Guys Rules for Girls: 12 Essential Rules to Follow

  • Thread starter Clausius2
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In summary: I'd be discarding lots of women based on my lack of elegance. That's not a very nice thing to do.In summary, the conversation discusses various rules that men have for women, such as being honest about their feelings, being considerate and reciprocating, and being well-groomed and elegant. It also touches on the importance of finding a partner who is kind and intellectually engaging, rather than just physically attractive. Some of the rules may seem harsh or superficial, but ultimately it's about finding someone who is a good match and treating them with respect.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Guys Rules for Girls!

Were you thinking we have not any rule?. These are the ones as far as I am concerned:

notation: (Otherwise she would be discarded) means I would never date a girl whose behavior is violating the rule.

1. If you're unhappy with something, say so. Don't expect your partner to figure it out all the time. (dedicated to Jason Rox)

2. If you expect me to do something, then I should expect the same from you. (dedicated to Jason Rox)

3. Shave your moustache and leg hair. It is unacceptable to sight hair in both those parts. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

4. Be elegant dressing. Some women don't have any sense of elegance.
(Otherwise she would be discarded)

5. Be elegant when talking. Bad or swear words are unacceptable in the mouth of lady. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

6. Even though you and yourself think that you are so pretty and hottie, do not never think that guys are kind of satellites orbiting around the centre of the universe, that is you. You are not the center of anything. We guys are dynamic planets who change of orbit immediately when we see such an arrogant behavior. Do not have that antropocentric vision of the Universe never. (Otherwise she would be discarded) .

7. Do not never heat up guys only for fun. Heating a guy without not wanting anything with him deserves your staying at the Hell forever and ever.

8. Do not have such a selfish and arrogant behavior of thinking you are doing a favour to a guy merely by talking to him or letting yourself to be dated by him. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

9. Even though you and yourself think you are so pretty, be educated and polite, and say hello when some guy says hello to you. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

10. Even though you and yourself think you are so pretty, don't be selfish again and do not tell the guy your whole life after he said "how are you?", and you didn't show any interest on how the life is treating him. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

11. Be dynamic, don't wait sat there for a guy for dating you. If you like him, a dynamic girl must deal with doing the first step. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

12. Even though you and yourself think you are so pretty, be always grateful if a guy does you a favour. Do not think all the guys are obeyed to do favours to you. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

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  • #2
I agree with all of those except 5, and to some extent 4.
  • #3
A woman shouldn't shave their furry upper lip! She'll then get stubble and it'll grow back twice as bad! Trust me a little bit of fluff is better than a girl who shaves her facial hair (bad experience in the past :frown: :redface: )

  • #4
lol @ "otherwise she would be discarded" :-p

the most important of all are #6 & #8; attitude is everything. I've talked to lots of girls (or should i say "women" in an academic setting such as physicsforums :-p ) who may not fit the female "ideal" physically but are very cool people anyway. & much nicer to be around of course. (otherwise she would be discarded with extreme prejudice)
  • #5

Prepare for intellectual engagement. If you have just taken an introductory course in English poetry, and you have just read "The Cloud" by Shelley, please don't take it as a sign of personal affront that your date prefers the work of Robert Burns and wants to read you some of his poems. "The best-laid schemes of mice and men gang oft agley" is perhaps the best viewpoint to approach life. The poem is titled "The Plow", I believe, and the theme was brought to the screen in "Of Mice and Men" - a most wonderful film. (BTW, "The Cloud" is perhaps my favorite Shelley work)

If you expect to be taken "somewhere" for a date (where you can see and be seen) and your suitor insists on treating you to something different, give him a shot. A trip to a planitarium or a wildlife rescue center can be fun, and the price of admission usually goes toward supporting the ongoing operation of the enterprise.

Be a nice person and demand that the person asking you for a date is a nice person too. Many of the points made in the original post were about matters of personal consideration, and in that context, the post made men appear to be inconsiderate slobs. That is a gross overgeneralization, and it is unwarranted. There are lots of guys that want their homes (and themselves) to be clean and attractive, and there are lots of ladies that frankly don't give a crap about the maintenance of ther homes or themselves, as long as they look OK when they are out in public.

