How can I easily derive the kinematic equations for constant acceleration?

In summary, there are five basic kinematic equations that involve four out of the five variables: displacement, initial velocity, final velocity, time, and acceleration. These equations can be derived through two approaches, one involving basic equations for constant acceleration and the other using a linear velocity-time graph. With practice, these equations can be easily remembered. However, it is important to note that four of these equations involve vector quantities while one involves scalars.
  • #1
I'm tired of having to look up the kinematic equations every time I need to use them (I tutor lower devision students a lot). Is there an intuitive and memorable way to derive them?
As in, it's easy to derive x=x0+v0t+at2 just by integrating a constant force. Can I get the others without relying on some other equations I will inevitably forget?
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  • #2
The equations you refer to are, I take it, for constant acceleration.

For a start, put x0 = 0. You can always add it back in if you need it.

First approach
One basic equation is: x = (1/2)(u + v)/t [u = initial vel, v = final vel]
This embodies displacement = mean velocity [itex]\times[/itex] time.

The other basic one is v = u + at
This is a re-arrangement of the definition of acceleration a (if acceleration constant).

There are 5 equations in all. Each involves 4 of the 5 variables: v, u, x, t, a.

The other 3 equation are found by eliminating u, v, t in turn. If you've done it once or twice it should be quick and easy.

Second approach
Use a linear velocity-time graph running between (0, u) and (t, v). The slope (gradient) gives the acceleration, the area under the graph gives the displacement. This area is a rectangle plus a triangle. Hence the first two equations as mentioned above. Re-express the triangle area using a, and the other 3 equations will emerge.

If you use the equations often enough, you'll remember them! I do, and my memory is pretty terrible...

4 of these equations relate vector quantities (or, to be fussy, components of vector quantities). The fifth equation, v2 = u2 + 2as, is different. It relates scalars (dot products). Not that you'd want to raise this with students meeting the equations for the first time!
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FAQ: How can I easily derive the kinematic equations for constant acceleration?

1. What are kinematic equations?

Kinematic equations are mathematical formulas used to describe the motion of objects. They take into account the initial position, velocity, acceleration, and time of an object to determine its position, velocity, and acceleration at any given time.

2. How can I easily derive kinematic equations?

To easily derive kinematic equations, you can use the basic principles of calculus and algebra. Start by defining the variables for position, velocity, and acceleration, and then use the equations of motion to solve for the unknown variables.

3. What are the four basic kinematic equations?

The four basic kinematic equations are:
1. Position equation: x = x0 + v0t + (1/2)at^2
2. Velocity equation: v = v0 + at
3. Acceleration equation: v^2 = v0^2 + 2a(x - x0)
4. Time equation: t = (v - v0)/a

4. What is the difference between kinematic equations and dynamics equations?

Kinematic equations describe the motion of objects without taking into account the forces that cause the motion. On the other hand, dynamics equations, such as Newton's laws of motion, take into account the forces acting on an object to determine its motion.

5. How are kinematic equations used in real-life?

Kinematic equations are used in various fields, such as physics, engineering, and sports, to analyze and predict the motion of objects. They are particularly useful in designing and optimizing technologies, such as cars, airplanes, and roller coasters.
