Mass conservation for pulsating sphere

In summary, the mass conservation equation for a pulsating sphere with thickness dr involves multiplying the area of the sphere by the speed and density at which it is pulsating. However, the physical meaning behind this is unclear. Also, there is a substitution of ρ for ρ' on the left-hand side of the equation, but it is not explained how this was made. The equation shown in the figure may only be correct under certain assumptions, such as small deviations and spherical symmetry. Starting with the equation of continuity, \nabla.(\rho\bar{v}) = -\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t}, may help in understanding the concept further.
  • #1

I'm trying to understand the mass conservation equation for a pulsating sphere which has thickness dr. Please refer to the attached solution.

[tex]\rho = \rho_{0} (ambient density) + \rho' (small deviation)[/tex]

There are two things I don't follow.

First, is that to obtain the mass, the area of the sphere is multiplied by the speed (and density) at which it is pulsating. Although the units work out, I don't see the physical meaning behind taking the product with speed :confused:.

Secondly, on the LHS, the ρ turns into a ρ'. I can't see how this substitution was made.

Thanks for your input!


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  • #2
It's not clear what you mean by "pulsating sphere." What changes and what stays the same? It looks like the density is changing. The drawing makes it look like the sphere is a shell with inside radius r and outside radius r + dr.

Can you make things a bit more clear?
  • #3
The equation 1) mentioned in your figure doesn't look correct. It may be tentatively correct if the time derivative on the left hand side (L.H.S.) is really a total time derivative and not a partial time derivative(as indicated in the figure) and the deviations of the density are assumed to be sufficiently small.
Also apparently spherical symmetry appears to have been assumed for the density and the velocity.
If you want to figure things out for yourself you can start out with the equation of continuity:
[itex]\nabla.(\rho\bar{v}) = -\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t}[/itex]

FAQ: Mass conservation for pulsating sphere

1. What is mass conservation for pulsating sphere?

Mass conservation for pulsating sphere is the principle that states that the total mass within a closed system, such as a pulsating sphere, remains constant over time. This means that the mass cannot be created or destroyed, only redistributed within the system.

2. Why is mass conservation important for understanding pulsating spheres?

Mass conservation is important for understanding pulsating spheres because it allows us to predict how the mass distribution within the sphere will change as it expands and contracts. This is crucial for understanding the behavior and evolution of pulsating stars.

3. How does mass conservation affect the pulsation of a sphere?

Mass conservation directly affects the pulsation of a sphere by determining the amount and distribution of mass that is available to pulsate. Changes in the mass distribution can alter the pulsation period and amplitude of the sphere.

4. Does mass conservation apply to all types of pulsating spheres?

Yes, mass conservation applies to all types of pulsating spheres, including both theoretical models and observed stars. It is a fundamental principle of physics that applies to all systems, including pulsating stars.

5. How is mass conservation for pulsating spheres related to the law of conservation of mass?

Mass conservation for pulsating spheres is essentially an application of the law of conservation of mass, which states that mass cannot be created or destroyed. In the case of pulsating spheres, this means that the total mass within the system, including any changes in mass distribution, must remain constant over time.
