Commission is international... (and)...is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. …What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political government of the nation-states involved. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the world." – Senator Barry Goldwater

and of course they figth for power too..
but of course.. everyone has secrets... they have some "Codes"
and how many choices do you have for this elections?
bush or kerry.. our of 120 millons people... that's what i call DEMOCRACY!
  • #78
Can you tell me what progress, specifically, has been made toward a one-world government recently?
  • #79
russ_watters said:
Can you tell me what progress, specifically, has been made toward a one-world government recently?

World Bank,
United Nations
International Monetary Found
World Trade Organization

From their WebSite:
NEW TASK FORCE: The Council has launched an independent task force on the future of North America to examine regional integration since the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement 10 years ago. News release

Global Economic Governance at a Crossroads: Replacing the G-7 With the G-20, by Colin I. Bradford, Jr. and Johannes F. Lin, The Brookings Institution (April 2004)
Over the last few years as EMEs [emerging market economies] have played an increasing role in the world economy, G-7/8 meetings have become an inadequate means to address global economic challenges...

The PNAC, Proyect for the New American Century :

(From their web site:)
The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle; and that too few political leaders today are making the case for global leadership

if you enter their web site.. go to "About Pnac" and take a look at the staff...
Two of the staff are CFR Members..

He is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a contributing editor at the Weekly Standard, a columnist for the Washington Post, and the author of the best-selling book Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order. (From PNAC website)

From 1979 to 1990, Bruce Jackson served in the United States Army as a Military Intelligence Officer. From 1986 to 1990, he served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense in a variety of policy positions pertaining to nuclear forces and arms control. Upon leaving the Department of Defense in 1990, Mr. Jackson joined Lehman Brothers, an investment bank in New York, where he was a strategist in the firm's proprietary trading operations. Between 1993 and 2002, Mr. Jackson was Vice President for Strategy and Planning at Lockheed Martin Corporation.
(From PNAC website)
If you take a look at the membership list of the Council on Foreing Relations, you will see that 80% of the privates corporations who are part of the cft, they are all around the world... For Example:

Citigroup, They have banks in every country in the world... just imagine the amount of money they have in power... i think it's an inimaginable number...
IBM, At&t, Coca Cola,Chrysler,Dow Chemical. Xerox, Gillete, Johnson & Johnson, Pepsico, etc etc..those are all multinational corporations who operate in almost every country in the world.

I think that invading irak and Expanding "democracy and freedom" in the middle east can be called progress...
maybe you want to hear it directly from Ex President Bush Sr. or from the CFR.
Thake a look at this video:
(They say it... not me...)

Do the word "Globalization" say somenthing to you? as you can imagine.. A world government isn't something you can do in a couple of days.. It takes time... and it can't be done in one day, couse people will not tolerate it.. so it have to be done smooth, slow... by the way. they control the media too..

hope you will read all this i am posting, it take me time to do it... and don't answer me with 1 line post...
  • #80
Burnsys said:
...and don't answer me with 1 line post...
How about 1 word?: Rubbish. I won't be discussing this further. Its more absurdity than I can stomach at the moment and vastly off topic.
  • #81
Here are a partial list of conspiracy theories:

Karl Popper claimed that science is essentially defined as a set of falsifiable theories; theories and claims which are not falsifiable are thus not science. Critics of conspiracy theories sometimes argue that many of them are not falsifiable and so cannot be scientific. This accusation is often accurate, and is a necessary consequence of the logical structure of certain kinds of conspiracy theories. These take the form of uncircumscribed existential statements, alleging the existence of some action or object without specifying the place or time at which it can be observed. Failure to observe the phenomenon can then always be the result of looking in the wrong place or looking at the wrong time — that is, having been duped by the conspiracy. This makes impossible any demonstration that the conspiracy does not exist.
  • #82
haven't you seen the video? September 11 1991, President Bush talking about to bring The New World Order... They are saying it.. in fron of your faces.. but you don't want to see..all the text an quotes i posted are not in my imagination. they aren't fiction neither... They are from THEIR WEB SITES.. THEY ARE TELLING THIS: not me... but of course, the lie and the conspiracy is so big.. that it's imposible for you to se... i bet you believe in the "Fair and Balanced" in fox news channel...

Now i ask somenthing.,.. What do you think that people of the CFR is doinng? tell me what you think... what do they talk when they meet? if they are not planing global dominationt.. tell me what do you think they are doing..? I WANT YOUR OPINION!
  • #83
russ_watters said:
How about 1 word?: Rubbish. I won't be discussing this further. Its more absurdity than I can stomach at the moment and vastly off topic.

I second that.
  • #84
Burnsys said:
Now i ask somenthing.,.. What do you think that people of the CFR is doinng? tell me what you think... what do they talk when they meet? if they are not planing global dominationt..

pfft, I've been planning world domination since 6 years old.

Ok, honestly, they don't need to plan world domination, CFR, Trilateral and Bilderberg already own the world between them.
  • #85
They 're Pinky & the Brain. Yes, Pinky & the Brain.
One is a genius, the other's other insane.
They 're labratory mice. Their genes have been sliced.

They 're Pinky, they 're Pinky & the Brain Brain Brain Brain...

Before this night is done their plan will be unfurled.
By the dawning of the sun they 'll take over the world.

They 're Pinky, they 're Pinky & the Brain Brain Brain Brain...

Their twilight campaign is easy to explain.
To prove their mousey worth they 'll overthrough the earth.

They 're Pinky, they 're Pinky & the Brain Brain Brain Brain...

Narf !

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