Can Improved Thread Closure Notifications Enhance User Experience on PF?

  • Thread starter wm
  • Start date
In summary: It sounds like you just want to make sure to get your last word in...It sounds like you're trying to save your draft before hitting the submit reply button.
  • #1
NB: No criticism of PF implied; it's great. (But my self-inflicted bruise still hurts.)

1. It seems that a ''work-in-progress'' may be lost if a thread is closed during the ''Preview Post'' phase. My impression is that: A notice re an ''Invalid Thread'' (or similar) is received by the previewer. But: Subsequent immediate back-tracking does not reveal the missing draft.

jtbell said:
I suggest that you ask about this in the Forum Feedback & Announcements forum, where the person who owns PF and maintains the software may be more likely to see it.

2. Thus: I'd like to suggest that threads be closed with, say, 3 days notice. (Though the trolls will no doubt mess with it.) That way, drafts or last minute arrangements (if any) can be finalised; eg, making new arrangements to continue the discussion elsewhere. That also allows for participants to question (on the thread) a possible misconception by the Closer; AND may provide some positive closure to those coming late to archived threads.

3. Alternatively: Warn posters of this possibility in the rules somewhere? (Me assuming it's not there already.):blushing:

With best regards, wm
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  • #2
First, no, we're not going to let threads sit three days when they warrant immediate deletion. That's just asking for chaos.

Second, why would you be trying to save drafts here? If you're working on a draft for something, do it on some word processing software of your own, or you can use your journal space here. You shouldn't be posting drafts in threads.

Third, if what you lost was a reply to a locked or deleted thread, isn't the point moot by then?
  • #3

Moonbear said:
First, no, we're not going to let threads sit three days when they warrant immediate deletion. That's just asking for chaos.

Second, why would you be trying to save drafts here? If you're working on a draft for something, do it on some word processing software of your own, or you can use your journal space here. You shouldn't be posting drafts in threads.

Third, if what you lost was a reply to a locked or deleted thread, isn't the point moot by then?

1. Threads ''warranting immediate deletion'' -- who asked to keep them (ie, ''threads warranting immediate deletion'' sound like serious breaches of some protocol to me) for 3 days?
2. Like you hit ''Quote'', type in a ''Draft'' response, then hit ''Preview Post'' to check out your ''Draft''?
3. ''Point moot'' by then? That's why I was working on my ''Draft'': Like: a moot point = debatable, open to discussion/question, arguable, questionable, at issue, open to doubt, disputable, controversial, contentious, disputed, unresolved, unsettled, up in the air, ... ?

Last edited:
  • #4
wm said:
1. Threads ''warranting immediate deletion'' -- who asked to keep them for 3 days?
You asked in the opening post that we keep threads open for 3 days before deleting them. We don't typically go to the extreme of deleting threads unless they warrant immediate deletion. The same with locking threads; at the time we decide they need to be locked, the time for that is imminent, not three days away.

2. Like you hit ''Quote'', type in a ''Draft'' response, then hit ''Preview Post'' to check out your ''Draft''?
Oh, okay. If it's a concern, type your posts in any text editor and copy and paste it into the reply box so you don't lose it if you want to save it. It doesn't take a thread being deleted for such a post to go *poof* into cyberspace never to return for no known reason. If you put a lot of time and effort into writing a post, and you don't want to risk losing it when you hit the submit reply button, you can also always copy the text at that time so you can paste it back into the reply field if it doesn't "take" for some reason, or paste it into whatever document you want it in for future reference.

3. ''Point moot'' by then? That's why I was working on my ''Draft'': Like: a moot point = debatable, open to discussion/question, arguable, questionable, at issue, open to doubt, disputable, controversial, contentious, disputed, unresolved, unsettled, up in the air, ... ?

:rolleyes: A moot point, as in:
Law. Without legal significance, through having been previously decided or settled.
Of no practical importance; irrelevant.
But in the mid-19th century people also began to look at the hypothetical side of moot as its essential meaning, and they started to use the word to mean “of no significance or relevance.” Thus, a moot point, however debatable, is one that has no practical value.

