Proposal Ideas? Nerd advice needed

  • Thread starter charmedp'cle
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In summary, the nerdy gf/bf proposes to their equally nerdy partner by taking them on a memorable date to a place they haven't been before and doing something unique and sweet.

Which Proposal Option is AWESOMEST?

  • Propose in front of his beloved parents via Skype.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Create a customized WoW challenge. (HOW?)

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Make a treasure hunt.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Do it in front of his friends at a big party.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Try to get it published in PhysD Journal.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • You have a better option, and it is...? (message me!)

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • #1
If your own (equally nerdy) gf/bf were to propose to you, what would your fantasy be?

I'm dating an awesome, awesomely nerdy, physicist (a theorist). We're set on getting married, and we have a deal that we'll both propose to each other. I keep teasing him and telling him that his proposal needs to be I figure mine should be unique, too. :)

I'd like to do something(s) awesome for my nerd, and I figure, who better to ask than you. Here are some of the details: He's in particle physics, is a *very* avid WoW player. He loves cricket, calligraphy, sappy romantic things, Bengali culture, anything with meat in it, and sweets/desserts. He's not athletic (other than cricket) and is a big baby about trying new stuff, though he loves to brag about new experiences after being dragged in.

As far as proposal ideas, go, give me anything you got! Cheap is good. Elaborate is fine. Creative is awesome. Sweet is mandatory! :)
Physics news on
  • #2
I have to admit I know *nothing* about WoW, but don't they have characters? You could dress up as one, and propose at a party in front of his friends, while his parents are on Skype.
  • #3
I have to admit, I voted for the choice that was least public.
  • #4
take him to meet his favourite cricket team. or get the team to be involved somehow during a game, like get the announcer to ask him to step onto the pitch where he will find you standing in front of the team which has spelt out 'will you marry me' in human form... whilst playing sappy romantic music, and get the tem to all sign a calligraphic poster of your names and proposal date and hearts. and then cook him a meat meal with dessert, Bengali style. and then at night you can all go and play WOW together! great day!
  • #5
I think some more private setting that would be memorable just to the two of you would be more appropriate.

I always liked that commercial where the guy takes the girl to all of these places where they have good memories and finally takes her some place they haven't gone before.

She says, "I don't remember this place."

He says, "You will."

(On a side note, why in the world would you marry someone that plays WoW? You'd be better off marrying someone that spends every night in a bar.)
  • #6
charmedp'cle said:
he loves to brag about new experiences after being dragged in.

A surprise sky diving? :devil:
  • #8
Post on a popular internet site with a video! :smile:
  • #9
rootX said:
A surprise sky diving? :devil:
HAHAHAHA. THAT IS JUST HILARIOUS. Like, "Hey babe?" "Yeah?" "Wanna take the plunge with me?" "Whaa---?!" <is dragged off the roof/out of the plane> If I did that, he'd probably ask for a prenup w/ a clause about insanity...
  • #10
BobG said:
I think some more private setting that would be memorable just to the two of you would be more appropriate.

I always liked that commercial where the guy takes the girl to all of these places where they have good memories and finally takes her some place they haven't gone before.

She says, "I don't remember this place."

He says, "You will."

(On a side note, why in the world would you marry someone that plays WoW? You'd be better off marrying someone that spends every night in a bar.)

That's a *really* sweet idea, though I've never seen that commercial!
Re: the side note - rofl - yeah I actually *like* it that he has a hobby, a group activity, something to be proud of, etc. Plus, it gives me time to do my own thing!
  • #11
I'm all for the memorable locale (this fits your sappy romantic qualification). Simple, memorable, (maybe?) private, something you can relive for years to come.

Lets face it - he may not be playing WoW in 5 years or more, doing something with that would be embarasingly cliche imo. Same with the other hobbies. While they're all things he's into now, are they going to be with him his whole life? One would think so now, but as life goes on, things change. That's why I suggest something timeless and uniquely memorable not related specifically to the hobbies you've listed.
  • #12
I think misdirection and surprise are always great. No matter what, it will be memorable, because it will be heartfelt and from you! The fact that you are trying to make it great will make it great.

