Parents: Help Kids Find Unique Success

  • Thread starter Jikx
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In summary: EST_FAMILY.xmlIn summary, the author believes that children who receive a great amount of support from their parents, whether it be in academics or other endeavors, do not necessarily become better than other children. They may be "cookie cuttings", but they are still children. The author also believes that creativity should not be discouraged because it is uniquely the child's own.
  • #1
I'm sure it comes under value theory, but here's an observation:

Parents want their kids to succeed, they want their kids BETTER than all the other kids. So there they go, send them off to piano/violin lessons, endless maths and english tuitions, private schooling, best university, and want them to be doctors, laywers or an accountant at the very least.

But (making an assumption here), the most successful people are those with unique skills, who are able to perform or discover something that no-one else was able to, and they carve out their niche and live well. Yet, rarely do you hear about parents pushing their kids into engineering, literature, science, arts or (my opinion) the suicide inducing 'philosophy. All their kids are merely "cookie cuttings" like all the others..

What do you think?
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  • #2
I think what your talking about could be the result of the child receiving insufficient time to develop their own identity. I wouldn't say that giving children the best deprives them of becoming great on their own.
  • #3
Jikz, I have to agree to some extent with your point because of the same example I am witnessing currently. A family that has substantical financial resources above the average family sends their kids to every kind of lesson hoping they will be the best child. One of their children has a streak of creativity that I believe is not addressed as important because it will not render practical in their ability to earn a living. Perhaps it is the generation of the parents today that raise their kids to understand an importance of earning potential.

In my own experience, my drawings and creations as a kid were called "immature", yet today, those same family members have intricate quilts hanging on their walls, and they wear the jewelry I make them as gifts (and I will proudly state they do receive frequent compliments on them). No, I have not made a success of my creativity financialy, but I feel successful when I have created something beautiful.

I have two kids of my own, and do not necessarily steer them in the way I think is best for them when it comes to academics, but steer them in the way that makes them happy. My daughter has the same creative streak as i do and I encourage her to develop it as best she can, because ultimately it is uniquely her own.
  • #4
"She smiles, but is she happy ?". (Adapted from the motion picture "Mona Lisa Smile").
  • #5
Parents do want the best for their kids due to their great love and care for them. However, love is also about understanding. And due to the generation gaps, parents and kids tend not to understand each other. Hundreds of problems have been created because of this. All I can say is that I really wish if there is true understanding between parents and kids.


FAQ: Parents: Help Kids Find Unique Success

What does "unique success" mean?

Unique success refers to achieving success in a way that is personalized and tailored to the individual's strengths, interests, and goals. It may not follow the traditional or conventional path to success, but instead allows for individuality and creativity.

How can parents help their children find unique success?

Parents can help their children find unique success by encouraging and supporting their interests and passions, rather than imposing their own expectations. They can also provide opportunities for exploration and self-discovery, and help their children set realistic goals and develop necessary skills.

Is it important for children to have unique success?

Yes, it is important for children to have unique success because it allows them to develop their individuality and creativity, and find fulfillment in their own personal achievements. It also allows them to pursue their passions and interests, which can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.

Can unique success lead to traditional success?

Yes, unique success can lead to traditional success, as it allows individuals to develop their strengths and talents, which can be valuable in any career or field. Additionally, the pursuit of unique success can lead to personal growth and development, which can enhance one's chances of achieving traditional success.

What are some examples of unique success?

Examples of unique success can include pursuing a non-traditional career path, starting a successful business, creating a successful artistic or creative project, or making a positive impact on one's community. It can also involve finding a fulfilling work-life balance or achieving personal goals and accomplishments that are meaningful to the individual.