If the mentors have decided the thread needed to be deleted or locked, that means discussion has ended on the topic.
  • #5
It sounds like you just want to make sure to get your last word in...
  • #6
russ_watters said:
It sounds like you just want to make sure to get your last word in...
Ok, i am a last word freak too, so here's my suggestion for PF-improvement : ABANDON YOUR POSITION AND NAME ME MENTOR, Russ...Thanks...

ps : you cannot react to this post since i have the last word..Just DO IT:cool:


  • #7
marlon said:
Ok, i am a last word freak too, so here's my suggestion for PF-improvement : ABANDON YOUR POSITION AND NAME ME MENTOR, Russ...Thanks...

ps : you cannot react to this post since i have the last word..Just DO IT:cool:


:smile: Yes, it does sound a lot like wanting to get the last word in. But, Marlon, how could we make you a mentor? You wouldn't be content with just deleting posts or banning the spammers and crackpots, you'd want to build a torture chamber and display their heads on spikes! And if anyone doesn't know your penchant for gorey scenes, all they need to do is check out the links to horror movie websites that regularly appear in your signature! :biggrin:
  • #8
Moonbear said:
But, Marlon, how could we make you a mentor? You wouldn't be content with just deleting posts or banning the spammers and crackpots, you'd want to build a torture chamber and display their heads on spikes! And if anyone doesn't know your penchant for gorey scenes, all they need to do is check out the links to horror movie websites that regularly appear in your signature! :biggrin:

Aiaiaiaiai, this hurts...but it is true...Anyhow, since this is a public forum and i do not know any of the personal data of our members, there is no need to be afraid for my reaction. There is basically nothing i can do because i cannot geographically locate members. In conclusion : INSTALL ME AS A MENTOR.

Thanks Moonbie, je t'adore...

  • #9
marlon said:
ps : you cannot react to this post since i have the last word..Just DO IT:cool:
FYI, the vbulletin software allows moderators to post in locked threads. We do it accidentally every now and then...
  • #10
russ_watters said:
FYI, the vbulletin software allows moderators to post in locked threads. We do it accidentally every now and then...
Am i supposed to be impressed now ?:rolleyes:

  • #11
marlon said:
Am i supposed to be impressed now ?:rolleyes:

I'm just saying, we can always have the last word if we want it.
  • #12
eh but the post isn't locked?
  • #13
russ_watters said:
I'm just saying, we can always have the last word if we want it.
You really think i did not know that ?

Besides, this is not having the last word. This is fighting with unequal means. Yes a moderator will always win but would you win if we had equal means, Russ ? Would you, Russ ? Huh...

  • #14
ah but its not locked, so anyone can have the last word
  • #15
star.torturer said:
ah but its not locked, so anyone can have the last word
Well, it's not locked YET but if we continue talking like this...the moderators will indeed get the last word...AGAIN

  • #16
ah but we can always spam somwhere else (JOKE)!
  • #17
This is a joke, right?

Are there really members who compete with mentors to get the last word in?

  • #18
DaveC426913 said:
This is a joke, right?

Are there really members who compete with mentors to get the last word in?

Apparently. And since this is now becoming just a contest to see who can get the last word in, it will definitely be a mentor who wins it. :biggrin:
  • #19
Or maybe an Admin.

- Warren

FAQ: Can Improved Thread Closure Notifications Enhance User Experience on PF?

What is PF improvement?

Possible PF improvement refers to the potential for increasing the power factor (PF) of an electrical system. PF is a measure of how efficiently electrical power is being used, and improving it can result in cost savings and improved system performance.

Why is PF improvement important?

PF improvement is important because it can result in energy and cost savings, as well as improved reliability and performance of electrical systems. A low PF can also lead to penalties from utility companies.

How can PF improvement be achieved?

PF improvement can be achieved through different methods such as installing power factor correction equipment, using energy-efficient equipment, and implementing power factor correction strategies.

What are the benefits of PF improvement?

The benefits of PF improvement include reduced energy costs, improved system efficiency and reliability, reduced maintenance costs, and compliance with utility company regulations. It can also help reduce environmental impact by decreasing energy consumption.

Are there any potential drawbacks to PF improvement?

One potential drawback of PF improvement is the initial cost of implementing power factor correction measures. There may also be operational challenges and maintenance requirements associated with the equipment. Additionally, some power factor correction methods may not be suitable for all types of electrical systems.

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