Teachers are trying to brainwash us

  • Thread starter Blahness
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In summary, some teachers are good and some teachers are bad. There are good students and bad students and good teachers and bad teachers.
  • #1
Doesn't matter if they're right or wrong, it's the authority that counts T_T


(Actual occurance, FYI)

It's old, yes, but still, I'm affected ._.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Looked like an urban legend to me, but no hits at Snopes.com

Hey, just remember that there are good teachers and some bad teachers. And there are good students and bad students. Sounds like the kid in the story could have just pulled out a book and showed him that he was getting it backwards. No need to resort to name calling.

I have to say that I don't like the title of your thread much. It would have been better if it were titled "Some Teachers..." IMO
  • #3
Teachers are not trying to brainwash people

*calls the PTA*
  • #4
Yes, maybe the title's too generalized >_<

But still, "In the future, Alex would be better off simply accepting my teachings without resistance"?

Sounds odd to me =|
  • #5
Blahness, you to relax a little and cut the teachers some slack.

You post about them frequently. Not just lately, but like awhile back too.
  • #6
I've had a couple that were every bit as bad as that.
Fortunately, a lot more that were very good.
And way too many that you could replace with books on tape.
  • #7
The last time I had a good teacher was kindergarten.

Good "school teachers" are another kind of beast. One can fulfill and exceed the job requirements of a school teacher, but still be nothing more than a baby sitter who tells young people everything they should be doing.
  • #8
that teacher should be the one in detenion

the wife still remembers being marked down for miss-spelling
colour after she looked it up in the OXFORD Standard Dictionary OF the ENGLISH Language

the class is called ENGLISH NOT local american language
but perhaps it should be retitled
  • #9
Blahness said:
Yes, maybe the title's too generalized >_<

But still, "In the future, Alex would be better off simply accepting my teachings without resistance"?

Sounds odd to me =|

So odd that it is probably made up? Letters such as these would be on School "letterhead" stationery. If it is real, then it is an individual crackpot who is probably not teaching anymore.

Please stop insulting me. (Yes, ME. A Teacher)
  • #10
Chi Meson said:
Please stop insulting me. (Yes, ME. A Teacher)

I suspect that you're not only a teacher, but also a damned good teacher.
  • #11
George Jones said:
I suspect that you're not only a teacher, but also a damned good teacher.
Well, shucks...:blushing:

I know of many "not so good" teachers at my high school, but even the worst of them do not deserve to be included in such generalizations.

Even if (and I stress IF) the letter is real, we would not know the full story of this SINGLE example of a SINGLE mistake made by one SINGLE teacher. We do not know that the student was not prone to disrupting the class. He could have been the kind of person who seizes on someone else's mistake and will never let it drop only for the sake of his own amusement.

As someone already mentioned, it has all the things that make it sound like an urban legend. There are no hits for any teachers with that name either.
  • #12
Personally I always remember how I was at school and try to think how much of a pain in the arse it would have been to teach someone like me, from about the age of eleven I seemed to go off school finding most of it pretty dull, so I'd usually spend most lessons messing around, being a bit of a class clown(not malicious just a pain in the arse and disprutive)

When I got out of the system I began to really empathise with the teachers, not just on my account I remember just how much of a colossal pain in the arse some kids can be, in particular how much crap my class and I put some of our teachers through(especially the ones who weren't great at keeping order) I mean kids can sense weakness in a teacher within five minutes of introduction and they can be pretty brutal, slowly learning ways to wind teacher up best.

It's a wonder any of them got out of it alive, 2 didn't, I seem to remember 2 teachers died while I was at school, both from heart conditions. (both alcahol related) Read into that what you will?

My school wasn't a problem school either, in fact academically it was fairly well rated, I can imagine some schools though would be much harder to teach in. Anyway kids out there, some teachers are just jerks, but some teachers have to put up with a lot of crap before they even have to teach your class, cut them some slack once in a while.

I'm not sure where that came from, maybe it is a guilty conscience, but it had to be said.:smile:
  • #13
Chi, I'm not saying that ALL teachers are bad... just the ones I get. :rolleyes:

I have no idea if the letter is real or not, honestly, and this was meant half jokingly (:smile:), so, sorry for seeming mean =(
  • #14
Blahness said:
Chi, I'm not saying that ALL teachers are bad... just the ones I get. :rolleyes:

Then the way you have given the title to this thread that you've created is most unfortunate for its over-generalization.

  • #15
It was just supposed to be a joke. Sheesh.

FAQ: Teachers are trying to brainwash us

What evidence is there that teachers are trying to brainwash us?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that teachers are trying to brainwash students. Brainwashing, also known as mind control, is a form of psychological manipulation that is typically associated with cults or authoritarian regimes. Teachers are trained professionals who are responsible for educating students and promoting critical thinking, not brainwashing them.

How do teachers influence students' beliefs and values?

Teachers may influence students' beliefs and values through their teaching methods and curriculum choices. For example, a teacher may present different perspectives on a controversial topic, which may challenge students' beliefs and encourage critical thinking. However, this is not the same as brainwashing, as students are still free to form their own opinions and beliefs.

Can teachers be biased in their teaching?

Yes, teachers can have biases, just like any other person. However, teachers are trained to be aware of their biases and to present information in an objective and fair manner. It is also important to note that biases do not equate to brainwashing. Students are still able to think critically and form their own opinions, despite a teacher's bias.

Do teachers have a hidden agenda?

No, teachers do not have a hidden agenda to brainwash students. Their main goal is to educate students and prepare them for the future. This may involve teaching critical thinking skills and exposing students to different perspectives, but it is not done with the intention of brainwashing students.

How can students protect themselves from being brainwashed by teachers?

Students can protect themselves from being brainwashed by being critical thinkers and questioning information presented to them. They can also seek out multiple sources and perspectives on a topic to form their own opinions. Additionally, students can communicate with their teachers and express any concerns they may have about the curriculum or teaching methods being used.