Pick your suitors from people who are nice, and who are willing to talk with you and make your life interesting.
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  • #6
Clausius2 said:
1. If you're unhappy with something, say so. Don't expect your partner to figure it out all the time. (dedicated to Jason Rox)

Even that doesn't seem to help. Depends on the person though, and guys can be just as silly.

Clausius2 said:
2. If you expect me to do something, then I should expect the same from you. (dedicated to Jason Rox)

And what is this something?:-p Anyone who listens to Loveline with Adam Corolla and Dr. Drew knows how many guys are out there who don't "reciprocate."

Clausius2 said:
3. Shave your moustache and leg hair. It is unacceptable to sight hair in both those parts. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

Don't have a problem with this, just the fact that it's made into a demand. Remember, it's the females who are the choosy ones, not the males:biggrin:

Clausius2 said:
4. Be elegant dressing. Some women don't have any sense of elegance.
(Otherwise she would be discarded)

I'm way too casual for this one. I don't shop that often either. Anyhow, I'm looking to date a guy who is more into fun than appearances.
Clausius2 said:
5. Be elegant when talking. Bad or swear words are unacceptable in the mouth of lady. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

Again, I'm too crude for this. Sometimes well-timed swearwords make for comic moments.
Clausius2 said:
6. Even though you and yourself think that you are so pretty and hottie, do not never think that guys are kind of satellites orbiting around the centre of the universe, that is you. You are not the center of anything. We guys are dynamic planets who change of orbit immediately when we see such an arrogant behavior. Do not have that antropocentric vision of the Universe never. (Otherwise she would be discarded) .
Never met any girls like this. Are you sure they don't just exist on tv shows (or in your head)?

Clausius2 said:
7. Do not never heat up guys only for fun. Heating a guy without not wanting anything with him deserves your staying at the Hell forever and ever.
Again, don't know any girls that do this. I thought Hell was reserved for worse crimes like keying a guy's car.:-p

Clausius2 said:
8. Do not have such a selfish and arrogant behavior of thinking you are doing a favour to a guy merely by talking to him or letting yourself to be dated by him. (Otherwise she would be discarded) 9. Even though you and yourself think you are so pretty, be educated and polite, and say hello when some guy says hello to you. (Otherwise she would be discarded)10. Even though you and yourself think you are so pretty, don't be selfish again and do not tell the guy your whole life after he said "how are you?", and you didn't show any interest on how the life is treating him. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

12. Even though you and yourself think you are so pretty, be always grateful if a guy does you a favour. Do not think all the guys are obeyed to do favours to you. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

Sounds like you've had some bad experiences!

Clausius2 said:
11. Be dynamic, don't wait sat there for a guy for dating you. If you like him, a dynamic girl must deal with doing the first step. (Otherwise she would be discarded)

Actually, almost all the guys I've dated are because of my initiation.
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  • #7
Clausius2 said:
(Otherwise she would be discarded)

What are we tools to you?!
  • #8
turbo-1 said:

Prepare for intellectual engagement. If you have just taken an introductory course in English poetry, and you have just read "The Cloud" by Shelley, please don't take it as a sign of personal affront that your date prefers the work of Robert Burns and wants to read you some of his poems. "The best-laid schemes of mice and men gang oft agley" is perhaps the best viewpoint to approach life. The poem is titled "The Plow", I believe, and the theme was brought to the screen in "Of Mice and Men" - a most wonderful film. (BTW, "The Cloud" is perhaps my favorite Shelley work)

If you expect to be taken "somewhere" for a date (where you can see and be seen) and your suitor insists on treating you to something different, give him a shot. A trip to a planitarium or a wildlife rescue center can be fun, and the price of admission usually goes toward supporting the ongoing operation of the enterprise.

