Calculating Entropy of Water During Melting Process: Ice Cube on Kitchen Table

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of entropy of water as an ice cube melts from 0 degrees Celsius to 25 degrees Celsius in a kitchen with a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. The equations used include c(ice)=2.0 J/g*C, c(water)=4.18 J/g*C, and delta(S)= Q/T. Suggestions for finding a solution include integrating and considering Fourier's law and the ice coefficient of thermal expansion.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An ice cube (mass 30 g) at 0 degrees celsuis is left sitting on the kitchen table, where it graduallyy melts. The temperature in the kitchen is 25 degrees celsuis. Calculate the entropy of the water (from melted ice ) as its temperature rises from 0 degrees celsuis to 25 degrees celsuis.

Homework Equations

c(ice)=2.0 J/g*C
c(water)=4.18 J/g*C
delta(S)= Q/T; Q=C*delta(T)=c*m*delta(T)/T

The Attempt at a Solution

delta(S)= Q/T=c*m*delta(T)/T= ((4.18)*(30 g)*(25 Kelvins))/298 Kelvins= 10.52 J/K
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  • #2
[itex]\Delta S = \frac{Q}{T}[/itex] isn't going to give the right answer, because T isn't constant. Try integrating


and plugging the initial and final temperatures into the resulting equation.
  • #3
You simply have to integrate (sum over the transformation path)
[tex]dS=\frac{dU}{T} + \frac{PdV}{T} - \sum_i \frac{\mu_i dN_i}{T}[/tex]
Fourier's law tells you that
[tex]dU=\rho c dT[/tex]
hence what is written above.
You could also ask yourself what has happened with the second term (the last one is irrelevant here)
Hint: linked to the ice coefficient of thermal expansion
[tex]\alpha=\frac{1}{V}\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T}\right)_P[/tex]
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FAQ: Calculating Entropy of Water During Melting Process: Ice Cube on Kitchen Table

1. What is entropy and why is it important in the melting process of water?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. In the case of melting water, it is important because as the ice cube melts, the water molecules become more randomly arranged, resulting in an increase in entropy.

2. How do you calculate the entropy of water during the melting process?

The formula for calculating the entropy of a system is S = k ln W, where S is entropy, k is the Boltzmann constant, and W is the number of possible microstates. In the case of an ice cube melting on a kitchen table, the number of possible microstates increases as the water molecules become more randomly arranged, resulting in an increase in entropy.

3. Does the temperature of the ice cube affect the entropy during melting?

Yes, the temperature of the ice cube does affect the entropy during melting. Entropy is directly related to the amount of energy in a system. As the ice cube's temperature increases, it gains more energy and the water molecules become more randomly arranged, resulting in an increase in entropy.

4. How does the surface area of the ice cube affect the entropy during melting?

The surface area of the ice cube does not directly affect the entropy during melting. However, a larger surface area can lead to a faster melting process, resulting in a quicker increase in entropy.

5. Can the entropy of water during the melting process be reversed?

No, the increase in entropy during the melting process is a result of the natural tendency towards disorder and randomness in a system. Once the ice cube has melted and the water molecules are randomly arranged, it would require an input of energy to reverse the entropy and turn the water back into ice.

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