Building a Vehicle to Withstand 40ft Drop: Egg Drop

In summary, the student wants to create a vehicle that falls freely from a height of 40 feet and has no parachutes or other devices to cushion the impact. He has to estimate the time it would take to think of, collect, build, test, and finalize the design. He also has to list the materials used.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hey, I was wondering what the proper section to post this in, and if it is okay to post it:

I have to do a project that goes something of this sort:

Basically build a vehicle no more than an empty mass of of 50 +/- 5 grams, and drop it from a point of approximately 40 feet or so. It has to be a normal-sized, non-"modified" egg (uncooked, etc). It has to be placed in a sealed plastic bag, and there can be no sort of "cushioning" in the vehicle (such as tissue paper, styrofoam, etc). The vehicle must fall freely from 40 feet. There can also be no parachutes and things like that.

Here is basically all the things I have to do for this:

* Describe your initial idea, your second idea, and your final product.
* Describe how you tested your ideas and what you learned from each test.
* Estimate the time spent thinking of ideas, collecting materials, building prototypes, testing prototypes, and building your final design idea.
* List materials used

* Make scale drawings of your final vehicle.
* Clearly sketch and label all important parts and components.
* Label all lengths and dimensions.
* Draw the vehicle as seen from the front, side, and top.

* Include a clear photograph of your final design.
* Digital photos on paper or processed photos from a lab are both acceptable.
* Attach the picture to your report.

Controlling Vehicle Speed: Kinematics
* Use kinematics equations to analyze the vehicle as it falls and explain how you kept the vehicle from striking the ground at an excessive speed.

Controlling Vehicle Speed: Dynamics (Forces)
* Analyze the forces acting on the vehicle as it falls and use Newton’s Second Law to explain how you kept the vehicle from striking the ground at an excessive speed.

Controlling Vehicle Speed: Energy Conservation
* Use the appropriate equation for the conservation of energy to analyze the vehicle as it falls and explain how you kept the vehicle from striking the ground at an excessive speed. Do not discuss rotational effects in this section.

Controlling Impact with the Ground: Dynamics (Forces)
* Analyze the forces acting on the vehicle as it comes to a stop after striking the ground, and use Newton’s Second Law to explain how you minimized the forces acting on the egg.

Controlling Impact with the Ground: Momentum and Impulse
* Describe the intended collision between the vehicle and the ground, and use the equation for impulse to explain two different ways such a collision minimizes the forces acting on the egg as it comes to a stop after striking the ground.

Controlling Impact with the Ground: Work
* Use the appropriate equation for work to analyze the vehicle as it comes to a stop after striking the ground and explain how you minimized the forces acting on the egg.

Benefits of Rotation
* Describe how you designed the vehicle to rotate as it falls to the ground.
* Research and discuss why it is helpful to do this.
* Research and explain why the vehicle rotates using the torque concept.
* Research and explain how making the vehicle rotate results in a lower speed at impact using the rotational kinetic energy concept.
* Research and explain why a rotating vehicle is more stable using the angular momentum concept.

Homework Equations

Too many to state :P

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that it would be better if the vehicle crumples, etc (because longer time interval = less impulse), any other ideas on what to do for this? I have a few ideas about this as well, was wondering if anyone else did.
Physics news on
  • #2
well just as a thought
why not make a bottom or 3/4 cast of it out of like fiberglass.
and put like 4 posts around it facing down. and make a shaft and put something in it like oil with a tiny spout at the top and if you could make it fall staight it could be like shocks.

that should help distribute the impact over a broader area

ya didnt finish reading it cause i don't know what all it mean.

but sounds fun
i bett you can figure out a way of slowing its terminal velocity
how big can it be.

what is cushining?
  • #3
The weight w/o the egg is 45-55 grams (has to be). Thanks for your suggestion, cushioning is when you put tissues/cotton balls, etc. to break the fall.
  • #4
still don't know how your supposed to not cushion it.
like anything is cushioning if it crumples. can you use rubber.
i saw this rubber once that when it hit the ground it didn't bounce. you should try that stuff. cause wouldn't hitting the ground and bouncing be worse.

hey post pics of where you are so far.

FAQ: Building a Vehicle to Withstand 40ft Drop: Egg Drop

1. How can I ensure that my vehicle will withstand a 40ft drop?

There are a few key factors to consider when building a vehicle to withstand a 40ft drop. First, you will want to choose lightweight but durable materials such as foam, cardboard, or balsa wood. Second, make sure that the egg is securely placed within the vehicle and that there is sufficient padding to absorb the impact. Additionally, you may want to test your vehicle at smaller heights before attempting the 40ft drop to identify any weaknesses or necessary adjustments.

2. Do I need to follow any specific design guidelines when building my vehicle?

While there is no one "correct" design for a vehicle to withstand a 40ft drop, there are some general guidelines that can increase your chances of success. These include creating a sturdy base to support the weight of the egg, incorporating shock-absorbing materials, and ensuring that the vehicle is aerodynamic to minimize air resistance during the drop.

3. Can I use any type of egg for this experiment?

It is recommended to use a raw chicken egg for the egg drop experiment. This is because raw eggs have a more fragile shell compared to hard-boiled eggs, making them a better test for the strength and durability of your vehicle. Additionally, hard-boiled eggs may not behave the same way as raw eggs during the drop, potentially affecting the results of your experiment.

4. Is there a weight limit for the vehicle and egg combined?

While there is no specific weight limit, it is important to keep in mind that the heavier the vehicle and egg are, the more force they will experience during the 40ft drop. This could potentially increase the risk of the egg breaking upon impact. It is generally recommended to keep the weight of the vehicle and egg as low as possible while still ensuring stability and protection for the egg.

5. What should I do if my vehicle fails the 40ft drop test?

If your vehicle does not successfully protect the egg during the 40ft drop, there are a few potential reasons why. You may want to reassess the design and materials used, as well as make any necessary adjustments and retest at smaller heights. Additionally, you may want to research and learn from other successful egg drop designs and try incorporating similar elements into your own vehicle.

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