Be a nice person and demand that the person asking you for a date is a nice person too. Many of the points made in the original post were about matters of personal consideration, and in that context, the post made men appear to be inconsiderate slobs. That is a gross overgeneralization, and it is unwarranted. There are lots of guys that want their homes (and themselves) to be clean and attractive, and there are lots of ladies that frankly don't give a crap about the maintenance of ther homes or themselves, as long as they look OK when they are out in public.

Pick your suitors from people who are nice, and who are willing to talk with you and make your life interesting.

Nice comments, but what happened to free will? What if we just said, to each there own? Wacky concept, but we might test it out!
  • #9
0TheSwerve0 said:
Nice comments, but what happened to free will? What if we just said, to each there own? Wacky concept, but we might test it out!
Not a problem! Free will is nice. Implied pre-conceived rules (and the requirement that the other gender has to automatically know these rules and be bound by them) is stupid. This principle is stupid no matter which gender might wish to apply it. If you do not wish to treat your significant other as an equal partner, you are an ass. I have been treated this way by women, and do not want to see women treated this way by men. Do you have a clue?
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  • #10
0TheSwerve0 said:
Nice comments, but what happened to free will? What if we just said, to each there own? Wacky concept, but we might test it out!

I think you put an end to free will when you made this thread a few hours ago
  • #11
Pengwuino said:

I think you put an end to free will when you made this thread a few hours ago
Yep, the OP has laid out a bunch of crap. The fact is that there are a lot of nice people (both men and women) who are willing to treat each other as equals (or at least as people who have differnces that are fun and pleasant to explore!), and can learn to know one another and live together. I have lady friends that would go to the mat for me, just as my male friends would. Sexism sucks, in whatever guise, just as racism sucks.
  • #12
Hey, that thread was just in response to the guys earlier thread. Anyhow, we could focus on the nice things our bfs/gfs do for us. One of my bfs took me to a water tower to climb up and look at the stars. It was really romantic, a comet even streaked by. More recently, my bf cleaned the apt. It was a big deal because our apt is //never// clean. Nice to come home to after a hard day at the zoo.
  • #13
0TheSwerve0 said:
Hey, that thread was just in response to the guys earlier thread. Anyhow, we could focus on the nice things our bfs/gfs do for us. One of my bfs took me to a water tower to climb up and look at the stars. It was really romantic, a comet even streaked by. More recently, my bf cleaned the apt. It was a big deal because our apt is //never// clean. Nice to come home to after a hard day at the zoo.

Jeez all the women I know would think the water tower thing is stupid. I however would LOVE to do something like that.
  • #14
#1.) Cook me my dinner and it better be ready as soon as I walk in the door from work. I make the $$, the least you can do is cook.

#2.) Why do you think the bride's dress is white? So the dishwasher is the same color as the refrigerator. Clean the dishes, I can't stand a sink w/ dishes in them.

#3.) When sports are on and I am watching them, go upstairs into the bedroom woman, close the door, and keep quiet.

#4.) Change the baby's diapers and keep him/her quiet. I DO have to go to work in the morning you know?

#5.) Female orgasms are biologically meaningless, so when I am done, we are done.

#6.) Your meatloaf sucks.

#7.) This marriage is for YOUR benefit, not mine.

#8.) When I slap you that is not domestic violence, it is tough love, just like how your parents spanked you when you were little.

#9.) Get me my beer now, I wanted it 10 seconds ago woman.

#10.) The more you nag the less I listen to you. On second thought, the more you talk, the less I listen.
  • #15
0TheSwerve0 said:
Hey, that thread was just in response to the guys earlier thread. Anyhow, we could focus on the nice things our bfs/gfs do for us. One of my bfs took me to a water tower to climb up and look at the stars. It was really romantic, a comet even streaked by. More recently, my bf cleaned the apt. It was a big deal because our apt is //never// clean. Nice to come home to after a hard day at the zoo.

Jeez all the women I know would think the water tower thing is stupid. I however would LOVE to do something like that.
  • #16
#1.) Cook me my dinner and it better be ready as soon as I walk in the door from work. I make the $$, the least you can do is cook.

#2.) Why do you think the bride's dress is white? So the dishwasher is the same color as the refrigerator. Clean the dishes, I can't stand a sink w/ dishes in them.

