Magnitude of Electric Field at a Point

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the magnitude of the electric field at a point inside a sphere with a uniform charge distribution. One person initially believes it to be zero, but later discovers an equation that gives a nonzero value. The discrepancy is explained by the difference between a conducting spherical shell and a solid nonconducting sphere. The conversation also suggests drawing a Gaussian surface to determine the total charge contained within a given radius inside the sphere.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given a sphere of radius R with a uniform charge distribution Q, what is the magnitude of the electric field at a point p0 inside of the circle?

Homework Equations

Flux = 4 pi r^2 E = Q/epsilon

The Attempt at a Solution

So I was watching an MIT lecture online (youtube is great for that), and the professor was doing this problem. When finding the magnitude of the electric field at a point inside of the sphere, he found it to be zero, which made perfect sense to me. Now studying for a test and reading through the book, I find this exact same problem, only now the magnitude of the electric field is given by a nonzero equation (kQr/R^3, where r is the distance from the center of the sphere to the point and r < R). (If anyone happens to have the book its 'Physics for Scientists and Engineers' vol 8 by Serway/Jewett, and the example is 24.3). So my question is this: who is correct? Is the magnitude of the electric field in fact 0 or is it related by the equation above?
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  • #2
In one case you have a conducting spherical shell with a given charge Q, evenly distributed over its surface. In your case you have a "solid" nonconducting sphere with charge Q distributed throughout.

Draw a Gaussian surface with some radius inside the sphere. What's the total charge contained therein?

FAQ: Magnitude of Electric Field at a Point

What is the magnitude of electric field at a point?

The magnitude of electric field at a point is a measure of the strength of the electric field at that specific point. It is represented by the length of the electric field vector at that point.

How is the magnitude of electric field at a point calculated?

The magnitude of electric field at a point is calculated using the equation E = F/q, where E represents electric field, F represents force, and q represents charge. This equation takes into account the distance between the point and the source of the electric field.

What factors affect the magnitude of electric field at a point?

The magnitude of electric field at a point is affected by the amount of charge at the source of the electric field, the distance between the point and the source, and the medium through which the electric field is passing. It is also influenced by the presence of other charges or conductors nearby.

What are some common units for measuring the magnitude of electric field at a point?

The magnitude of electric field at a point is commonly measured in newtons per coulomb (N/C), volts per meter (V/m), or newtons per electron charge (N/e). Other units may also be used depending on the specific application.

Why is the magnitude of electric field at a point important?

The magnitude of electric field at a point is important because it helps to determine the strength and direction of the electric force experienced by a charged particle at that point. It is also crucial in understanding and predicting the behavior of electric charges in various situations.
