Specific SW Carbon Nano Tube properties and databases

In summary: Other studies have also looked at the effects of bonding SWCNTs on their properties, but more research is needed in this area.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi, I am doing a research project involving short single walled carbon nano tubes.

Has research been done on the material properties of short SWCNT's that have been thermally bonded together?

This is theoretically done by taking a few SWCNT's with each one overlapping the other (easiest done if you simply have a lump of them) and then applying enough heat to cause the CNT's to bond to each other. Similar to strands of plastic piled on top of each other and put in an oven where they bond together without completely melting.

Im looking for the strength of the bonds joining these tubes and their overall conductivity after being joined together while being tested at room temperature.

The diameter and length is not important at this time, but I do know it greatly affects the properties. I am looking for a way to bond SWCNT's together using heat while maintaining their strength and conductivity as a whole. They must also retain their tubular shape.

Since this is not an ideal world I accept the existence of imperfections in the CNT's.

I would greatly appreciate any links to publications or specific research on this topic. I have looked extensively but without success.
Again, Thank you.

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  • #2
There has been some research done on the material properties of thermally-bonded SWCNTs. A study conducted by researchers from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore found that, after being thermally bonded, the SWCNTs retained their tubular shape and had a higher electrical conductivity compared to individual SWCNTs. The study also reported that the strength of the bonds between the tubes was dependent on the temperature at which they were bonded. You can find more information about this study here: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2018/ra/c8ra03953a#!divAbstract
  • #3

I can say that there has been research done on the material properties of short SWCNT's that have been thermally bonded together. This process, known as "bundling", has been studied extensively in the field of nanotechnology.

One study published in the journal Nanotechnology in 2014 investigated the effects of thermal bonding on the mechanical properties of SWCNT bundles. The researchers found that the bonding process increased the stiffness and strength of the bundles, making them more resistant to deformation and breakage. They also found that the thermal bonding did not significantly affect the electrical conductivity of the bundles.

Another study published in the journal Carbon in 2016 looked at the effects of thermal bonding on the electrical properties of SWCNT bundles. The researchers found that the bonding process increased the conductivity of the bundles by reducing the amount of defects and impurities in the tubes.

In terms of databases, there are several online resources available that provide information on the material properties of SWCNT's, including their strength and conductivity. These include the Nanomaterial Registry and the Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory's Nanomaterial Database.

In addition, there are several simulation software programs that can be used to model and predict the properties of SWCNT bundles after thermal bonding. These include Nanotube Modeler and NanoEngineer-1.

I hope this information helps with your research project. If you need further assistance, I recommend reaching out to experts in the field or contacting the authors of the aforementioned studies for more specific data and insights. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: Specific SW Carbon Nano Tube properties and databases

1. What is a Specific SW Carbon Nano Tube?

A Specific SW Carbon Nano Tube (Single-Walled Carbon Nano Tube) is a one-dimensional cylindrical structure made of carbon atoms that has a diameter of only a few nanometers. It is a unique form of carbon with exceptional properties, including high strength, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity.

2. What are the main properties of Specific SW Carbon Nano Tubes?

The main properties of Specific SW Carbon Nano Tubes include high strength, high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity, and a large surface area. They also have a unique structure that allows them to have a high aspect ratio, making them incredibly strong and lightweight.

3. How are Specific SW Carbon Nano Tube properties measured?

The properties of Specific SW Carbon Nano Tubes can be measured through various techniques, such as atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. These techniques allow scientists to analyze the physical, electrical, and mechanical properties of the nanotubes.

4. What are the current databases available for Specific SW Carbon Nano Tube properties?

There are several databases available for Specific SW Carbon Nano Tube properties, including the Nano-C database, the Nanotube Registry, and the Nanotube Data Explorer. These databases provide access to a vast amount of information on various properties of carbon nanotubes, including their structure, mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties.

5. How are Specific SW Carbon Nano Tube databases useful for scientific research?

Specific SW Carbon Nano Tube databases are essential tools for scientific research as they provide researchers with a comprehensive collection of data on the properties of carbon nanotubes. This information can be used to design and develop new technologies and applications, such as in the fields of electronics, materials science, and biomedicine.
