Should Bush meet with Cindy Sheehan?

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  • Thread starter Skyhunter
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In summary, the question of whether President George W. Bush should take an hour from his busy vacation schedule to meet with the mother of an American soldier killed in Iraq has sparked controversy. While some argue that it is important for the president to be sensitive to those who have something to say, others believe that he should continue with his life and maintain a balanced schedule. The president has declined the request, stating that he cannot meet with every unhappy citizen personally. However, some believe that he could have diffused the situation by granting an audience. Regardless, it is now too late for a meeting to make a difference and the mother has become an anti-war activist.
  • #1
Should Bush take an hour from his busy vacation schedule and meet with the mother of an American soldier killed in Iraq?

Or should he just go on with his life?

‘‘And I think it's important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say.''

‘‘But,'' he added, ‘‘I think it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life.''
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  • #2
Why? Hes a busy man, why should he have to meet with her again?

He talked to her, she had her peace, she praised him, they partied, went into business together, blew up Poland, and now we're at this crap... ok well... maybe they didnt party, but the rest is true! Ok ok... so they did party, i lied.

But no really, they already met, she loved him, he goes back to run the country, case closed.
  • #3
Pengwuino said:
Why? Hes a busy man, why should he have to meet with her again?

He talked to her, she had her peace, she praised him, they partied, went into business together, blew up Poland, and now we're at this crap... ok well... maybe they didnt party, but the rest is true! Ok ok... so they did party, i lied.

But no really, they already met, she loved him, he goes back to run the country, case closed.
Amazing, where do you get your information?

Here is a reprint from her local paper.

Note that she had reservations about the war before the meeting. Her and her husband decided not to ask the president pointed questions.

Well I guess he won the argument and now she wants to ask those questions after Bush said that the nineteen reservists from Ohio died for a "Noble cause".
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  • #4
Should I have put a [Joke]...[/JOKE] aroudn the whole party and business and blowing up poland thing?
  • #5
Skyhunter said:
Should Bush take an hour from his busy vacation schedule and meet with the mother of an American soldier killed in Iraq?

Or should he just go on with his life?

‘‘And I think it's important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say.''

‘‘But,'' he added, ‘‘I think it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life.''
No. For obvious, logical reasons, he can't meet one on one with every citizen of the US that asks. He cannot accept this request and deny others. Do we really expect the President of the US (regardless of who the President happens to be) to do this with every unhappy citizen personally?
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  • #6
Evo said:
No. For obvious, logical reasons, he can't meet one on one with every citizen of the US that asks. He cannot accept this request and deny others. Do we really expect the President of the US (regardless of who the President happens to be) to do this with every unhappy citizen personally?
Well that is certainly a better argument than the one the president gave.

Under the circumstances though I think he could have diffused this whole thing by simply granting an audience. And it isn't like he hasn't set bad precedents before.
  • #7
What Bush should do is get off his lazy ass, get in his car and drive right past her... back to the office in Washington and start working on fixing all the messes he's made.
  • #8
Skyhunter said:
Well that is certainly a better argument than the one the president gave.

Under the circumstances though I think he could have diffused this whole thing by simply granting an audience. And it isn't like he hasn't set bad precedents before.
Yes, he just added fuel to the fire. But he's not especially bright is he? :biggrin: He was right in turning her down (for the reasons I stated, but he handled it poorly.
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  • #9
Smurf said:
What Bush should do is get off his lazy ass, get in his car and drive right past her... back to the office in Washington and start working on fixing all the messes he's made.
Aw, smurf, always an optimist. Do you really think he can fix all his blunders in one lifetime? :wink:
  • #10
He should tell her to write her congressman.

Seeing her once was enough. That's quite a bit more than most of the mothers of dead soldiers get. If she wants to have a voice she should create an organization and share it with the rest of those mothers.
  • #11
TheStatutoryApe said:
He should tell her to write her congressman.

