Did I Ruin My Future in Electrical Engineering?

In summary, the conversation centers around the question of whether attending a local state university, like Wichita State University, for a degree in electrical engineering will hinder one's chances of success in the field. Some participants argue that the work ethic and involvement in extracurricular activities are what truly determine success, while others bring up the potential limitations of attending a smaller, less well-known university. However, it is ultimately agreed that success in the field of electrical engineering depends on the individual and their dedication and hard work. Additionally, some suggest considering graduate studies in the future to broaden career opportunities.
  • #1
Hi (second post), I'm sorry if this topic has been discussed already, but I think my case is a little unique. I had planned to attend University of Arizona for a B.S. in EE. Unfortuoately, due to awful life events, my mother's finances were destroyed. So, I'll be attending my local state university, Wichita State University, to help. At first, this was ok with me, since their math and engineering requirements are strong. However, one day I was talking to a guy going to UIUC. He asked me where I was going, so I said, ''WSU.'' He paused, almost snickered, and asked me why. When I explained, he said, ''I would rather go in debt than go to a no-name school. Honestly, I think you ruined your future in electrical engineering.'' Now, unless they know what they're talking about, I don't base what I think on people's opinions. However, it did get me thinking. Did I ruin my future in EE? Can I go to my local university and be successful in any EE field I choose (namely, communications and medical devices)? Thanks
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  • #2
Go to WSU. The work ethic is what makes the difference in the end. Get involved with everything you can to network and stand out. Finally kick butt on grades. You will be fine.
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  • #3
The short answer is no. Just do stuff that helps, get internships, good grades, and take the time to build a strong resume.

Edit: For some reason I typed yes when I meant to type no at first! No your chances are not ruined!
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  • #4
Sounds to me like this guy you were talking to attended a rival of W.S.U.! Generally speaking, attending really top-notch university (and I cannot speak to A.S.U. vs W.S.U) can improve your chances of a really good first job. But how you do after that depends upon you and how you do on the job.
  • #5
I think a lot of people adopt an attitude like his to justify how much they overspent for a fancy name.
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
Sounds to me like this guy you were talking to attended a rival of W.S.U.! Generally speaking, attending really top-notch university (and I cannot speak to A.S.U. vs W.S.U) can improve your chances of a really good first job. But how you do after that depends upon you and how you do on the job.

I agree. When you get qualified as a professional engineer, it matters little which school you went to.

Perhaps you will do a masters degree one day when you have more money & can make other choices.
  • #7
Thanks for all the replys. To Emane: You're right. It's you and your work ethic that determines your success. I do plan to join IEEE, my local radio club (after I get my ham radio license, if it doesn't get too much in the way of schooling), and as many other societies/clubs/events as I can. I'm already a member, though not that active of one, of my local Engineers Without Bourders. Other than that I've been just reviewing my calculus and getting ready. To HallsofIvy and ModusPwnd: Well, he had more of a pitty attitude with an ego, like a let me save you kind of thing. But I agree with ModusPwnd.
  • #8
Devils said:
I agree. When you get qualified as a professional engineer, it matters little which school you went to.

Perhaps you will do a masters degree one day when you have more money & can make other choices.

Yes, that is my plan.
  • #9
My PhD advisor went to Wichita State University. He did fine in his career.
  • #10
timatom said:
However, one day I was talking to a guy going to UIUC...''I would rather go in debt than go to a no-name school"

Next time you see him you should ask why he didn't do that :rolleyes:

Get involved in some extracurriculars you think will be fun and educational, if you want to go to grad school look into doing some research at the end of your sophomore or junior year, and it doesn't really matter what school you go to
  • #11
When I was sourcing for internships, one of the advisers of a large engineering firm in Huntsville AL told me that little mind is paid to where a student goes for undergrad work. He went on to say that the real concern is where you do your graduate studies.

