Is There a Connection Between Electromagnetism and Gravity?

In summary, according to this person, there is a connection between gravity and electromagnetism, but it is not unified. Additionally, there is a theory which connects these two fields, but it has been promising for a decade now and has yet to be proven.
  • #1
My last thread for a while. Could possibly be a dumb question so you must forgive I am not well versed in these matters but have become curious about physics in general. I was just wondering if it was possible that electromagnetism and gravity are actually connected?
Physics news on
  • #2
Actually thinking about this in regards to photons the force carriers of electromagnetism. Gravity exerts a pull on them so probably aren't connected, I don't know. No wonder others who propose such things seem to wish to discredit the photon.
  • #3
People have been attempting to unify gravity with the other fundamental forces for years, without success. It's easy enough to suppose they are connected, but much harder to actually show how they are connected.
  • #4
They are certainly coupled to each other, but that does not unify the two anymore than gravity is unified with matter.
  • #5
Didnt Einstein himself believe that they were unified?
  • #6
Pseudo Epsilon said:
Didnt Einstein himself believe that they were unified?

I think most physicists do. Einstein wrote papers on Unified Field Theory as early as 1923.
  • #7
Pseudo Epsilon said:
Didnt Einstein himself believe that they were unified?

I didn't know that thanks.
  • #8
I wish I knew more about physics currently I am just learning basic maths repeating my GCSE with the aim of going on to do A-level then maybe doing A-level physics I passed my double award science. Anyway point is there was a guy on about a equation that included all constants, I doubt such a equation exists.

However say gravity was a wave and it had some serious relationship to electromagnetism would that not mean a equation including the gravitational constant alongside Planck's constant? Or am I just grasping at straws. I ain't sure what the other big constants are? Some sort of wave equation.

Suppose we need to understand the theoretical graviton and its properties perhaps I wonder is there any kind of relationship to the photon.
  • #9
JayJohn85 said:
My last thread for a while. Could possibly be a dumb question so you must forgive I am not well versed in these matters but have become curious about physics in general. I was just wondering if it was possible that electromagnetism and gravity are actually connected?
Well, Kaluza showed many years ago that if there was a fourth spatial dimension, then the extension of GR to five-dimensional spacetime actually results in Maxwell's equations.
Whether or not this is merely a curious coincidence is up to your interpretation though I guess.
  • #10
Though I don't know GR, wow, that is interesting.
  • #11
Fightfish said:
Well, Kaluza showed many years ago that if there was a fourth spatial dimension, then the extension of GR to five-dimensional spacetime actually results in Maxwell's equations.
Whether or not this is merely a curious coincidence is up to your interpretation though I guess.

Not only that.extending to many more spatial dimension resulted in unification of strong and weak force too.. But this kinds of theories had a problem. They are not renormalizable.

Then a new theory came in which connects quantum theory with the theory of hyperspace known as string theory. Now it is known as the leading candidate for theory of everything(unified field theory)
  • #12
Currently, there is no theory which is working which univies gravity and EM. Although the various flavors of string theory do hold some promise they have been holding the same promise for more than a decade now. If you have specific questions about "Grand Unified Theory" or "Theory of Everything" then it might be better to post those questions to the Beyond the Standard Model forum.

FAQ: Is There a Connection Between Electromagnetism and Gravity?

1. What is the difference between electromagnetism and gravity?

Electromagnetism and gravity are two of the four fundamental forces of nature. Electromagnetism is the force that causes electrically charged particles to attract or repel each other, while gravity is the force that causes massive objects to attract each other. Electromagnetism is much stronger than gravity, as it can overcome the force of gravity between small particles.

2. How are electromagnetism and gravity related?

Electromagnetism and gravity are both fundamental forces of nature, but they are described by different theories. Electromagnetism is described by Maxwell's equations, while gravity is described by Einstein's theory of general relativity. Both forces are thought to arise from the curvature of space-time, but their effects are very different.

3. Can electromagnetism and gravity be unified?

Many scientists have attempted to unify electromagnetism and gravity into a single theory, but so far, no one has been successful. The theories that describe these forces are fundamentally different, and it is challenging to reconcile them into a single framework. However, some theories, such as string theory, attempt to unify all four fundamental forces, including electromagnetism and gravity.

4. How does electromagnetism affect objects on Earth?

Electromagnetism has a significant impact on objects on Earth. It is responsible for the Earth's magnetic field, which protects us from harmful solar radiation. Electromagnetism is also essential for many technological devices, such as computers, phones, and motors, which all rely on the interaction between electric and magnetic fields.

5. How does gravity affect the motion of objects in space?

Gravity plays a crucial role in the motion of objects in space. It is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around the sun and for the formation of galaxies. Gravity also affects the trajectory of objects, such as spacecraft, as they move through space. Understanding gravity is crucial for space exploration and navigation.

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