How Much Electricity Can Be Generated from the Decay Heat of Nuclear Waste?

In summary, the decay energy of fission products taken out of a Light Water Reactor (LWR) is about 5% of the nominal power of the reactor immediately after shutdown, dropping to less than 1% after 2 hours. This heat production decreases over time and after 30 years, a ton of spent fuel will only produce about 500 W of heat. Vitrification of the waste reduces the volume and heat production is similar to that of a desktop PC. There are various standards for calculating decay heat, with the NRC Branch Technical Position ASB 9-2 being easily accessible. However, the low heat production makes it difficult to find practical applications for it.
  • #1
Assuming a Light Water Reactor, what would be the decay energy of the fission products taken out of a reactor (the reactor's nuclear waste) and it's thermal yield?

What I am getting at is, there is all this talk of safe storage of nuclear waste...but that nuclear waste is still emitting heat and instead of just storing it, I want to see if I can get it to do some work...thus how much power (electricity) can someone get out of the waste and depending on that power...depends on the applications it can be used for.

so is their anyone out there that can help me out...I am just a beginner at nuclear physics, and need a little bit of extra help
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  • #2
lordentropy said:
Assuming a Light Water Reactor, what would be the decay energy of the fission products taken out of a reactor (the reactor's nuclear waste) and it's thermal yield?

When a reactor is shut down, in the few seconds after the shutdown, the radioactive decay still gives about 5% of the nominal power of the reactor, and this drops to less than 1% after 2 hours or so. It drops pretty fast in the beginning, and then levels off to almost constant, low power production.

Note that during normal working, the radioactive decay also contributes to the power of the reactor. It is only at shutdown that heat gets lost.

A ton of used fuel will give rise, I think, to about 2 KW of heat production after 4 years, and to 500 W after 30 years. If one vitrifies the waste in 1 ton of spend fuel, that takes about 280 kg of material (the uranium and plutonium have been removed, only the actual radioactive waste is mixed with glass). Concerning volume, you can say that the heat production of this vitrified waste per unit of volume is more or less the same as that of a desktop PC. There's not much you can do with that... except maybe making some lukewarm water.
  • #3
There are many "standards" for calculating the decay heat. ANS 5-1 in its various revisions is used in many safety analyses, but the current versions require a fair amount of knowledge on the specifics of the core design and operation. The NRC Branch Technical Position ASB 9-2 is a formulation easily applied in a spreadsheet type calculation, and it is easily available from the NRC website. Look for SRP 9.2.5 (Ultimate Heat Sink) Rev 2 in NUREG-0800. Beware a typo in the equation 2; the uncertainty term should multiply both terms on the R.H.S.

As Vanesch says above, you're not likely to make much use of the decay heat in any real-world application. But have fun learning more about decay heat. If you're doing searches, the term "residual heat" is also often used.

FAQ: How Much Electricity Can Be Generated from the Decay Heat of Nuclear Waste?

1. What is decay energy and how is it related to reactor waste?

Decay energy is the energy released by the radioactive decay of atoms in reactor waste. It is directly related to the amount and type of radioactive isotopes present in the waste.

2. How is decay energy measured?

Decay energy is typically measured in units of joules (J) or electronvolts (eV) per decay, and can be calculated using the equation E = mc^2, where E is energy, m is the mass of the decaying atom, and c is the speed of light.

3. What factors affect the amount of decay energy in reactor waste?

The amount of decay energy in reactor waste is affected by the type and quantity of radioactive isotopes present, as well as the half-life of these isotopes. Isotopes with shorter half-lives have a higher decay energy compared to those with longer half-lives.

4. How is decay energy of reactor waste managed?

The decay energy of reactor waste is managed through various methods, including storage, treatment, and disposal. Storage can involve keeping the waste in a secure location until it decays to a safe level. Treatment methods, such as encapsulation, can reduce the volume and/or radioactivity of the waste. Disposal methods, such as deep geological disposal, ensure the waste is isolated from the environment for long periods of time.

5. What are the potential risks associated with decay energy of reactor waste?

The main risk associated with decay energy of reactor waste is exposure to radiation. This exposure can cause harm to living organisms and the environment. Proper management and disposal of reactor waste is necessary to minimize these risks and protect human health and the environment.