He said keep up thee grades and work ethic, everything else will fall into place if you work hard.
  • #12
Well, to be more clear, getting a job after graduation isn't what I'm concerned about, it's the field. Everybody I know and have found that graduated from WSU only work in aircraft. I don't have a problem with aircraft (EVERYBODY in my family works in aircraft), other than their bust and booms and the fact that your resume becomes so specific to aircraft that you can't get a job in any other field when you're laid off (in fact, this happen to my mom and one of my uncles), but it's just not a field I'm interested in. So it's a little discouraging when you can't find even one person that got into communications or medical devices after graduating from WSU. In short, I'm worried that this pattern is here for a reason. I guess I'm just sceptical and am probably just worried for nothing. I'm sorry for another long message. Again, thanks for all the replies.
  • #13
timatom said:
Well, to be more clear, getting a job after graduation isn't what I'm concerned about, it's the field. Everybody I know and have found that graduated from WSU only work in aircraft. I don't have a problem with aircraft (EVERYBODY in my family works in aircraft), other than their bust and booms and the fact that your resume becomes so specific to aircraft that you can't get a job in any other field when you're laid off (in fact, this happen to my mom and one of my uncles), but it's just not a field I'm interested in. So it's a little discouraging when you can't find even one person that got into communications or medical devices after graduating from WSU. In short, I'm worried that this pattern is here for a reason. I guess I'm just sceptical and am probably just worried for nothing. I'm sorry for another long message. Again, thanks for all the replies.

Just because everybody who graduated ended up working in aircraft doesn't mean you will too. If your school does not offer an education to your standards, you can always supplement what you learn in school with your own readings/work/projects. I am an EE student, I found the first year courses very boring by themselves (math, chemistry, physics etc.) so I went ahead and read some books on cryptography, accounting, sociology, totally random things and designed an encryption system on Python to test my programming expertise and understanding of cryptography.

The big disadvantage to attending a "no name school" is that it may be difficult to find peers who share the same enthusiasm about learning as you do and that this may demoralize you, but if you really enjoy the material you will find yourself naturally compensating for anything your school lacks by picking up the skills/knowledge yourself.

There are people in poor countries who go to atrociously bad universities simply because the university/country does not have enough financial resources to offer a top quality education. But even in those schools the best students find a way to work with what they have, some get into the best graduate schools.

EE is a field where your projects speak the loudest words, not the name of your alma mater. While it's true that the best projects are built with the collaboration of many people (and such collaboration often exists only in top/large schools), one-man projects can often say a lot about a job-applicant. A single project can require so many different skills (design process, building, troubleshooting, documentation, presentation, programming, software skills, fast learning, welding, soldering, MATLAB, information theory etc.) that the completion of such a project by a single person instantly showcases the person's vast skillset. With a few tools, some enthusiasm, creativity and passion you can design a lot that would easily impress employers, especially more so if the odds were against you. So do not lose faith in EE. I don't know about other fields of engineering, I don't think a single person could build a bridge by himself/herself but a lot can be done alone in the field of EE provided you learn some CS and some math along the side whether you go into signals, RF, optoelectronics, VLSI etc...

Work hard, appreciate the good sides of your school. There is a special kind of relaxed atmosphere in state schools not easily found in the highly competitive schools in the northeast. Try to enjoy it, use it to your advantage etc. There is great satisfaction to be got from being able to accomplish a lot despite the lack of opportunity/resources. The resourcefulness is a sacredly important skill in EE and CS. The less you use to make what you want, the better! Good luck!

  • #14
I glanced at the WSU EE website - there is only so much one can tell from course titles, but on its face the program looks very solid.

Highlights for me (as an EE who has been in industry 10+ years):

2 semesters of English and 1 of public speaking. No one wants an engineer who cannot communicate. Don't underestimate speaking!

Good mix of required courses in a) circuits and electronics; b) systems (signals and systems, communications, controls), c) applied science (electromagnetics, thermo, statics), and d) design projects. When I interview recent graduates from even some very highly regarded programs it is astounding how many departments let students take whatever they want almost - one school I know of let's students pick either electromagnetics or electronics I, but they don't have to take both! Why would i hire an EE like that?

