Work and delay lags in networks

In summary, the conversation is discussing the concept of work and delay lag in relation to PERT charts. The speaker is seeking clarification on why certain tasks cannot be started together and the difference between work and delay lag. The expert suggests that PERT charts are used to design work schedules based on task dependencies and constraints, and provides a resource for further understanding.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The attached page explain the work and delay lag
but actually i can't understand when he said for example that two bridges can't start together?why?
how he know that?
and in other graph he said the different directions of lag which is correct

actually i completely don't understand this part,so please explain it so i can understand the difference

what is work lag and what is delay lag and why in some circumstances there are not feasible

or please guide me to recourse to understand them


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  • #2
you haven't provided the whole problem description. Is Bridge A and Bridge B on the same road? Is there some dependency that says bridge A must be done first otherwise trucks can't get to the excavation site...?

Delays come into play when one task is dependent on another task or they use common resources.
  • #3
Sorry for that, I upload now another example, and my question is why he said that for splittable activity 6 day work is feasible while at not splittable 6 days work are not feasible,,please explain this form me

Also what if it was delay lag for both what happen

Basically i am confused in work and delay lag and maybe if you explain this to me i will be able to catch the idea

Thank you in advance


  • Lecture Networks Precedence 1a 1213 (1).pdf.pdf
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  • #4
It looks like you are working with a PERT chart which is used to design work schedules based on the idea that some tasks are dependent on one another while others can be done at the same time.

The dependency may be because one task lays a foundation for the next task or that only one person can do the task or simply that the task may require a set time for drying...

As an example, task A can be done while task B is being done but both A and B must be complete before task C can be started. The PERT idea is to study the tasks and figure out the proper order of tasks and the shortest time to complete given the times it takes to do a given task, the resources and other constraints.

Wikipedia has an article on it that may help:

Toward the end of the article is a chart that looks very similar to yours and may help you interpret it better.

I hope this helps.
  • #5

I can explain the concept of work and delay lags in networks. Work lag refers to the time delay between the start of a task and its completion. This can occur in networks when there is a delay in the transmission of information or data between two nodes or devices. This can happen due to various reasons such as network congestion, hardware failures, or poor network design.

On the other hand, delay lag refers to the time delay between the start of a task and its response. This can occur when there is a delay in the processing of the task at the receiving end. This can happen due to factors such as slow processing speed, large data packets, or network errors.

In the context of two bridges not being able to start together, it refers to the concept of synchronization in networks. In order for two devices to communicate effectively, they need to be synchronized in terms of their timing. If there is a difference in timing between the two devices, it can lead to work or delay lags, resulting in inefficient communication.

The different directions of lag refer to the direction in which the lag occurs. Work lag can occur in both directions, from the sender to the receiver and vice versa. Delay lag, on the other hand, can only occur in one direction, from the sender to the receiver.

In some circumstances, work and delay lags may not be feasible, meaning that they cannot be avoided. This can happen in complex networks with multiple nodes and devices, where delays may occur due to various factors and cannot be completely eliminated.

To better understand work and delay lags, it is important to have a good understanding of network design, communication protocols, and data transmission. Resources such as textbooks, online courses, and tutorials can provide a more in-depth explanation and examples of these concepts.

FAQ: Work and delay lags in networks

1. What are work and delay lags in networks?

Work and delay lags in networks refer to the time delays and inefficiencies that can occur in a network due to factors such as high traffic, congestion, or hardware limitations. These delays can affect the overall performance and productivity of the network.

2. How do work and delay lags impact network performance?

Work and delay lags can significantly impact network performance by causing slower data transfer speeds, increased latency, and even network failures. These delays can also lead to reduced efficiency and productivity for network users.

3. What are some common causes of work and delay lags in networks?

Some common causes of work and delay lags in networks include network congestion, outdated hardware or software, inadequate network design, and insufficient bandwidth. Human error and external factors such as natural disasters can also contribute to these delays.

4. How can work and delay lags be minimized or prevented in networks?

To minimize or prevent work and delay lags in networks, it is important to regularly update and maintain network equipment, optimize network design, and monitor network traffic. Implementing quality of service (QoS) measures and using efficient routing protocols can also help to reduce delays in networks.

5. Can work and delay lags be completely eliminated in networks?

While it is not possible to completely eliminate work and delay lags in networks, proper network management and regular maintenance can significantly reduce their impact. Additionally, advancements in technology and network infrastructure can also help to improve network performance and reduce delays over time.

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