How marketable is a BS in Applied Mathematics degree?

In summary: Basically, you need to know a LOT of mathematics in order to even try to understand the theory. That's why I think it's important to have a strong quantitative foundation before even considering taking a Diff Eq class. That, and I think it's important to have an understanding of what you're getting yourself into before investing time and money into a degree in Applied Mathematics. In summary, Applied Mathematics is a degree that is highly marketable, but you will need to have strong quantitative skills and knowledge before even considering it. Additionally, the course you take to get there is not as rigorous as other degrees, and you will need to have a strong foundation in mathematics before even considering it.
  • #1
Out of curiosity, what jobs could someone with a BS in applied mathematics apply for with a reasonable chance of getting? Additional skillsets would be programming...

Thank you!
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  • #2
The conclusion I have come to is that it is something more of an intellectual foundation and/or more certifications or a grad degree is required to have a more professional options/potential?

Can anyone confirm...or offer any knowledge...or feedback..

I fear my question was insufficient and/or shallow.
  • #3
The BS isn't marketable. The skills you picked up in the process are marketable. Programming is good, but it depends on whether you can convince an employer you can apply it.

Degrees aren't marketable. Skills are.
  • #4
It is marketable in the sense that when submitting your application, employers looking for analytical ability (finance, consulting, engineering, etc) will see your degree, say "ok, no issues here", and continue reading the rest of your resume.
  • #5
ozmotion said:
It is marketable in the sense that when submitting your application, employers looking for analytical ability (finance, consulting, engineering, etc) will see your degree, say "ok, no issues here", and continue reading the rest of your resume.

Sure. In that sense, Applied Mathematics is arguably the most marketable degree you could ever ask for.
  • #6
Medwell said:
Sure. In that sense, Applied Mathematics is arguably the most marketable degree you could ever ask for.

I more or less agree, though I'm not really one for superlatives. To look at the issue more objectively, you could turn to the job outlook report by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. You have to pay for a copy, but the gist of it is summarized by various news outlets reporting on it. (one source: )

The most marketable majors (both in terms of compensation and number of firms hiring) are those in engineering (applied math, basically) and finance/accounting.

In otherwords, strong quantitative and analytical skills are valued.
  • #7
This is somewhat unrelated but this semester has made me hate the applied math department at my school. My DE/LA class is the biggest plug and chug class ever, I learned much more from the pure math department. The applied math classes have programming projects but the programming is the least of your concerns because you spend so much time trying to figure out what the math is really saying after having poor explanations and problem sets. I'll get some skills from this class but it's not math skills. I could see a cross of CS and Math being pretty useful in terms of understanding and skills but only when they are separated. If they are combined early on then one will cave and unfortunately, in my case, it's the math. Maybe things change at the grad level, and I hope so for your sake.

I agree with Locrian that skills make the degree and with that said I'm convinced that an engineering degree will give you more than enough skills, including working in teams. I've also considered applied math before but an engineering degree will teach enough "applied math" for my taste. What are your reasons for wanting to go into applied math? What do you want to do with the degree?
  • #8
I would like to apply to to the social sciences, my greatest interest being economics. Thomas Schelling modeled many social phenomenon, such as, segregation through mathematical algorithms. I found some of his work namely this one very inspiring to me, I'm hoping to model similar phenomena.

Also agent-based modelling and predictive modelling is something that is attractive to me. My original post question, however, is more of a practical question.
  • #9
DrummingAtom said:
This is somewhat unrelated but this semester has made me hate the applied math department at my school. My DE/LA class is the biggest plug and chug class ever, I learned much more from the pure math department.

Yeah, but that doesn't really reflect as much on the department as it does on that subject in general! That class is plug and chug EVERYWHERE. It's really just the nature of a first course in Diff Eq. The theory behind much of it is just a little too advanced for the flocks of aspiring engineers and applied scientists who have to take that course. Not to say it's above their head, just that they have no need to learn it. So the course is really just a cookbook of techniques.

Having at least some sort of clue how to solve differential equations is important to basically any scientist. Understanding why those techniques work is not. The course is more of a survey than a rigorous introduction. You need prerequisites in Real Analysis and Algebra to understand the theory. For instance, just the basic existence theorem for ODE's relies on the contraction mapping principle. And to really understand contraction mapping, you need to understand compactness, completeness, Cauchy sequences, etc.etc.etc...
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FAQ: How marketable is a BS in Applied Mathematics degree?

1. How versatile is a BS in Applied Mathematics degree?

A BS in Applied Mathematics degree is highly versatile and can lead to a variety of career paths. Graduates with this degree have the skills to work in industries such as finance, technology, engineering, data analysis, and research. They can also pursue graduate studies in fields such as mathematics, statistics, computer science, or economics.

2. What skills do I gain with a BS in Applied Mathematics degree?

With a BS in Applied Mathematics degree, you will gain strong analytical, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. You will also develop a solid foundation in mathematics, statistics, and computer programming. These skills are highly valued in today's job market and can be applied to a wide range of industries and fields.

3. What job opportunities are available for graduates with a BS in Applied Mathematics degree?

Graduates with a BS in Applied Mathematics degree have a variety of job opportunities available to them. They can work as data analysts, financial analysts, operations research analysts, actuaries, or statisticians. They can also pursue careers in fields such as risk management, market research, or software development.

4. How in-demand are graduates with a BS in Applied Mathematics degree?

The demand for graduates with a BS in Applied Mathematics degree is high and continues to grow. With the increasing use of data and technology in various industries, there is a need for professionals who can analyze and make sense of complex data. Graduates with this degree are highly sought after for their strong analytical skills and ability to work with data.

5. Is a BS in Applied Mathematics degree a good choice for someone interested in a career in finance?

Yes, a BS in Applied Mathematics degree is an excellent choice for someone interested in a career in finance. This degree provides a strong foundation in mathematics and statistics, which are essential skills for careers in finance. Graduates with this degree can work as financial analysts, risk managers, or quantitative analysts in the finance industry.

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