Fundamental difference between classical and quantum mechanics

In summary, the main difference between classical and quantum mechanics is that classical mechanics applies to macroscopic objects while quantum mechanics applies to microscopic particles. Quantum mechanics is considered more fundamental because it can explain the behavior of all matter and energy at a microscopic level. The concept of uncertainty also differs between the two, as classical mechanics allows for precise measurements while quantum mechanics has the uncertainty principle. Currently, there is no comprehensive theory that fully reconciles classical and quantum mechanics, though some theories attempt to bridge the gap. Lastly, the laws of motion in classical mechanics are described by Newton's three laws, while in quantum mechanics, they are probabilistic and governed by the Schrödinger equation and the laws of quantum mechanics.
  • #1
What are some of the fundamental differences between Classical & Quantum mechanics?
Physics news on
  • #2
peps said:
What are some of the fundamental differences between Classical & Quantum mechanics?

maybe if classical is an old computer or a car then quantum mechanics would be a new computer or an airplane?
  • #3
I think it is like the difference between classical (ie - Newtonian) physics and quantum physics. Something about Max Planck, and as always, there is a" about this stuff.
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FAQ: Fundamental difference between classical and quantum mechanics

1. What is the main difference between classical and quantum mechanics?

The main difference between classical and quantum mechanics is that classical mechanics describes the behavior of macroscopic objects, while quantum mechanics describes the behavior of microscopic particles.

2. Why is quantum mechanics considered more fundamental than classical mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is considered more fundamental because it can explain the behavior of all matter and energy at a microscopic level, while classical mechanics is limited to macroscopic objects.

3. How does the concept of uncertainty differ between classical and quantum mechanics?

In classical mechanics, the position and momentum of an object can be precisely measured at any given time. In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with 100% accuracy.

4. Can classical and quantum mechanics be reconciled?

Currently, there is no comprehensive theory that fully reconciles classical and quantum mechanics. However, some theories, such as quantum field theory, attempt to bridge the gap between the two.

5. How do the laws of motion differ between classical and quantum mechanics?

In classical mechanics, the laws of motion are described by Newton's three laws. In quantum mechanics, the behavior of particles is governed by the Schrödinger equation and the laws of quantum mechanics, which are probabilistic rather than deterministic.
