How Can I Combat Pseudoscience in My Country?

  • Thread starter juan avellaneda
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In summary, the person is struggling with the prevalence of pseudoscience in their country due to a political law of "freedom of thinking". They are concerned about the damage it is causing and the lack of refusal or recognition from society. They mention an unusual case of two brothers, one being an astronomer and the other an astrologist. They ask for advice on what they can do from their position. The responses suggest educating oneself and others, as well as learning critical thinking skills to help differentiate between science and pseudoscience.
  • #1
juan avellaneda
hi all

ive scanning the media in my country and find a lot of pseudoscience, because of a political law of "freedom of thinking", this crap is really making big damage in our society, we are infested of astrologist, numerologist,magic cristals, everything you can imagine, and there are nobody that refuses them and make see the true
real scientist don't worry about it
even there is an insolit case of two brothers , one is astronomer and the other astrologist!
any idea of what can i do from my position?
Physics news on
  • #2
juan avellaneda said:
hi all

ive scanning the media in my country and find a lot of pseudoscience, because of a political law of "freedom of thinking", this crap is really making big damage in our society, we are infested of astrologist, numerologist,magic cristals, everything you can imagine, and there are nobody that refuses them and make see the true
real scientist don't worry about it
even there is an insolit case of two brothers , one is astronomer and the other astrologist!
any idea of what can i do from my position?
Hello Juan,
Yeah, that freedom of thinking business is a monster! :biggrin:
My idea is to simply relax, provided of course these people are not attempting to cause you personal injury. It is inevitable that people will have differing views and I don’t think it an overstatement to suggest that clashing opinions can bring deeper understanding, even advancement. Raise your children as you see fit, discuss the matter with people around you, and enjoy your life.
  • #3
juan avellaneda said:
hi all

ive scanning the media in my country and find a lot of pseudoscience, because of a political law of "freedom of thinking", this crap is really making big damage in our society, we are infested of astrologist, numerologist,magic cristals, everything you can imagine, and there are nobody that refuses them and make see the true
real scientist don't worry about it
even there is an insolit case of two brothers , one is astronomer and the other astrologist!
any idea of what can i do from my position?
You may be surprised to learn that it isn't much different in the US. We may have the benefit of a better education system, but not even good education can overcome all of human nature. My boss for example, is near as I can tell an excellent engineer, and he has homeopathic medicines in his desk.

What can you do? Educate yourself and those close to you (your kids when/if you get some).
  • #4
I agree with Russ - education is tops. As well, learn some critical thinking skills, which will force you to question the validity and credibility of those claims. Understand the differences between science and pseudoscience - one is built on the the scientific method while the other is speculation not based on any methods. For example, astronomy is science while astrology is pseudoscience.

FAQ: How Can I Combat Pseudoscience in My Country?

What is pseudoscience?

Pseudoscience refers to claims, beliefs, or practices that are presented as scientific but lack evidence, reliability, or validity.

How prevalent is pseudoscience in my country?

This can vary greatly depending on the country and the specific beliefs or practices that are considered pseudoscience. In general, pseudoscience is present in many countries, but the level of prevalence may differ.

What are some examples of pseudoscience in my country?

Some common examples of pseudoscience in many countries include astrology, homeopathy, and energy healing. However, there may be other specific beliefs or practices that are considered pseudoscience in your country.

What impact does pseudoscience have on society?

Pseudoscience can have a variety of impacts on society, including promoting false or misleading information, causing harm to individuals who rely on it for medical treatment, and diverting resources and attention away from legitimate scientific research.

How can we combat pseudoscience in my country?

One way to combat pseudoscience is through education and critical thinking. By promoting scientific literacy and teaching individuals how to evaluate evidence and claims, we can help people identify and reject pseudoscience. Additionally, holding individuals and organizations accountable for promoting pseudoscientific claims can also be effective in combating its spread.

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