Seeing her once was enough. That's quite a bit more than most of the mothers of dead soldiers get. If she wants to have a voice she should create an organization and share it with the rest of those mothers.
Yes, a private conversation with Bush will do nothing.
  • #12
Evo said:
Aw, smurf, always an optimist. Do you really think he can fix all his blunders in one lifetime? :wink:
We'll just settle for a suicide so the current stock is IT for his lifetime.
  • #13
Evo said:
Yes, a private conversation with Bush will do nothing.
You'd have to explain all the big words.
  • #14
The time to address her has passed--now it's too late. And, the reasoning Evo provided was my thoughts as well. Still, I think maybe Rove has been a little preoccupied and Bush actually spoke on his own, expressing his true disconnected view of the world (as always it's good for Americans to see the true colors). And I agree a personal meeting will make no difference for either person. Let's face it, Cindy has been an activist for some time now, and though it may not have been her original intent, it is now an anti-war rally. That is fine with me, since it's about time Americans took to the street...or roadside...or what have you.
  • #15
Skyhunter said:
Should Bush take an hour from his busy vacation schedule and meet with the mother of an American soldier killed in Iraq?
Well, if he's concerned about his approval rating, yes. Otherwise, there isn't any reason why this woman should have the right to meet with him.
  • #16
Smurf said:
What Bush should do is get off his lazy ass, get in his car and drive right past her... back to the office in Washington and start working on fixing all the messes he's made.
Evo said:
Aw, smurf, always an optimist. Do you really think he can fix all his blunders in one lifetime? :wink:
That's a long drive, even for an optomist... :wink:
  • #17
A side note to all of this: Her husband filed for divorce.
  • #18
Ivan Seeking said:
A side note to all of this: Her husband filed for divorce.

Yah that's stupid. Do we REALLY need to know that information from the media? It was in the works before she decided to start protesting so its not like there's any value in knowing it.
  • #19
Evo said:
Aw, smurf, always an optimist. Do you really think he can fix all his blunders in one lifetime? :wink:
Well yeah, he should be.. you know, theoretically..
  • #20
Pengwuino said:
Yah that's stupid. Do we REALLY need to know that information from the media? It was in the works before she decided to start protesting so its not like there's any value in knowing it.

It may or may not be related to her current actions. It does show that in addition to losing her son, her life is not stable.
  • #21
Well I read when the first reports about that were coming out... the husband supports her but doesn't 'want to be as vocal' as she is. But really... you lost your son... your going through a divorce... what the hell are you doing protesting the war? She seems to have more pressing issues... The President will be around for a few more years but divorces and personal issues need to be settled as they arrise.
  • #22
After all this time, Bushy shouldn't talk to her because his intentions will not be considered pure. If he does, people will either think that it's a set up, or make a mockery of it anyway.

He can't win... so why waste the effort?

What else it will do is cause more people to want to do the same... I think that would be an interesting display to witness
  • #23
russ_watters said:
Well, if he's concerned about his approval rating, yes. Otherwise, there isn't any reason why this woman should have the right to meet with him.
No right? Russ, can you even begin to imagine what it's like to lose a child? Especially when you believe, as this lady did, that ultimate cause of your child's death was a bogus war started by Bush. Evo's reasoning is good, but I personally would want to meet with all the parents of the children I've sent to their premature deaths. Maybe that's why I wouldn't make a good president...
  • #24
Terrible as it is, her suffering and grief doesn't grant a right for an audience with the President. I feel very bad for her loss, and I agree with her that the war is wrong, but her I'm sure her son knew what he was getting himself into when he joined the army.
  • #25
Is anyone familiar with the statistics of couples who divorce after loss of a child? It's extremely common. That Cindy has been anti-war even before her son was killed shows her feelings about the war are real and not just motivated by grief. The grief is only intensifying her efforts. Once again, it is not uncommon for people who have experienced something bad (cancer, crime, drugs, etc.) to become active in prevention organizations. The media as usual is making the victim a victim again for the sake of a news story, and failing to do real, thoughtful analysis.
  • #26
revelator said:
Terrible as it is, her suffering and grief doesn't grant a right for an audience with the President. I feel very bad for her loss, and I agree with her that the war is wrong, but her I'm sure her son knew what he was getting himself into when he joined the army.
Yeh, let this be a lesson to all who might consider enlisting... You might be called upon to sacrifice your life for lies. Er, that wouldn't be why the military is having such a hard time recruiting right now, would it?
  • #27
kcballer21 said:
No right? Russ, can you even begin to imagine what it's like to lose a child? Especially when you believe, as this lady did, that ultimate cause of your child's death was a bogus war started by Bush. Evo's reasoning is good, but I personally would want to meet with all the parents of the children I've sent to their premature deaths. Maybe that's why I wouldn't make a good president...
How much time would you ideally spend with each person? How feasible would it be, really? People choose to be soldiers, there is no manditory draft... so in a way they make their own destiny (subject to someone elses decision)...

