Should You Share Your Revolutionary Science Theory Online?

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of presenting a new scientific theory and the importance of having a strong formal education and subjecting the theory to peer review. It also mentions the limitations of current theories and the necessity of understanding them in order to come up with a truly revolutionary idea. The conversation advises against falling in love with one's own ideas and emphasizes the importance of supporting data and rigorous analysis in the scientific community.
  • #1
Greetings , my friends!

Haven't asked that question in public before but for now I thought it might be beneficial to do so since You guys know stuff around here.
What do to if You've came to a some kind of science theory? therorem in maths , law in physics or alike which seems to have no conflicts with the other aspects and manages to unify the existing ( and perhaps even solve some paradoxes ).
Would it be a good idea to form it into a document and realease it off the internet? Is there any organization or place where it has to be looked over and would those people there be trustable enuogh if the idea might be a Good one? Or should we just forget about it? Or be as advanced as not to worry about earthly fame at all and thus not care about who's name gets associated with it? Or...?
Thank You for all the help!

All the Best!

Mathematics news on
  • #2
I am sorry, but if you do not have a strong formal education in the field covering your "new theory", how do you know that it is new? If you have a formal education then in the field covering your "new theory" then you will know how to present it, and who to present it to.

You may present questions about your ideas, but please do not fall to much in love with them. Be prepared to hear criticisms.
  • #3
If a theory is to have any merit it must withstand the strict scrutiny of peer review. In that regard, the internet, kiosks, blogs or vanity press do not cut it. Nor are sensationalism or hyperbole any substitute for supporting data arrived at with scientifically accepted protocols and rigorous analysis.
  • #4
Keep in mind that current theories are actually extremely detailed and amazingly accurate in pretty much all of their predictions. As integral said, in order to really understand the problems and the limitations of current models it is an absolute necessity to have a strong formal education in the science that relates to the model in question.

To a big extent, the idea that a person can, working alone and without formal training in science, arrive all of a sudden to a revolutionary idea that nobody has though of before, is very much a fairy tale.

FAQ: Should You Share Your Revolutionary Science Theory Online?

1. What is the process of releasing a new science theory?

The process of releasing a new science theory involves conducting thorough research, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting the findings in a clear and logical manner. This is usually done through publications in scientific journals or presentations at conferences. Before releasing a theory, it is also important to have it peer-reviewed by other experts in the field.

2. How can we determine the validity of a new science theory?

The validity of a new science theory can be determined through replication of experiments, further research and analysis, and comparison with existing theories and evidence. It is also important to consider the credibility and qualifications of the researchers and the evidence used to support the theory.

3. What is the role of evidence in releasing a science theory?

Evidence is crucial in releasing a science theory as it provides support for the claims made by the theory. The evidence should be reliable, relevant, and reproducible. It should also be presented and interpreted objectively and without bias.

4. Can new science theories change or replace existing theories?

Yes, new science theories can change or even replace existing theories if they are supported by strong evidence and can better explain or predict phenomena. This is a natural process in the evolution of scientific knowledge and understanding.

5. How do scientists handle criticism and skepticism when releasing new theories?

Scientists welcome criticism and skepticism as it helps to improve and refine their theories. They address any valid concerns or challenges by providing further evidence or revising their theories. This helps to strengthen the scientific community and promote progress in understanding the world around us.

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