#3.) When sports are on and I am watching them, go upstairs into the bedroom woman, close the door, and keep quiet.

#4.) Change the baby's diapers and keep him/her quiet. I DO have to go to work in the morning you know?

#5.) Female orgasms are biologically meaningless, so when I am done, we are done.

#6.) Your meatloaf sucks.

#7.) This marriage is for YOUR benefit, not mine.

#8.) When I slap you that is not domestic violence, it is tough love, just like how your parents spanked you when you were little.

#9.) Get me my beer now, I wanted it 10 seconds ago woman.

#10.) The more you nag the less I listen to you. On second thought, the more you talk, the less I listen.
  • #17
Gravenewworld, you're single am i correct?
  • #18
Pengwuino said:
Gravenewworld, you're single am i correct?

LOL single? are you kidding me. I have a wife, with let's just say, a few other "aquaintances" on the side. you want to know why I can get with so many women? because I know how to keep them in line and put them in their place. ladies also like the take charge type of guy. pen, if you follow my example you could learn a lot.
  • #19
Averagesupernova said:
Jeez all the women I know would think the water tower thing is stupid. I however would LOVE to do something like that.
Surround yourself with cooler people:wink: I did go to a nifty liberal arts school, though, and I tend to think people there are pretty special. Or at least, the environment there was conducive to special moments. We also had an ark party, a symposium party, and a bacchanal (and much more!). People who weren't into this kind of stuff (ie parties in the woods, on the mountains, etc) just stayed inside or dropped out.
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  • #20
gravenewworld said:
LOL single? are you kidding me. I have a wife, with let's just say, a few other "aquaintances" on the side. you want to know why I can get with so many women? because I know how to keep them in line and put them in their place. ladies also like the take charge type of guy. pen, if you follow my example you could learn a lot.

You know, if her name ends in .jpg she's not really your wife or acquaintance, right? :rolleyes:
  • #21
cyrusabdollahi said:
You know, if her name ends in .jpg she's not really your wife or acquaintance, right? :rolleyes:

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #22
cyrusabdollahi said:
You know, if her name ends in .jpg she's not really your wife or acquaintance, right? :rolleyes:

LOl prob. not. but if her last name end in -stein or goldberg then she probably is. I really like those rich jewish girls :biggrin:
  • #23
Graven passes off as an alpha male with the chicks, but trust me he's only a poser. Not the worst kind, but you know, there are real men out there and he just kinda looks like a grey nerd next to them not worthy of a second chance.
  • #24
Pengwuino said:
Gravenewworld, you're single am i correct?
He's pretty good a c&ping :-p

Girls shouldn't belch in public, or my company :-p
  • #25
cronxeh said:
Graven passes off as an alpha male with the chicks, but trust me he's only a poser. Not the worst kind, but you know, there are real men out there and he just kinda looks like a grey nerd next to them not worthy of a second chance. want to know why we have the worst president in history in the white house right now? I'll tell you why-because women have the right to vote!
  • #26
GNW, I hope that 90% of the stuff you put down in this thread is in complete jest...for your own sake.
  • #27
Curious3141 said:
GNW, I hope that 90% of the stuff you put down in this thread is in complete jest...for your own sake.
I agree, and unless told otherwise, that's what I'm sticking with. Otherwise, they don't make a Nerf bat big enough to smack him with. :rolleyes:
  • #28
0TheSwerve0 said:
Hey, that thread was just in response to the guys earlier thread. Anyhow, we could focus on the nice things our bfs/gfs do for us. One of my bfs took me to a water tower to climb up and look at the stars. It was really romantic, a comet even streaked by. More recently, my bf cleaned the apt. It was a big deal because our apt is //never// clean. Nice to come home to after a hard day at the zoo.
I doubt it was a comet if it "streaked by". It was more likely a meteor. A comet is far enough away that it appears pretty stationary - more like a star with a tail. If it was just after sunset or just before sunrise, it might have even been a satellite - although I wouldn't exactly describe a satellite's motion as streaking by.