When working at corporate jobs, we make sacrifices / compromises to our best judgement / moral values due to company needs. We chose to work for the company and do it's bidding. Some soldiers join armed forces hoping to never actually have to fight a war. It's like a gamble for them. Unfortunately, some lose everything.

No, I wouldn't know what it would feel like to lose a child to a bogus war, but I know how it feels to know that lots of people are dying for bogus causes all over the world (literally & figuratively)

Those with the power are supposed to take responsibility.
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  • #28
SOS2008 said:
... Still, I think maybe Rove has been a little preoccupied and ...

Ivan Seeking said:
It may or may not be related to her current actions. It does show that in addition to losing her son, her life is not stable.

Ahh, that's more like it. He wasn't preoccupied for long. Make sure everyone knows she's going through a stressful enough time that she may be a bit mentally unbalanced. Rove is back!

In spite of that, there really isn't much Bush could accomplish by meeting with her. The only reason would be to put end to the bad press she's getting him - and sitting there and taking it from the media just isn't Bush's style.
  • #29
Ivan Seeking said:
It may or may not be related to her current actions. It does show that in addition to losing her son, her life is not stable.
Not like I really want to know (its not any of my business), but it does make me wonder what the cause-effect relationship is there between these events.
SOS2008 said:
Cindy has been anti-war even before her son was killed shows her feelings about the war are real and not just motivated by grief.
Not necessarily true. My mother was against me going into the military and would have opposed damn near any war just based on the chance that it might require my deployment. Mothers are like that (not that there's anything wrong with that, but it did annoy me that she tried to talk me into becoming an accountant).
  • #30
kcballer21 said:
No right? Russ, can you even begin to imagine what it's like to lose a child? Especially when you believe, as this lady did, that ultimate cause of your child's death was a bogus war started by Bush. Evo's reasoning is good...
So... you agree that she doesn't have the right, though?
...but I personally would want to meet with all the parents of the children I've sent to their premature deaths. Maybe that's why I wouldn't make a good president...
Ok, so you'd do it because you're a nice guy. Fine. How does that make it a right?
  • #31
kcballer21 said:
No right? Russ, can you even begin to imagine what it's like to lose a child? Especially when you believe, as this lady did, that ultimate cause of your child's death was a bogus war started by Bush. Evo's reasoning is good, but I personally would want to meet with all the parents of the children I've sent to their premature deaths. Maybe that's why I wouldn't make a good president...
Bush did meet with her and her husband originally. She regrets she did not express her true feelings at that time so wants another meeting (supposedly). While a president would have concerns about setting precedent, if it had been me, I would have met with her right off the bat the very first day just to keep it from becoming the media feeding frenzy it has become.
  • #32
Personally I see no point in a meeting; well unless she gives Bush a hefty kick in the 'nuts'. She is hardly going to sway his foreign policy and he is hardly likely to persuade her that her son's death was worth it for the prize of establishing a theocratic gov't in Iraq.
  • #33
russ_watters said:
So... you agree that she doesn't have the right, though? Ok, so you'd do it because you're a nice guy. Fine. How does that make it a right?
Ok, you got me Russ, Bush doesn't have to meet with her, but he should. The main point of my post was that it is utterly tragic to have to lose a child in such an ignoble war. So I guess I would be nicer than average to meet the crazy lady who lost her mind from grief.
outsider said:
How much time would you ideally spend with each person? How feasible would it be, really? People choose to be soldiers, there is no manditory draft... so in a way they make their own destiny (subject to someone elses decision)...
I'm not sure, how about enough to try to convince them that the cause was worth it. Soldiers don't choose to take part in mishandled wars, they choose to protect their country against legitimate threats and for good reasons.
outsider said:
Those with the power are supposed to take responsibility.
Unfortunately, this war isn't an example of that.
revelator said:
Terrible as it is, her suffering and grief doesn't grant a right for an audience with the President. I feel very bad for her loss, and I agree with her that the war is wrong, but her I'm sure her son knew what he was getting himself into when he joined the army.
Thanks to Russ, I now agree with you about the right to meet the President. However, you would be suprised how many 17 and 18 year olds don't know what they are getting into when they join the military, but that's off topic.
  • #34
Good thoughts everyone.

I think it is a no win situation for Bush, and your posts support that conclusion.

If he meets with her, he will be seen as giving in, if he doesn't he will be seen as un-caring.

So all I can say about Cindy Sheehan is "You go girl." :smile:
  • #35
I agree, either way its a loss for Bush. He has neither the compassion or the tact to understand a mothers anger. And I am sure he can not supply the answers to any of her questions.

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