When my wife and I went ring shopping, she had her heart set on a very unique stone. It was out of my price range (I was a grad student), but the jeweler said he would keep an eye out for a similar stone at a lesser price. He called me back a few times after not having anything pop up and finally he split the difference on what I wanted to pay and what he wanted. I told my wife (fiance back then) that the jeweler had given up and that we would just have to wait until I could save some more money- which would be about a year or so. Then I surprised her at a romantic dinner at our favorite restaurant, asking to see an old ring I had bought her so I could see the size of it. Then I slipped the engagement ring out of my pocket and asked if she would like this one better and asked her to marry me. We proceeded to drink free champagne with our delicious meal! All her friends still oohh and aaahh over the story.

I also really like the whole "history of us" idea, where you go and visit places that meant a lot to both of you. You could start out at cricket match (if there is one nearby) and move on to other places. I agree with mege that "I suggest something timeless and uniquely memorable not related specifically to the hobbies you've listed."
  • #13
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  • #14
Probably along the lines of getting your marriage proposal published, but cute, never the less:

Crossword marriage proposal

Best of all, he had to steal a copy of the newspaper that had a copy of his crossword puzzle in it, since none of the stores he went to had the edition he needed.
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  • #15
That was a pretty good one. I think the video game thing has been overdone.

As always I have a comic applicable to the situation. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal:

So thats's an idea for what not to do. I wonder, if you perhaps had access to the right tools you do something like this:

Perhaps print it on some of his hair? Seeing as he's in particle physics I'm sure if you talk to one of his friends you could get set up after a bit of talking.
  • #16
Go diving and then propose underwater while kissing herÉ
  • #17
What ever you do, don't get drunk before hand. Apparently slurred speech isn't very romantic.
  • #18
Great ideas, all. I'm still thinking, thinking, thinking...and trying to plan. :)
  • #19
charmedp'cle said:
Great ideas, all. I'm still thinking, thinking, thinking...and trying to plan. :)

Let us know how it turns out!
  • #20
take him to a meadow where no one else is around and all you see are forest colored mountains...oh! and do it when the leaves change color. let me tell you, upstate new york is the most beautiful place when the leaves change...
  • #21
I have never understood proposing, especially the public ones. How I would do proposing, if I were able to get married, would be a serious conversation about getting married. I would ask my partner something in the lines of "Do you think we should ever get married?" Or "What would you think about getting married in the near future?"
  • #22
Do NOT do this in a public place. Every one I know who does this, does it because they figure the person will say yes because of all the people watching who love happy endings. One thought is to propose at the place you first saw or met them.

But by trying to think up something really fantastic you are setting the tone for your marriage of "one upmanship". It's fun to think of really interesting and different things to do and surprise your true love, but I'm of the opinion that it's better to do things like this when the time seems right, not on a specific special day. You might feel like crap on that day and want to sit around and sip cocoa or something.

You might also go back to the place you went when you actually decided he was the "right guy" to spend the rest of your life with. I do think I'd let him do the first proposing and don't outdo him. This is a beginning, not the grand finale. it doesn't have to be anything spectacular. Just sincere. You could borrow about 30 floor lamps, put them in your apartment or house, all switched to one switch. Walk in the door, turn them all on at once and tell him that he lights up your life and you never want to live without him.

FAQ: Proposal Ideas? Nerd advice needed

1. What are some unique proposal ideas for a science-loving couple?

One idea could be to incorporate elements of the periodic table into the proposal, such as spelling out "Will you marry me?" using element symbols. Another idea could be to create a scavenger hunt with science-themed clues leading to the proposal location.

2. How can I make my proposal more personal and meaningful for my partner?

Consider incorporating elements from your relationship, such as inside jokes or meaningful locations, into the proposal. You could also create a personalized science experiment or demonstration that relates to your relationship in some way.

3. What are some budget-friendly proposal ideas for a science enthusiast?

You could plan a stargazing night and propose under the stars, or create a DIY science-themed photo booth with props and decorations. Another budget-friendly idea could be to create a personalized science-themed puzzle or game that leads to the proposal.

4. How can I incorporate my love for science and my partner's interests into the proposal?

You could plan a trip to a science museum or observatory and propose there, or create a personalized science experiment that relates to your partner's interests. Another idea could be to incorporate elements from your partner's favorite science fiction movie or book into the proposal.

5. What are some tips for planning a successful science-themed proposal?

Make sure to consider your partner's interests and preferences when planning the proposal. Keep the proposal location and activities aligned with your partner's comfort level and make sure to have a backup plan in case of bad weather or unforeseen circumstances. Also, don't forget to document the proposal with photos or videos to cherish the memories!
