Is Bob Dylan's Songwriting Enough to Justify His Status in Rock Music?

  • Thread starter gravenewworld
  • Start date
In summary: I forget the album, has a great vocal performance. In summary,The Bob Dylan concert I went to had two hours of Ani DiFranco and a half-hour of jesting.
  • #1
Ok so he is a good writer, but he is nothing special on the guitar and can absolutely not sing. He is quite boring. He does not deserve to be a top 3 rock music artist of all time like you see on many lists.
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  • #2
Everyone has an opinion.
  • #3
You pretty much nailed what makes him an important performer. He was one of the first, if not the first songwriter, who really did not have a great voice (a matter of opinion I realize, but he has many technical flaws as a singer), to sing/record/perform his own songs.
  • #4
The uniqueness of his voice is what make Bobs music classic. IMO
  • #5
Hendrix's version of "All Along the Watchtower", was Dylan's greatest contribution, IMO.
  • #6
Sinatra had a great voice but I wouldn't want to hear him sing a Dylan song. Just wouldn't have the same impact or expression. I can't imagine another singer doing a rendition of "Don't think twice, it's all right" or "The times they are a-changin" that I would prefer to Dylan.
  • #7
Dylan was not/is not a technically good vocalist or guitarist and he was absolutely horrible on harmonica. His songwriting set him apart from the pack though, and many musicians have tried (with various degrees of success) to cover his music. His raw acoustic sound encouraged many young people to try their hand at writing and performing during a time when "folk" music was getting over-done.

When you see his name on a list, and the list says something like "most influential" or "best songwiters", he really belongs there.

Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God say, "No." Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want Abe, but
The next time you see me comin' you better run"
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61."
  • #8
drankin said:
Hendrix's version of "All Along the Watchtower", was Dylan's greatest contribution, IMO.
And I am part of the minority that prefers Dylan's version.

There is plenty of crap in the Dylan Discography, especially since the early 80s. But the quantity of profoundly great and influential music he has singularly created is far far beyond almost everyone else.

If you ask reg'lar folk, you might get different opinions, but if you ask musicians (singer/songwriters of "popular" music) you will get near unanimous consent. If you don't care for Dylan, chances are that some if not most of your favorite singers/songwriters revere him.

Also, if you ask singers of popular music about Dylan's voice (his classic 60s voice, that is, before he quit smoking for a while) you will hear how great his singing actually is.

There is a distinction between "good voice" and "good singing." What Dylan did with his gravelly tone far surpasses the "abilities" of a Mariah Carey, or a Rick Astley.
  • #9
It wasn't until I saw a documentary on Dylan's early years that I became in awe of this man.
  • #10
Tom Waits does not have a great voice and I'm not sure if he is capable of even playing an instrument very well but he has produced some great songs that no one else could really recreate. I once heard a cover of one of his songs and could only laugh.
  • #11
TheStatutoryApe said:
Tom Waits does not have a great voice and I'm not sure if he is capable of even playing an instrument very well but he has produced some great songs that no one else could really recreate. I once heard a cover of one of his songs and could only laugh.

I can't imagine anyone covering a Tom Waits song! But then again...I bet someone could do one of his ballads, like "Looking For the Heart of Saturday Night".
  • #12
lisab said:
I can't imagine anyone covering a Tom Waits song! But then again...I bet someone could do one of his ballads, like "Looking For the Heart of Saturday Night".

His ballads are definitely another story. I bet Nick Cave could pull them off rather well.
  • #13
The "Bob Dylan" concert I went to had two hours of Ani DiFranco and a half-hour of jesting.
  • #14
Integral said:
Everyone has an opinion.

Looks like you are correct!
  • #15
Loren Booda said:
The "Bob Dylan" concert I went to had two hours of Ani DiFranco and a half-hour of jesting.

You would need to pay me to:
1)see Ani DiFranco, ever*
2)see post-1980 Bob Dylan**

*No disrespect to "ah-nee," and her Righteous Babe enterprise, nor any of her efforts and causes, but I have tried to enjoy her music, and it's just not happening for me.

** After his vocal range shrank to three notes, the live performances I have heard sounded worse than comical imitations of Dylan.

And he did have a fine vocal range once. The live recording of "Most likely you go your way ( I'll go mine") that is on Biograph, recorded 1974 I think, shows how good it was. One of the occasions where the live version is better than the studio version. It also shows that he had a moment where he was totally electrifying in concert. I wish I could have been there.
  • #16
turbo-1 said:
Dylan was not/is not a technically good vocalist or guitarist and he was absolutely horrible on harmonica. His songwriting set him apart from the pack though, and many musicians have tried (with various degrees of success) to cover his music. His raw acoustic sound encouraged many young people to try their hand at writing and performing during a time when "folk" music was getting over-done.

When you see his name on a list, and the list says something like "most influential" or "best songwiters", he really belongs there.

I agree with the sentiment of this post. I can not stand listening to him, but reading his lyrics is a whole other story. There is no arguing his influence.

I put him up there with Janis Joplin as most influential artiststs that I despise musically =;-)

FAQ: Is Bob Dylan's Songwriting Enough to Justify His Status in Rock Music?

What evidence is there to support the claim that Bob Dylan is overrated?

There is no one definitive piece of evidence that proves Bob Dylan is overrated, as opinions on his talent and influence are subjective. However, some critics argue that his vocal abilities are limited and his lyrics lack depth compared to other songwriters.

Why is Bob Dylan considered a highly influential artist?

Bob Dylan is considered influential because of his impact on the folk and rock music scenes in the 1960s. He was known for his politically charged lyrics and the way he blended different genres in his music. Many artists have cited him as a major influence on their own work.

Do younger generations appreciate Bob Dylan's music?

While there may be some younger fans who appreciate Bob Dylan's music, he is generally not as popular with younger generations as he is with older ones. This is likely due to the generational gap and the fact that his music is not as mainstream as other artists.

Is Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize for Literature justified?

The decision to award Bob Dylan with the Nobel Prize for Literature was met with both praise and criticism. Some argue that his lyrics are poetic and deserve recognition, while others believe that the award should be reserved for traditional literary works.

What impact has Bob Dylan had on music and society?

Bob Dylan's impact on music and society is undeniable. He challenged traditional songwriting and pushed boundaries with his music. He also became a voice for social and political issues, influencing other artists to do the same. His work continues to inspire and influence generations of musicians and activists.

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