The Internal Energy of Neon Gas

In summary: So if you know the pressure and volume at a given temperature, you can calculate the internal energy. So, to solve for the internal energy of 2 liters of neon at a temperature of 200 K and a pressure of .7 atm, you would use the following equation:KE = 1/2(0.0018004 kg)(499.227 m/s) = 224.3546833 J
  • #1

Homework Statement

The internal energy of a monoatomic ideal gas such as neon is simply the total kinetic energy of all its atoms.

What is the internal energy of 2 liters of neon at a temperature of 200 K and pressure of 0.7 atm?

Homework Equations

PV = nRT
KE(ave) = 3/2kT
U = 3/2nRT

The Attempt at a Solution

KE = 1/2mv^2

From a previous problem, I figured out that v(rms) = 499.227 m/s.

And, 2 liters of neon X 0.9002 g/L (density of neon) = 0.0018004 kg

KE = 1/2(0.0018004 kg)(499.227 m/s) = 224.3546833 J (wrong answer)

I feel like I am approaching this problem in the wrong manner. Please help!
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  • #2
That's the density of Ne at STP. What is the density at 200K and .7 atm?
  • #3
So, d = P X MM/RT

d = (0.7 atm)(20 g/mol)/(8.31 J/mol*K)(200 K)
d= 0.008423586

2 L * 0.008423586 = 1.684717208E-5 kg

KE = 1/2(1.68E-5)(499.227 m/s)^2 = 2.09 J (WRONG ANSWER)

  • #4
PrideofPhilly said:
So, d = P X MM/RT

d = (0.7 atm)(20 g/mol)/(8.31 J/mol*K)(200 K)
d= 0.008423586

2 L * 0.008423586 = 1.684717208E-5 kg

KE = 1/2(1.68E-5)(499.227 m/s)^2 = 2.09 J (WRONG ANSWER)


I'd say your numbers are wrong, because without even looking you had .0018 kg using STP. I wouldn't expect such a small number after accounting for the 200/273 ratio and the .7 ratio.

Won't the approach work out to be more like (P1/T1)/(P2/T2) = d1/d2 ?
  • #5
I may be missing something but it looks from the revelant equations that
U=1.5*(R/M)*T where R is the universal gas constant, M is the molecular weight of neon and T is temperature in deg K. Am I over simplifing this?
  • #6
The solution to the problem is startlingly simple; you were less than a hair away from getting it. You wrote, as a relevant equation, U = 3/2nRT. You also wrote PV = nRT. So if U=(3/2)PV, and you have both P and V.

Remember this neat result: the internal energy of an ideal gas depends only on its pressure and volume.

FAQ: The Internal Energy of Neon Gas

1. What is the internal energy of neon gas?

The internal energy of neon gas is the total energy that the gas molecules possess due to their motion and interactions with each other. This includes both kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion, and potential energy, which is the energy stored in the bonds between the gas molecules.

2. How is the internal energy of neon gas measured?

The internal energy of neon gas can be measured using several methods, such as calorimetry, which measures the heat released or absorbed during a reaction involving neon gas, or spectroscopy, which measures the energy levels of the gas molecules. These measurements can then be used to calculate the total internal energy of the gas.

3. What factors affect the internal energy of neon gas?

The internal energy of neon gas can be affected by several factors, including temperature, pressure, and the number of gas molecules present. As temperature and pressure increase, so does the internal energy of the gas. Additionally, increasing the number of gas molecules will also increase the internal energy of the gas.

4. How does the internal energy of neon gas relate to its state?

The internal energy of neon gas is directly related to its state. In a gas state, the gas molecules have high kinetic energy and are free to move around, resulting in a high internal energy. In a liquid state, the gas molecules have lower kinetic energy and are closer together, resulting in a lower internal energy. In a solid state, the gas molecules have even lower kinetic energy and are tightly packed, resulting in the lowest internal energy.

5. Can the internal energy of neon gas be changed?

Yes, the internal energy of neon gas can be changed by adding or removing energy from the system. This can be done through heating or cooling the gas, changing the pressure, or adding or removing gas molecules. However, the total internal energy of a closed system remains constant according to the law of conservation of energy.
