Need help formulating moments about a point.

In summary, the diagram shows a cross-section of a uniform rectangular block in equilibrium with one edge against a smooth vertical wall and the other edge on a rough horizontal floor. The block has dimensions 2a x a and weight W, with the normal reaction at point A and the frictional force at point B. To find the force exerted by the wall on the block, moments are taken about point B with the anti-clockwise moment being \frac{\sqrt{5}a}{2}W and the clockwise moment being R*2a. Using the distances found, the horizontal and vertical components of W and R can be determined, and setting the torques equal to each other gives the desired force exerted by the wall. The
  • #1
Homework Helper

Homework Statement

The diagram shows a cross-section ABCD of a uniform rectangular block of weight W. The lengths of AB and BC are 2a and a respectively. The edge through A rests against a smooth vertical wall and the edge through B rests on a rough horizontal floor. The coefficient of friction between the block and the floor is [itex]\mu[/itex]. The block is in equilibrium with AB inclined at an angle [itex]\alpha[/itex] to the vertical. Show that the wall exerts a force of magnitude [itex]\frac{1}{4}(2tan\alpha -1)W[/itex] on the block.

Show also that [itex]tan^{-1}(\frac{1}{2}) \leq \alpha \leq tan^{-1}(\frac{1}{2}+2\mu)[/itex]

Homework Equations

[tex]\tau = \vec{F}\times \vec{r}=Frsin\theta[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

In order to not have friction included, I decided to take moments about B.

The distance of W from B is [itex]\frac{\sqrt{5}a}{2}[/itex] (I think I did that correctly).
The normal reaction at A, R, acts parallel to surface on which B lies.

So the clockwise moment is R*2a and the anti-clockwise moment is [itex]\frac{\sqrt{5}a}{2}W[/itex]

is this correct so far, because I don't think I formulated the distances correctly.
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  • #2
Well if the wall is smooth then all the weight presssing against it is in affect pressing hortizonal. In this case the weight is either pressing down on point B or action-reaction against point A.

Prorating the weight shared by points B and A, at what angle does the force of A overcome the mu of B?
  • #3
sirzerp said:
Prorating the weight shared by points B and A, at what angle does the force of A overcome the mu of B?

Not too sure on what you mean here. The normal reaction at is horizontal, that I get. The frictional force,at B acts in the opposite direction of the normal reaction at A. If the body is in equilibrium, doesn't that mean that the normal reaction at A=Frictional force?
  • #4
rock.freak667 said:
Not too sure on what you mean here. The normal reaction at is horizontal, that I get. The frictional force,at B acts in the opposite direction of the normal reaction at A. If the body is in equilibrium, doesn't that mean that the normal reaction at A=Frictional force?

But the Frictional force depends on the normal force which depends on the amount of weight which depends on the angle.

Simple. When you decrease the normal force you are increasing the horizontal force. At some point for some mu, the horizontal force will win.

Finding the math for all of this, might be a bit harder.
  • #5
Well usually the normal reaction is mgcos[itex]\alpha[/itex]. I can split W into sine and cosine. But that doesn't seem to help.
  • #6
Hi rock.freak667,

rock.freak667 said:

The Attempt at a Solution

In order to not have friction included, I decided to take moments about B.

The distance of W from B is [itex]\frac{\sqrt{5}a}{2}[/itex] (I think I did that correctly).
The normal reaction at A, R, acts parallel to surface on which B lies.

So the clockwise moment is R*2a and the anti-clockwise moment is [itex]\frac{\sqrt{5}a}{2}W[/itex]

is this correct so far, because I don't think I formulated the distances correctly.

Your distances are okay, but the moments are not correct. The torque is not F times r; you have to account for the fact that the torque only takes into account the perpendicular parts of F and r. So to use the distances you found you would need to find the angle between W and the diagonal and use a trig function for the weight torque (and a similar thing for the wall's normal force torque).

However, there is an easier approach. Since W is a vertical force, you just need to find the horizontal distance from the pivot to the center of gravity (the horizontal component of the displacement from pivot to center). Then W times this horizontal distance is the torque magnitude.

Similarly, since the normal force at A is horizontal, you just need to find the vertical distance from the pivot to the point A (which is the same as the distance from the origin to point A); multiplying these together gives the torque magnitude from the wall's normal force.

Once you find these distances and therefore the torques, setting these magnitudes equal to each other (like you mentioned in your first post) should give the desired answer for the first part. What do you get?

FAQ: Need help formulating moments about a point.

1. What is a moment about a point?

A moment about a point is a measure of the tendency of a force to rotate an object about a specific point. It is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the force by the perpendicular distance from the point to the line of action of the force.

2. Why is it important to calculate moments about a point?

Calculating moments about a point is essential in analyzing the stability and equilibrium of objects and structures. It helps determine the forces acting on an object and how those forces are distributed, which is crucial in understanding the behavior of the object.

3. How do you formulate moments about a point?

To formulate moments about a point, you must first identify the point and the forces acting on the object. Then, you can use the equation M = F x d, where M is the moment, F is the force, and d is the perpendicular distance from the point to the line of action of the force. Repeat this process for all the forces acting on the object and add the individual moments together to get the total moment about the point.

4. Can moments about a point be negative?

Yes, moments about a point can be negative. A negative moment indicates that the force is causing the object to rotate in a clockwise direction, while a positive moment indicates counterclockwise rotation. It is essential to pay attention to the sign of the moment when analyzing the stability of an object.

5. What are some real-world applications of calculating moments about a point?

Calculating moments about a point is used in various fields, including engineering, physics, and architecture. It is crucial in designing structures such as bridges, buildings, and machines to ensure their stability and safety. It is also used in understanding the mechanics of human movement and balance.
