Tangential Velocity Homework: Calc Attractive Energy/Force & Find Min Velocity

In summary: And since you have the energy per molecule, you can use Avogadro's number to find the mass of one molecule. In summary, the attractive energy between water molecules and the gel can be calculated using the formula E=fr, where E is the energy, f is the force, and r is the distance between the molecules. The minimum tangential velocity needed for water molecules to separate from the gel can be found by using the formula F=mv^2/r, where F is the force, m is the mass, and v is the tangential velocity. The mass can be found by using Avogadro's number to convert the energy per molecule to energy per mole, and then using the formula F=fr to solve for the mass
  • #1

Homework Statement

A carbohydrate gel is being centrifuged to remove excess physisorbed water. Assume that the magnitude of the attractive energy between the water molecules and the gel is given by 3.63 kJ/mol of molecules of water, with the water molecules being separated from the surface of the gel molecules by 0.4 nm.
a)Calculate the attractive energy per molecule of water, and the attractive force between one molecule of water and one gel molecule.
b)Assuming that the gel in the centrifuge has a radius of curvature of 0.5 m when the centrifuge rotates, find the minimum tangential velocity with which the centrifuge needs to rotate in order for water molecules to just begin to separate from the gel molecules, at a separation of 0.4 nm

Homework Equations

N_A = 6.02*10^23 molecule/mol
F_c = mv^2/r

The Attempt at a Solution

The attractive energy per molecule of water
E = 3.63kJ/mol of molecules of water
E = 3.63kJ/mol / 6.02*10^23 molecule/mol = 6.03*10^-24 kJ/molecule of H2O

The attractive force between one molecule of water and one gel molecule
E = fr
f = E/r = (6.03*10^-24 kJ/molecule) / 0.4*10^-9m = 1.51*10^-14 N/molecule of gel

The minimum tangential velocity
F_c = mv^2/r
F = 1.51*10^-14 N r = 0.5m
I know I can use this equation to find the velocity, but I don't know the mass. How can I find the mass?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Anyone know how to solve this?
  • #3
Priscilla, 99,9% of posts in this section can be solved with the formula F=ma.

Your question is yet advanced, try posting it in Advanced Physic or Chemistry.
For myself, I am an electronic and I didn't even know that the attractive energy is measured in kJ/mol.

I'm going to read something about it because it looks interesting, and maybe let you know any idea.

What I find strange is that you divide an energy by a distance, and you get a force.
f = E/r = (6.03*10^-24 kJ/molecule) / 0.4*10^-9m = 1.51*10^-14 N/molecule of gel

Dimensionally, I don't know if it makes sense.
But, again, I'm pretty ignorant about.

Best things.
  • #4
Thanks for your reply.
Our prof gives us some hints that, we could use F=fr which is derive from the intermolecular forces:
E(r) = 4e[ (s/r)^12 - (s/r)^6] s = lower case sigma
=> f = -dE/dr
=> E=fr
  • #5
You need to change kJ to Joules, since Joules is the SI Unit. The dimensionality will make sense then.

FAQ: Tangential Velocity Homework: Calc Attractive Energy/Force & Find Min Velocity

What is tangential velocity?

Tangential velocity is the velocity at which an object is moving along a curved path at a given point, perpendicular to the radius of the curve at that point.

How is tangential velocity calculated?

Tangential velocity can be calculated by dividing the angular velocity by the radius of the circle or curve. It can also be calculated by taking the derivative of the object's position with respect to time.

What is the relationship between tangential velocity and attractive energy/force?

There is no direct relationship between tangential velocity and attractive energy/force. Tangential velocity is a measure of an object's speed, while attractive energy/force is a measure of the force of attraction between two objects.

How can tangential velocity be used to find the minimum velocity needed for an object to maintain a stable orbit?

In order for an object to maintain a stable orbit, its tangential velocity must be equal to the orbital velocity, which is the minimum velocity needed to overcome the gravitational pull and maintain a circular path. This can be calculated using the formula v = √(GM/r), where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the larger object, and r is the distance between the two objects.

What are some real-life applications of tangential velocity?

Tangential velocity is used in many real-life applications, such as in designing roller coasters, determining the speed of objects in circular motion, and calculating the trajectories of satellites and space probes. It is also used in sports, such as in calculating the velocity of a baseball during a pitch or the speed of a race car around a curved track.
