Exploring the Concept of Time as a Scalar in Mathematics and Physics

In summary: I would love to learn more about it.In summary, Sb says time is a scalar because under two different FRAMES, t and t' are the same (for describing the same event?). However, if one frame is moving to the other, how can this be generally true? Isn't time RELATIVE in physicists' eyes? Therefore, " time is a scalar" is ONLY AN ASSUMPTION?
  • #1
Why is time a scalar?

Sb says time is scalar because under two different FRAMES, t and t' are the same (for describing the same event?). However, if one frame is moving to the other, how can this be generally true? Isn't time RELATIVE in physicists' eyes? Therefore, " time is a scalar" is ONLY AN ASSUMPTION? I mixed mathematics and physics?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I consider myself to be physics illiterate because I do NOT understand any of the following physical concepts such as time, mass, force,energy... AT ALL.
  • #3
The term "time" is ambiguous and can stand for:
(1) a coordinate used to characterize a point in 4D-spacetime ("let's meet at the white tower (~3 cordinates) at 6 pm (4th coordinate)". That's not an invariant quantity under changes of coordinate systems (18 o'clock).
(2) a measure for length of curves (smartassname("curve")="trajectory") in spacetime. "I've waited for 3 hours at the f***ing tower and you didn't show up!". I do have aged 3 hours between ariving at the tower and leaving, loudly cursing people who never show up in time. These 3 hours have a physical reality and cannot be dependent on whether you count the hours 0-12 twice a day or 0-24 once or if someone moves very fast relative to me. No way you're going to talk yourself out of it by using a different coordiante system for spacetime.

I think your confusion stems from thinking of coordinate time (your question "for the same event?" hints there, at least) while the person claiming time was invariant is talking about length of curves (also called "eigentime"). Seperating between cs-independent properties and different classes of cs-dependence is one of the most important steps for understanding relativity. But it's something that simply takes time to get used to, even though there's tons of classical analogies. Example: Draw an arrow on a piece of paper. The question how much the arrow is pointing up (coordinate time) depends on the orientation (coordinate system) you chose for pinning the piece of paper on the wall. The length of the arrow (eigentime) stays the same.
  • #4

Thanks very much for your reply. You have convinced me of some points about "time" to an extent. But my "time" problems (in my mind) come from everywhere. It is a shame that I only heard of RELATIVITY theory (and am guessing what it is only).
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FAQ: Exploring the Concept of Time as a Scalar in Mathematics and Physics

1. What is the concept of time as a scalar?

The concept of time as a scalar in mathematics and physics refers to the idea that time is a one-dimensional quantity that can be measured and compared without direction or orientation. This means that time can only be described by a numerical value, such as seconds or hours, and does not have a specific direction or magnitude like other physical quantities.

2. How is time as a scalar different from time as a vector?

Unlike time as a scalar, which has no direction or orientation, time as a vector has both magnitude and direction. This means that time as a vector can be represented by a mathematical quantity with both size and direction, such as velocity or displacement. Time as a vector is commonly used in physics to describe the motion of objects in space.

3. How is time measured in mathematics and physics?

In mathematics and physics, time is typically measured using a unit of time, such as seconds, minutes, or hours. These units can be used to measure both short and long periods of time. In some cases, scientists may also use smaller units, such as milliseconds or nanoseconds, for more precise measurements.

4. Can time be reversed in mathematics and physics?

In mathematics and classical physics, time is considered to be a reversible quantity. This means that time can theoretically be reversed and events can occur in reverse order. However, in quantum mechanics, time is treated as a non-reversible quantity, with events only occurring in one direction.

5. How does the concept of time as a scalar relate to the theory of relativity?

The concept of time as a scalar is closely related to the theory of relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. This means that time is considered to be the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. The theory of relativity also explains how time can be affected by gravity and the speed of an object, leading to phenomena such as time dilation.