They may you take linear algebra. This is more important than it may seem, and some schools let EEs get away without this class.

They make you take a half dozen or so humanities - so you will become more educated in general, not just trained for a technical job.

AS others have said, what you make of the oppportunities you have is more important than the school. Work hard, get involved in projects (especially your jr and sr years) and get to know some/all of your professors. Go to office hours and ask good questions, and be prepared for class. These professors will give you recommendations for internships, summer jobs, and perhaps your first "real" job upon graduation.

I wish you the best - and I hope you get excited about your upcoming college experience!

  • #15
timatom, if you haven't figured out yet that where you went to school is nearly irrelevant in this field, allow me to make this one small point:

After about three years of work experience, nobody cares where you graduated from --only that you graduated from somewhere. Get certifications, get experience, and get busy. That's what matters.

Also, your choice of career largely depends upon what you feel like doing. If you feel constrained by your degree, you have this all wrong. Your degree only gets your foot in the door. It does not define you.

Contrast this with practices of law or medicine where snotty attitudes, posturing, and hero walls seem to be de riguerur. And do note that, despite their flaccid and fragile self promotion efforts, there are still lots of hacks and quacks.

Engineering is a solid, honest choice and a good career. You aren't destined to build airplanes or work in aviation, if you don't want to. There are many places where you can work, doing some surprising and virtually overlooked work that is absolutely essential to building effective cities and civilization. Good Luck!
  • #16
Thank you so much guys for all the replies. Honestly, I feel kind of stupid for posting this thread now, since they all say something that I should have learned a long time ago. One shouldn't focus on the success a college can give them as much as the success they can give themselves. To jasonRF: From what I seen, their course requirements looked strong too. I know that the guy who teaches all the communication courses worked for Lockheed Martin in satelite communications (an area of communications I'm interested in) before coming to WSU, so I'm sure he would have a lot of great advice. And yes I'm VERY excited about starting my EE degree, almost to the point I can't sleep. Again, thanks guys. I definitely know the people to ask if I have any questions!
  • #17
It seems like this fellow you spoke with has his priorities a little backwards and needs a little advice before giving it himself. That would be very frustrating to hear. But it is also a poor statement

Related to Did I Ruin My Future in Electrical Engineering?

1. How can I fix my ruined EE career?

Fixing a ruined EE career will require a combination of self-reflection, determination, and hard work. Start by identifying the reasons why your career has been damaged and addressing them. This could mean improving your technical skills, networking with professionals in the field, or seeking mentorship or career counseling. It may also be helpful to set specific goals and create a plan of action to achieve them.

2. Will my ruined EE career affect my future job prospects?

It is possible that a ruined EE career may affect your future job prospects, but it is not the end of the road. Employers are often willing to overlook past mistakes if they see that you have made an effort to improve and are passionate about the field. Focus on highlighting your strengths and any relevant experience or projects you have completed, and be honest about your past mistakes during interviews.

3. Can I switch to a different career if my EE career is ruined?

Yes, you can absolutely switch to a different career if your EE career is ruined. While it may take some time and effort to transition into a new field, it is not impossible. Consider your skills and interests and research potential career options that align with them. You may also want to consider further education or training to help you make the switch.

4. How can I prevent ruining my future EE career?

The best way to prevent ruining your future EE career is to be proactive and take responsibility for your actions. This could mean staying up to date on industry developments, continuously improving your skills, and seeking guidance and feedback from mentors or colleagues. It is also important to maintain a professional attitude and to be accountable for any mistakes you make.

5. Should I disclose my ruined EE career to potential employers?

Whether or not to disclose your ruined EE career to potential employers is a personal decision. If you have taken steps to improve and have a plan to prevent similar mistakes in the future, it may be beneficial to address the issue in an interview. However, if you feel that it may negatively impact your chances, it is okay to keep it to yourself and focus on showcasing your strengths and relevant experience instead.

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