Is It True That People Discriminate Against Us Abroad?

  • Thread starter DeathKnight
  • Start date
In summary, my brother has decided to study abroad for heigher studies, but is hesitant because he's heard stories about people in America and europe hating us. However, I think he would be relatively safe in the US. There is some racism in the US, but it's generally not open. Universities are tolerant of diversity, and it will also depend on where he attends.
  • #1
My elder brother has decided to study abroad for heigher studies. He's a bit reluctant though. This is because here we have heard loads of stories about people in America and europe hating us specially after 9/11. Is it true?
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  • #2
These are dangerous and unpredicatble times for all of us, but my own perception is that a your brother would be about as safe here [in the US] as I am. In other words, I doubt that he would be at significantly greater risk due to his country of origin, as anyone here is due to crime of all sorts. A lot of this depends also on how and where one spends their time. For example, getting drunk and fighting a lot would be a bad idea. Studying in the library is relatively safe. :biggrin:
  • #3
My impression of the US is that some people let fear & patriotism cloud their reasoning, but I don't know how much that translates into open racism. There are many people of Pakistani origin in the UK, though places like Bradford aren't that well intergrated as far as I know. London is pretty multi-cultural and has a shedload of universities, so I reckon your brother has as good a chance of a peaceful & productive time here as anywhere.
  • #4
I can't see why anyone in Europe would hate Paki's after 9/11, USA would be the most risky but if you choose a civil area to study in then its about as safe as anywhere. And if all else fails, come to Canada!
  • #5
DeathKnight, Pakistani's have no problem that I've seen. The most frustrating thing your brother will encounter is people will assume he's Indian. Understandably, this irritates the heck out of Pakistani's I've known, but it also avoids blatant discrimination based on appearances. I'd be lying to say there is no racism at universities, but overall, people at universities are very tolerant of diversity, even embrace it, and this provides a bit of insulation from what might be experienced in the general community. It will also depend on where he attends university. Some cities are more diverse than others, so he will just blend in, while others are more homogenous in population, so he may stand out more as different.
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  • #6
I'd think your brother would be safer here than I would be there.
  • #7
tribdog said:
I'd think your brother would be safer here than I would be there.
Yeah the brother of the pump where you were kicked out during your survey may have told his brother in islamabad,who may have told his cousin in...They may even have a wanted Dead or Alive poster for you in Pakisthan. :smile:
  • #8
How do students in US universities treat Asians students? Especially those whose native language is not English (But can still speak "quite good" English)? Is it easy for these people to make new friends?
  • #9
poolwin2001 said:
Yeah the brother of the pump where you were kicked out during your survey may have told his brother in islamabad,who may have told his cousin in...They may even have a wanted Dead or Alive poster for you in Pakisthan. :smile:
the problem with this site is long memories. don't you people ever forget things?

FAQ: Is It True That People Discriminate Against Us Abroad?

What is discrimination?

Discrimination is the act of treating someone unfairly or differently based on their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, or any other personal characteristic.

Do people discriminate against others when traveling abroad?

Unfortunately, discrimination can occur when traveling abroad, just as it can happen in one's own country. It can take many forms, such as verbal or physical attacks, denial of service, or unfair treatment.

Why do people discriminate against us when we travel abroad?

Discrimination can stem from a variety of factors, including cultural differences, stereotypes, prejudices, and misconceptions. Some people may also discriminate as a way to assert power or dominance over others.

What are some examples of discrimination that travelers may face?

Travelers may face discrimination in various ways, such as being denied entry to certain places, facing rude or hostile treatment, being charged higher prices, or being targeted for scams or theft.

What can be done to address discrimination when traveling abroad?

It is important to research and educate oneself about the culture and customs of the country you are visiting. Additionally, speaking out against discrimination when it occurs and reporting incidents to local authorities or travel organizations can help raise awareness and promote change.

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