Escalante Woman Sounds Chemtrails Alarm

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary: Mormons... just ask them for their badges, they won't mind].In summary, a LaVerkin City Councilman has sparked a local fight against the United Nations, claiming that the U.N. is purposely killing people by spraying poison from high altitudes. This belief is widespread and a woman in Escalante is also trying to raise awareness about it. Some individuals, such as the original poster, believe that this may be related to the military's HAARP project and that the military has a history of manipulating the environment for their own benefit. Others, however, argue that there is no evidence to support these claims and that the supposed "evidence" is often just pictures of contrails. There is also a discussion about the military
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Escalante Woman Sounds "Chemtrails" Alarm

A LaVerkin City Councilman is leading a local fight against the United Nations, believing the U.N. is deliberately murdering millions of people by spraying poison from high altitudes. The belief is surprisingly widespread. And a woman in Escalante is also trying to sound the alarm.
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  • #2
This is very interesting, I think it probably has to do with haarp. I think the military scientists have gone way to far on this one.
  • #3
Originally posted by username
This is very interesting, I think it probably has to do with haarp. I think the military scientists have gone way to far on this one.

Hey username! I was wondering where you went. :wink:
  • #4
Originally posted by username
This is very interesting, I think it probably has to do with haarp. I think the military scientists have gone way to far on this one.
I'm wondering if any psychologists have ever done any studies on why it is that people jump to such conclusions when there is a perfectly good scientific explanation for the phenomenon in question. And no, ignorance is no excuse. Even those who are ignorant still could ASSUME that there is a reasonable explanation. Why the preference to assume a government conspiracy?
  • #5
I'm wondering if any psychologists have ever done any studies on why it is that people jump to such conclusions when there is a perfectly good scientific explanation for the phenomenon in question. And no, ignorance is no excuse. Even those who are ignorant still could ASSUME that there is a reasonable explanation. Why the preference to assume a government conspiracy?

I have read listened most if not all the evidence/claims about this subject and have come to the conclusion it is for real. Probably just harmless enough cloud seeding experiments. But I do admit to pressuming there is a link with the harrp project there is no real evidence for this that I am aware of, but it would make a lot of sense.

EDIT: I am not really claiming there is a conspiracy as such but the military often manipulates the environment to there benfit without regard for life. Take for instance all those whales and stuff beaching themselves that could be because they don't like the low frequency communication with nuclear subs, I think this has been taken to court in the US?

EDIT: Ok so maybe I am jumping to conclusions but I am strongly biased in favor of the military being involved.

Hey username! I was wondering where you went

I have to make a living 2, hopefully if I am all good health wise I am going traveling before I become enslaved by the machines or even worse become a machine :/
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  • #6
Originally posted by username
Take for instance all those whales and stuff beaching themselves that could be because they don't like the low frequency communication with nuclear subs, I think this has been taken to court in the US?
Never heard that one. I sure hope the judge knew the difference between low frequency sound and low frequency RADIO, lol.
I have read listened most if not all the evidence/claims about this subject and have come to the conclusion it is for real.
I have yet to see anything that can in any way be construed as "evidence." Most of what you see is pictures of contrails and people who don't know what contrails are claiming they couldn't possibly be contrails.
  • #7
Originally posted by russ_watters
Never heard that one.

As for the military being taken to court here is a link all about it.

I have yet to see anything that can in any way be construed as "evidence." Most of what you see is pictures of contrails and people who don't know what contrails are claiming they couldn't possibly be contrails

Apparently there is a lot of physical evidence, chemical residues etc. But its true I do not know for sure all I can say is that's what I think beyond a reasonable doubt. It would be nice to see an article in a mainstream newspaper or if it went to the courts or something.
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  • #8
Originally posted by username
This is very interesting, I think it probably has to do with haarp. I think the military scientists have gone way to far on this one.

