COMSOL Data interpretation problem

In summary, the speaker is seeking help with interpreting garbled data values in a text file format from their 3D cylindrical model in COMSOL. They are also looking for clarification on how to interpret face parameters and how COMSOL performs surface integration.
  • #1
Hey everyone,

I have been using COMSOL to study oxygen diffusion through a membrane coupled with a surface reaction at one end of the membrane. It is a 3D cylindrical model and when I want the data values for oxygen concentration at the reaction boundary, it gives me a list of garbled values in the text file format (when i save it, that is). Now I am unable to make sense of this data and secondly, I would really appreciate it if someone could shed light on face parameters (the Oxygen concentration on the cylindrical reaction boundary surface is plotted against face parameters and I don't know how to interpret face parameters as normal x, y, z co-ordinates). And lastly, does anyone here know how COMSOL performs surface integration? (the exact algorithm used)

Thanks for your time and help.

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  • #2
Hi S_anjeev,

think you could post (or PM) some part of the output file? The output format has a couple of options (and can be customized if need be) and the complexity may be caused by the element topology which is often included (and often unnecessary)(at that format the output is something like "nodes,elements,data" or so). Other than that the output format typically (for a subdomain for example) is "coordinates, data".

At what point are you thinking about the surface integration ... PDE solution, post-processing, coupling etc.? There are different routines available.
  • #3

Hi Sanjeev,

Thank you for sharing your experience with using COMSOL. It sounds like you are facing a data interpretation problem and are seeking some assistance. I can offer some suggestions and insights that may help you with your issues.

Firstly, regarding the garbled data values in the text file format, it is possible that there may be some formatting issues or errors in the way the data is being exported. I would recommend double-checking the export settings and making sure that the data is being saved in a format that is compatible with your analysis.

Secondly, the face parameters in COMSOL are essentially the coordinates of the surface of your cylindrical model. They are not the same as the x, y, z coordinates, but they represent the location of the face in relation to the origin of your model. You can use these parameters to help visualize and understand the behavior of your model.

Lastly, the exact algorithm used by COMSOL for surface integration may vary depending on the specific analysis and settings being used. I would recommend checking the documentation or reaching out to the COMSOL support team for more information on the specific algorithm being used in your case.

I hope this helps and good luck with your research!

FAQ: COMSOL Data interpretation problem

1. What is COMSOL and what is its purpose?

COMSOL is a multiphysics simulation software that allows scientists and engineers to model and simulate physical phenomena. It helps in solving complex problems related to various fields such as physics, chemistry, engineering, and more.

2. How does COMSOL handle data interpretation problems?

COMSOL has a built-in data analysis and post-processing tool that allows users to interpret and analyze simulation results. It also provides various visualization options to help users understand the data better.

3. Can COMSOL be used for data analysis and interpretation in any field of science?

Yes, COMSOL can be used for data analysis and interpretation in various fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and more. It has a wide range of built-in tools and features that can be customized for different applications.

4. Does COMSOL provide any statistical analysis tools for data interpretation?

Yes, COMSOL has a statistics module that allows users to perform statistical analysis on their simulation results. This includes tools for regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and more.

5. Can COMSOL handle large and complex data sets?

Yes, COMSOL is designed to handle large and complex data sets. It has efficient algorithms and parallel computing capabilities that ensure fast and accurate data processing and interpretation.

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