What is the Probability of a Drunk Man Ending Up 14 Steps Back into the Pub?

  • Thread starter the riddick25
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In summary, there is a 0% chance of the drunk man not taking a step forward, and a 50% chance of him taking a step forward, after 20 steps.
  • #1
the riddick25

Homework Statement

There is a drunk man who is just leaving the pub, he is so drunk that the probability of him taking a step forward is 0.5, and the probability of him taking a step backwards is also 0.5
There is a zero chance of him not taking a step.
After 20 steps, what is the probability of him being 14 steps back into the pub?

Homework Equations

Not sure

The Attempt at a Solution

I have no idea where to start for this question, so if somebody could give me a push in the right direction that would be extremely helpful
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
How many ways can 14 steps backwards be done? How many outcomes are there in total?
  • #3
we can put the question in more familiar terms. say you flip a coin 20 times. what is the probability that you flipped 14 more heads (back steps) than tails (forward steps)? So, as gatorpower said, it is just a matter of counting how many ways that can be done.

good luck
  • #4
This is a binomial distribution with p= q= 1/2 and so will involve [itex](1/2)^{20}[/itex].
Let n be the number of forward steps he took. Then 20- n is the number of backward steps. Assuming he started at the door, if he is 14 steps back into the pub, taking forward steps positive and backward steps negative, we must have n- (20- n)= 2n- 20= -14. Solve that for n.

Now that you know the number of forward and backward steps, you can use the binomial coefficient to determine in how many orders he could have taken those forward and backward steps.

(By the way, I find this problem, and any problem postulating people not in control of themselves, offensive.)
  • #5
I agree with halls, why do we need such unpleasant topics for math problems?
  • #6
Thank you all very much for your help

and i agree with what you said about the question, like eczeno said this could easily have been put in terms of a coin flipping, instead it is about a drunk person who can't walk properly :S

FAQ: What is the Probability of a Drunk Man Ending Up 14 Steps Back into the Pub?

1. What is simple probability?

Simple probability is a mathematical concept that measures the likelihood of a certain event occurring. It is calculated by dividing the number of desired outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes.

2. How is simple probability different from other types of probability?

Simple probability only considers a single event with a binary outcome, while other types of probability, such as compound and conditional probability, involve multiple events and their relationships.

3. What is the formula for calculating simple probability?

The formula for simple probability is P(event) = number of desired outcomes / total number of possible outcomes.

4. Can simple probability be greater than 1 or less than 0?

No, simple probability is always between 0 and 1 inclusive. A probability of 0 means the event is impossible, while a probability of 1 means the event is certain to occur.

5. How can simple probability be used in real life?

Simple probability can be used in various real-life scenarios, such as predicting the outcome of a coin toss or a dice roll, estimating the chances of winning a game or a competition, and determining the likelihood of certain events, such as rain, based on historical data.