Good god I really am starting to sound like a nut. I often listen to pseudo science radio talk shows which helps to me sleep I usually wake up with the headphones on. Maybe its starting to effect me.
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  • #9
Originally posted by username
As for the military being taken to court here is a link all about it.
Oh, ok. Low frequency SONAR, not communications. Big difference.
Good god I really am starting to sound like a nut.
I was letting that HAARP thing go.
  • #10
Originally posted by russ_watters
Oh, ok. Low frequency SONAR, not communications. Big difference.

I thought they were using the sonar for communication. Maybe I am wrong about this one. Sounds like it from the article. I know sonar can be used for communication, don't know if it would practical for sub communication though (see below).

I was letting that HAARP thing go.

Good :) Maybe I was getting confused about haarp possibly being used for very low frequency radio communication with subs rather than the sonar.
  • #11
Originally posted by username
I thought they were using the sonar for communication. Maybe I am wrong about this one. Sounds like it from the article. I know sonar can be used for communication, don't know if it would practical for sub communication though (see below).

Good :) Maybe I was getting confused about haarp possibly being used for very low frequency radio communication with subs rather than the sonar.

Username, you have not been the same since the CIA tagged your computer during our previous discussions. You haven't seen any guys in black suits lately have you [if they are on bicycles and wearing white shirts don't worry]?
  • #12
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Username, you have not been the same since the CIA tagged your computer during our previous discussions. You haven't seen any guys in black suits lately have you [if they are on bicycles and wearing white shirts don't worry]?

HEhehe I worked out the CIA thing I think (even though its not the whole story I am a computer scientist btw) it was in the end a combination of hardware/software client/server errors. My mouse has developed the most annoying bug you could ever imagine it randomly clicks the left button sometimes when u cick it it does ot 5-20 times in the space of about 1 sec. Also I have google toolbar which has (had) a 'up directory button' still there is a few other bugs (as statedd above) that must of occurred which is not unsual.

EDIT: I see men in black every day :)
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  • #13
Originally posted by username
HEhehe I worked out the CIA thing I think (even though its not the whole story I am a computer scientist btw) it was in the end a combination of hardware/software client/server errors. My mouse has developed the most annoying bug you could ever imagine it randomly clicks the left button sometimes when u cick it it does ot 5-20 times in the space of about 1 sec. Also I have google toolbar which has (had) a 'up directory button' still there is a few other bugs (as statedd above) that must of occurred which is not unsual.

EDIT: I see men in black every day :)

men in...? nm I won't ask.

Anyhow, replace your mouse with one you know works. If it's still doing that left click thing, then look at the possiblity of a software issue.

FAQ: Escalante Woman Sounds Chemtrails Alarm

1. Who is Escalante Woman and why is she sounding an alarm about chemtrails?

Escalante Woman is a fictional character created by artist Michael Light. She is a symbol for the environmental movement and represents the voice of nature. The "alarm" she is sounding is a metaphor for raising awareness about the potential harmful effects of chemtrails on the environment.

2. What are chemtrails and why are they a concern?

Chemtrails, also known as "contrails," are the visible trails left behind by airplanes in the sky. These trails consist of water vapor and other byproducts of jet fuel combustion. Some people are concerned that these trails may contain harmful chemicals that are being intentionally sprayed into the atmosphere.

3. Are there any scientific studies on the effects of chemtrails?

There is currently no scientific evidence to support the claim that chemtrails are harmful to humans or the environment. Multiple studies have been conducted by government agencies and independent researchers, and all have concluded that chemtrails are simply a byproduct of jet engines.

4. What are some of the conspiracy theories surrounding chemtrails?

Some people believe that chemtrails are part of a government conspiracy to control the weather, manipulate human behavior, or spread diseases. However, there is no credible evidence to support these claims. The trails left by airplanes are a natural occurrence and have been studied and understood for many years.

5. What can individuals do to reduce the impact of chemtrails on the environment?

Since chemtrails are a natural byproduct of air travel, the best way to reduce their impact on the environment is to reduce our overall carbon footprint. This can be done by using alternative modes of transportation, supporting sustainable energy sources, and advocating for environmental policies. It's also important to educate ourselves and others about the science behind chemtrails and dispel any unfounded conspiracy theories.

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