If I have any rules for girls, it's that they at least be able to tell the difference between a comet, a meteor, and a satellite. :smile:
  • #29
BobG said:
I doubt it was a comet if it "streaked by". It was more likely a meteor. A comet is far enough away that it appears pretty stationary - more like a star with a tail. If it was just after sunset or just before sunrise, it might have even been a satellite - although I wouldn't exactly describe a satellite's motion as streaking by.

If I have any rules for girls, it's that they at least be able to tell the difference between a comet, a meteor, and a satellite. :smile:
I was tempted to mention that, but I undertood that it was a meteor and let it go. Well, at least you don't require memorize of the periodic table and the chart of nuclides, all fundamental particles, the fundamental forces and their magnitudes, SUSY, . . . . although that would sure be handy. :biggrin: :smile:

In my case, I never imposed rules on girls (or anyone for that matter). I was just happy to find a woman who wanted to be with me, and who wanted me to be with her. So I married her. :smile:

Actually there is more to it than that. My wife and I discussed many things when we starting getting to know each other. Initially we just had intellectual discussions or disucssions about things we liked, e.g. music. As time went on, we began to discuss relationships and we both expected and hoped in a relationship. We both shared a point of view that the relationship between a man and woman is one of mutuality and reciprocity, support, devotion, and so on, and at times tolerance and perseverance. We take the good and bad, and make it work. A very simple and straightforward proposition.
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  • #30
0TheSwerve0 said:
Sounds like you've had some bad experiences!

Yes, I have had (and I'm having). And this comes to demonstrate that the kind of girls I am virtually discarding exist by thousands in the streets. They don't belong to my imagination.

I have never noticed such arrogant behaviors in anyone of my male friends. I really think that men, as far as my experience is concerned, are more pure and less cruel when thinking.

Now is when I get burned by the flames. :smile:
  • #31
BobG said:
I doubt it was a comet if it "streaked by". It was more likely a meteor. A comet is far enough away that it appears pretty stationary - more like a star with a tail. If it was just after sunset or just before sunrise, it might have even been a satellite - although I wouldn't exactly describe a satellite's motion as streaking by.

If I have any rules for girls, it's that they at least be able to tell the difference between a comet, a meteor, and a satellite. :smile:

lol, sadly, I learned this difference last spring in astronomy 100. Guess the usage must just be ingrained in me from hearing other people refer to it as such...and I'm getting a cold so there's my excuse:blushing:
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FAQ: Guys Rules for Girls: 12 Essential Rules to Follow

1. What are the 12 essential rules for girls to follow according to "Guys Rules for Girls"?

The 12 essential rules for girls to follow according to "Guys Rules for Girls" are:

  1. Be yourself
  2. Respect yourself and others
  3. Communicate openly and honestly
  4. Don't play games
  5. Be independent
  6. Take care of yourself
  7. Be confident
  8. Be supportive
  9. Be understanding
  10. Be loyal
  11. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want
  12. Always strive to improve yourself

2. Who created the "Guys Rules for Girls" and why?

The "Guys Rules for Girls" was created by a group of male scientists who wanted to provide helpful guidelines for girls to navigate relationships and interactions with guys. They noticed a lack of clear communication and understanding between the two genders and wanted to bridge that gap.

3. Are these rules meant to be followed strictly?

While the "Guys Rules for Girls" are meant to be helpful guidelines, they are not meant to be followed strictly. Every person and relationship is unique, so it's important to use these rules as a starting point and adapt them to fit your own situation.

4. Can these rules apply to all types of relationships?

Yes, these rules can apply to all types of relationships, whether it's a romantic one, a friendship, or a professional one. The principles of respect, communication, and understanding are important in all types of relationships.

5. Is it necessary for girls to follow these rules in order to have a successful relationship with a guy?

No, it is not necessary for girls to follow these rules in order to have a successful relationship with a guy. These rules are meant to provide helpful advice, but ultimately, every relationship is unique and what works for one couple may not work for another. It's important for individuals to communicate and establish their own boundaries and expectations in a relationship.

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