What is the Gender Ratio of Online Users?

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
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In summary: I have a flu and it seems not ending. Tell her the sisterhood will be very happy to have her in. :tongue2:

Are you male or female?

  • male

    Votes: 62 80.5%
  • female

    Votes: 15 19.5%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
Its not obvious to tell by handles, so what is the ratio of female to male users.
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  • #2
I can't speak for others, but in my case it's 0:1.
  • #3
Perhaps a poll would have suited this thread nicely...
  • #4
I don't think there is any way to definitely know. Even if everyone was honest about their gender, there is not a field in the profile so a site-wide value of the ratio cannot be obtained.

But (as jared already suggested) a poll might be a nice unscientific endeavor.
  • #5
I added a poll.
  • #6
Evo said:
I added a poll.

Job done!
  • #7
My guess would be that females comprise less than 5% of the membership.
  • #8
I didn't require names incase some people want to remain secret.
  • #9
turbo-1 said:
My guess would be that females comprise less than 5% of the membership.

At the time of my answering, the ratio was 3:6 in "favor" of males (favor in quotes). Turbo, you could be correct, all we're determining is how many males versus females respond to polls about their gender in the "General Discussion" area.

Members of both sexes that don't frequent this area aren't counted. Furthermore, men are likely to see the word "female" and immediately read the thread only to discover they're not interested in answering.
  • #10
Hmm. Either my guess is way off, or females are more avid voters.
  • #11
I voted, but I'm keeping it a secret which way.
  • #12
turbo-1 said:
Hmm. Either my guess is way off, or females are more avid voters.

Ever since women's suffrage they've been all over those polling booths...
  • #13
I have a feeling people might be lying. There haven't been that many women online.

I'm restarting the poll.

Edit: poll edit options are broken.
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  • #14
Evo said:
I have a feeling people might be lying. There haven't been that many women online.

I'm restarting the poll.

Nooo! I was just starting to really like PF... the male/female ratio here is way better than at work!
  • #15
I am undecided.
  • #16
turbo-1 said:
Hmm. Either my guess is way off, or females are more avid voters.

I figured a person could look at the previous poll that asked PF members how often they responded to polls to figure out whether males or females were more likely to respond to polls, and then use those results to adjust the results of this poll. Unfortunately, I didn't know the gender of most of the respondents to that poll.

I was pretty confident of the gender of about 25 of the members that responded to that poll, however, and based on a limited sampling:

26% of male members respond to polls frequently while 50% of female members respond frequently. 42% of male respond to polls occasionally, while 50% of female members respond to polls occasionally. 32% of male members never respond to polls, while all of the female members respond at least occasionally.

So, yes, I think it's safe to say this poll will overestimate the number of females on PF.
  • #17
humanino said:
I am undecided.

so let others decide about your gender!:-p
  • #18
Lisa! said:
so let others decide about your gender!:-p

Cheeky monkey :-p
  • #19
wolram said:
Its not obvious to tell by handles, so what is the ratio of female to male users.

on the contrary, the lack or presence of a handle is the most obvious way.
  • #20
I'm a guy! Think not? Don't let Crocodile Dundee near me with his gender testing routine and he will find out what a KNIFE is! :devil:
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  • #21
Proton Soup said:
on the contrary, the lack or presence of a handle is the most obvious way.

Oh, I see what you did there...
  • #22
Lacy33 said:
I'm a guy! Think not? Don't let Crocodile Dundee near me with his gender testing routine or he will find out what a KNIFE is! :devil:[/QUOTAnd

And here was me thinking you were so cute :biggrin:
  • #23
humanino said:
I am undecided.

Ask your spouse.
  • #24
humanino said:
I am undecided.

lisab said:
Ask your spouse.

I asked my ex-spouse and, according to her, I'm a hermaphroditic slug that should go...

Well, you get the picture.
  • #25
BobG said:
I asked my ex-spouse and, according to her, I'm a hermaphroditic slug that should go...

Well, you get the picture.

it took my sluggish brain a minute, but i eventually put together the 3 syllables.
  • #26
lisab said:
Ask your spouse.
Although she fell sick on her birthday, right before new year, and is barely recovering the flu, so I am not sure she remembers gender stuff. Somehow I did not catch it. That she's been sick is part of the reason for my inactivity here on PF. Sometimes maybe I will convince her to join o:)
  • #27
Women, on the internet? Don't be silly!
  • #28
Oh hope she gets well soon humanino, I have a flu and it seems not ending. Tell her the sisterhood will be very happy to have her in. :-p
  • #29
drizzle said:
Oh hope she gets well soon humanino, I have a flu and it seems not ending.

Oh noes :frown:! I hope you're better soon!
  • #30
humanino said:
Although she fell sick on her birthday, right before new year, and is barely recovering the flu, so I am not sure she remembers gender stuff. Somehow I did not catch it. That she's been sick is part of the reason for my inactivity here on PF. Sometimes maybe I will convince her to join o:)

She probably has women flu, far worse than man flu, hope she is better soon :smile:
  • #31
lisab said:
Oh noes :frown:! I hope you're better soon!

Thanks Lisa. :)

wolram said:
She probably has women flu, far worse than man flu, hope she is better soon :smile:

What's the difference?
  • #32
humanino said:
I am undecided.

Damn, humanino. This is all my fault, guy. Sorry to have caused you any grief. If anyone else causes you any trouble I'll give them a double titty twister they won't forget.
  • #33
I'm male, but when I tuck my twig and berries between my legs and talk in my "Silence of The Lambs" voice, I prefer you refer to me as female.
  • #34
4 1/2 to 1 in favour of males so far, more than i expected.
  • #35
I hate to pigeonhole people. It is so stereotypical.

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