Is World of Warcraft Really as Addictive as People Say?

  • Thread starter franznietzsche
  • Start date
In summary: I've sunk a lot of time into the game, and I'm currently an officer in a guild with about 30 members, so I don't see myself jumping forums.The fact that you can't change realms at will is, I believe, one of the biggest shortcomings of the entire game. What's funny is that all of the people on Blizzard's forums think Blizzard is retarded because they can't figure out how to copy some bits from one server to another. I'm pretty sure the real problem has nothing to do with bits -- they could easily zap a character from one server to another, since it's just a database record. The problem is likely with the game's economics -- if people zap players with
  • #36
Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth is quite addicting as well.
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  • #37
I do enjoy the i mean,

Still, some people and many of my friends included told me that the game is no fun if you play it for a short time, u need to be "da best" and crack every one and got all the epic items and rock over anyone in pvp...

Well, i can't deny i will feel SO GOOD if i reach that much.

Still, i see it "its a game" and i do find myself enjoy it MUCH more, when i start playing it less, and told myself that i should be connected to the Real World much more. PPL i do really mean it: some men divorce their wives, losing their kids "gone with the wife" and even lost their jobs just becusae of such games. I am at Uni and don't want to lost 80% of the easy GPA i can achive just becuase of a game as well :biggrin:

The best way when we enjoy it, by taking it easy.
I know this was kinda out of track, but i don't know why i do feel to say it here, since while loggin into the game, i do see MANY ppl there who need to be connected to the real world more, much more...

Frokeen da War-Fatha [my troll priest character, lvl 21 Silver hand :biggrin: ]
  • #38
Moses said:
Still, some people and many of my friends included told me that the game is no fun if you play it for a short time, u need to be "da best" and crack every one and got all the epic items and rock over anyone in pvp...

That's because they are morons. Notice their spelling of the word "the".