I'll show you my google if you show me yours

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Brian Whipple's name google searches for things pertaining to him, but usually only if he types it in without quotes. He has two aliases, one with more google results than his other one, and one with a court case where someone with his name was appearing on behalf of a slave accused of rape.
  • #1
I typed my first and last name (brian Whipple) into google just out of curiosity and the very first link actually pointed to something about me. Does your name google something about you?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
No, I've been careful, googling my name only turns up a gorgeous stripper.
  • #3
My name comes up with absolutely nothing
  • #4
My name tells you my minesweeper scores, nanosweeper scores, and also a calculator game I made a loooong time ago, those are the links with my name that are actually me.

I have 2 alliases, that imo are unique, and one has quite a few google results (2,000+) that are all me. My other allias, mattmns, has 599 results. Hmm, you can find my real name, and other alliases I use from my name here :redface:
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  • #5
Evo said:
No, I've been careful, googling my name only turns up a gorgeous stripper.
I know, I already checked.
pengwuino said:
My name comes up with absolutely nothing
so it does point to you
  • #6
tribdog said:
I know, I already checked.
She's hot, isn't she? Not too bad to be confused with her.

I mean, OMG, I'm being confused with this gorgeous stripper! :devil:


  • #7
Well, if you aren't going to tell us your name, at least show us a pic of her :smile:
  • #8
mattmns said:
Well, if you aren't going to tell us your name, at least show us a pic of her :smile:
I can't, those kind of pictures aren't allowed here. :blushing:
  • #9
:smile: Googling my name used to quickly come up with relevant links, but it seems I have clones running around having a lot more fun than I do now. According to Google, I'm a competitor in equestrian events, a painter, own a mansion, and the only relevant link that came up was from a discussion group I belonged to back in 1996! :smile:
  • #10
Evo said:
I can't, those kind of pictures aren't allowed here. :blushing:
Maybe someone will pm me the pic o:)
  • #12
Some of my links actually pertain to me, like my ex-presidency of some of my university organizations. There's also another chap with the same name running marathons (rather poorly) up in Canada.

- Warren
  • #13
Hey look...I guess I have my own domain name!

I think that image of me must have been photoshopped though :rolleyes:

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  • #14
Mine brings up a court case where someone with my name was appearing on behalf of a slave accused of rape. :confused:
  • #15
gale17 used to point to pages on pf when i googled it, and google images had the first photo i posted on pf. since i changed it to just Gale though, nothing. and my real name doesn't get anything about me either. it even thinks i spelled it wrong..
  • #16
With quotes, 14 out of the 22 results are mine (as are the first 8). Without quotes, the first 7 results are mine, but the rest (which is hundreds) are mostly about a fairly well-known actor with the same last name as me. (He was on M*A*S*H.)
  • #17
Mine just shows up conferences, publications, and some websites to which I contributed or was a technical advisor.
  • #18
Wow, Evo is actually a male drug kingpin masquerading as a mentor here:


I've always suspected there was more than a common virus behind her complaints of having the "sniffles".
  • #19
my pf name turned up about 847,000,000 hits! But my real name only came up with a few ones about me.
  • #20
Well my nick search shows, besides some of my posts here and few other forums, an (obvious) fact that there are really lot of russian people who's name is Igor, and their surname begins with S. :biggrin:

My real name search shows up one of my seminars I did in physics (prof has put it online), my membership in online rally racing competition, small ball team (which I NEVER played :) and some web pages I created for a guy who still owes me some money.

Oh yeah... BTW, I appearently own a (french) restaurant in NY :smile: ... although it's not decorated in my style, it's nice. And I have already donated some food from this restaurant to homeless children. o:) Woohoo ! :smile:
  • #21
I am an artist apparently... or the spokesperson for the Earth liberation front.
  • #22
Now that I have goggled a lot of other guys' googles (many most fascinating), I must confess my own google is not of much interest.
  • #23
There are a few people with my same name, and one of them is a wide receiver for a high school football team who made the game-tying touchdown (was followed by a PAT goal to win the game).
  • #24
With my real name, you can find out where I live and my phone number and a lot of personal information pertaining to me and a lot of others with the exact same name. With this, you only get my PF posts.
  • #25

I'm a bus driver in Shropshire! Whodathunkit?
  • #26
For my PF name the first link brings up my user profile on another Forum I formerly frequented about a year ago using the same sn. Surprising actually.


EDIT: As I glance over the rest of the links I think most of them are me using the same SN. Most of those look familiar. The heck, the last one is my blog. How did that get pulled up? Its under my other major SN, and has nothing to do with this one. The heck, how did those get associated? Interesting.

Apparently I'm also a Singer/Songwriter for Disney Records. Hmmm...http://www.google.com/search?q=Tyle...ent=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official"
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  • #27
zoobyshoe said:
Wow, Evo is actually a male drug kingpin masquerading as a mentor here
Wow! It takes some conviction to call the President of Bolivia a "drug kingpin".
  • #28
Various gaming spots, here, and... more various gaming spots. >_>
  • #29
Gokul43201 said:
Wow! It takes some conviction to call the President of Bolivia a "drug kingpin".

Perhaps super-enabler would be more on target:

"Morales is the left-wing leader of Bolivia's cocalero movement – a loose federation of coca leaf-growing campesinos who are resisting the efforts of the United States government to eradicate coca in the province of Chapare in southeastern Bolivia."
  • #30
Thanks Tribe, i have multiple personalities now, some mothers have a lot to answer for giving their sons such yucky first names.
  • #32
zoobyshoe said:
Perhaps super-enabler would be more on target:

"Morales is the left-wing leader of Bolivia's cocalero movement – a loose federation of coca leaf-growing campesinos who are resisting the efforts of the United States government to eradicate coca in the province of Chapare in southeastern Bolivia."
Hey, he only grew coca plants - you can't call him a drug dealer for that. It's like referring to nuclear scientists as terrorists. Coca can be very good for you, don't you know ?

Here, read this : http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=healthNews&storyID=2006-02-13T140435Z_01_N10265722_RTRUKOC_0_US-BOLIVIA-COCA.xml&archived=False

  • #33
Gokul43201 said:
Hey, he only grew coca plants - you can't call him a drug dealer for that. It's like referring to nuclear scientists as terrorists. Coca can be very good for you, don't you know ?

Here, read this : http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=healthNews&storyID=2006-02-13T140435Z_01_N10265722_RTRUKOC_0_US-BOLIVIA-COCA.xml&archived=False

Something tells me they don't chew it and make it into tea for the nutritional value any more than some people want hemp to be legalized for its useful fibers.
  • #34
wolram said:
Thanks Tribe, i have multiple personalities now, some mothers have a lot to answer for giving their sons such yucky first names.
who the hell is tribe?
  • #35
tribdog said:
who the hell is tribe?

Your other other personality. If you catch my drift.

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