Thanks for the present, I almost lost my eye.

In summary: It's one thing to critique a field of study, but it's another thing to denigrate a whole group of scientists based on their gender. This is not only sexist, but it's also incredibly harmful.
  • #1
I got a airbrush for my birthday. I've never even held one before so I probably should have read the instructions. I don't have a compressor so I got a can of Propel, which appears to be full of butane. Anyway, I hooked the hose up to the can first, instead of to the airbrush first. As soon as I had made about two twists of the hose it came to life. butane was filling the room and the hose was like an angry, hissing, snake. The loose end flipped up and smacked me right on the bridge of my nose, and froze me. That stuff is cold.
Physics news on
  • #2
tribdog said:
I got a airbrush for my birthday. I've never even held one before so I probably should have read the instructions. I don't have a compressor so I got a can of Propel, which appears to be full of butane. Anyway, I hooked the hose up to the can first, instead of to the airbrush first. As soon as I had made about two twists of the hose it came to life. butane was filling the room and the hose was like an angry, hissing, snake. The loose end flipped up and smacked me right on the bridge of my nose, and froze me. That stuff is cold.
Moonbear, it's probably not a bad idea to get trib's replacement lined up now. :smile:

trib, if it wasn't for the fact that you seem to have incredibly good luck (based on the number of near fatal accidents you have), I'd be worried sick about you!
  • #3
Regarding Badger Propel

REQUIRES: Regulator (
Air Hose
Adult Supervision

Contains 1,1-Difluoroethane (CAS# 75-37-6); and Butane (CAS#
Liquide propellant can freeze skin or eye tissue.
Extremely flammable.
Contents under pressure.

Tribdog, please be careful. Not only could you be putting yourself in danger, but you could endanger the lives of others.
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  • #4
actually I lied. I didn't get hit in the forehead, but what really happened was more embarassing. I did get an airbrush, and I did hook the hose up to the can first, but I was actually sitting on the bed and on the other end of the hose. I froze my butt.
  • #5
Better than freezing the front. :biggrin:
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  • #6
Astronuc said:
Regarding Badger Propel

REQUIRES: Regulator (
Air Hose
Adult Supervision

Contains 1,1-Difluoroethane (CAS# 75-37-6); and Butane (CAS#
Liquide propellant can freeze skin or eye tissue.
Extremely flammable.
Contents under pressure.
I think we know where trib went wrong. :wink:
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  • #7
Oh dear. Didn't we say NO butane for tribdog? Who sent him this present? Don't they know better?!

trib, I think we need to pre-approve all your purchases and gifts in the future. If we don't approve it, it goes straight back to the store unopened! :biggrin:
  • #8
Darwin was wrong.

Tribdog's very existence is counter-evidence for the theory of natural selection. I'm surprised you 'girl science' people (biologists :-p ) haven't put him in a cage yet.

:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
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  • #9
I'm surprised you 'girl science' people (biologists) haven't put him in a cage yet.
That would defeat the purpose of the experiments.

The protocol requires that Tribdog be observed in his natural environment. Unfortunately, that puts other unsuspecting individuals at some risk. But that's sometimes necessary to further science. :devil:
  • #10
Astronuc said:
That would defeat the purpose of the experiments.

The protocol requires that Tribdog be observed in his natural environment. Unfortunately, that puts other unsuspecting individuals at some risk. But that's sometimes necessary to further science. :devil:

Exactly. But, do you think we should put brewnog in a cage for calling biology "girl science?" :devil: brewnog, you better get back and stick a LOT of smilies after that comment.
  • #11
Cage? Maybe electrified. High voltage.

I am deeply troubled by comments like " 'girl science' people (biologists)".

Lawrence Summers is a bad influence.
  • #12
brewnog said:
Darwin was wrong.

Tribdog's very existence is counter-evidence for the theory of natural selection. I'm surprised you 'girl science' people (biologists) haven't put him in a cage yet.

He is definitely a serious anomaly in the theory, isn't he.
  • #13
It's a rude comment and the poster should apologize.
  • #14
Tsu said:
It's a rude comment and the poster should apologize.

Yeah, wait until iansmith reads this and realizes he's studying a "girls'" subject! The poor guy might be totally discouraged and think he can't possibly compete, being a mere male. :-p
  • #15
brewnog said:
you 'girl science' people (biologists)
what's that about?
  • #16
Sincere apologies to all who found my 'girl science' comment offensive.

I'm sure one day you'll all learn to take everything I say with a tablespoon of salt (except my apologies, naturally). I usually make a point of not using colourful little faces to indicate sarcasm/my vast wit/cynicism because I know they'd end up in reports and real-life speech too (and yes, I have caught people actually saying "lol") but I suppose now's the time for change! Sorry again!

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  • #17
way to apologize like a girl brewnog.
  • #18
tribdog said:
way to apologize like a girl brewnog.

Hey, he's lucky I know him well enough to have not taken it too seriously (same goes for you). If I took him seriously, I wouldn't be asking about putting him in a cage, I'd have him neutered and he'd be visiting his "boys" in a jar next to the pickled onions just like you. :biggrin:
  • #19
tribdog said:
way to apologize like a girl brewnog.

Yeah, I was getting that feeling you get when somebody's staring at you with evil eyes, and you know that if they stare too long the 'eye rays' (they exist, honest) will burn into your head and it'll hurt quite badly.

I also realized that Moonbear knows where I live, so the threats of mandatory sterilisation started to make me sweat.

The 'girl science' thing started pretty innocently anyway, back in 6th form. There were no girls (of ~45 boys) taking physics or chemistry, and only about 5 boys (of ~60 girls) taking biology. The rivalry was friendly, although the term "stamp collector" was possibly over-used.
  • #20
back to the original topic of this thread. I just blew my nose and was rewarded with a rainbow. At first I thought it was blood, but turns out it is red paint. cadmium red to be more precise. are there any vitamins in cadmium?
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  • #21
Er, um, Tribdog, why would you have cadmium red paint in your nose? :confused:

Or am I missing something here? :confused:

Cadmium is a heavy metal which can cause neurological damage.

Cadmium can cause damage to all types of body cells. By damaging the cell membrane, cadmium increases the permeability of the cells, one of the consequences being that the transfer of other heavy metals into the cells is facilitated. In the acute stage, cadmium intoxication causes enteritis. A slow accumulation of cadmium takes place, mainly in the kidneys; the liver and bones are other important sites for cadmium storage.

Prolonged accumulation of cadmium in the body stains the teeth. It can cause damage to the nervous system, decrease the detoxicative power of the organism, cause high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, damage the immune system; most importantly the antibody production, decrease fertility, cause anaemia, emphysema, and cancer.

Is there something else that you haven't told us yet?
  • #22
I thought it was cadmium yellow, not cadmium red? I don't know anything about paints except what that guy on PBS used to talk about with his happy little trees and happy little clouds, etc., and I just thought I remembered him loading up his brush with cadmium yellow to put some happy little highlights on some happy little leaves. :smile:

Next time, snort wasabi instead of paint; that'll break you of that habit. :biggrin:
  • #23
Isn't cadmium red one of Bob Ross' favorite colors? Are you making happy trees, tribdog? :smile:

edit: Moonbear beat me to it by one stinkin' minute!
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  • #24
Big Whip said:
Isn't cadmium red one of Bob Ross' favorite colors? Are you making happy trees, tribdog? :smile:

LOL! That's who I was thinking of. Is it really cadmium red? For some reason yellow jumped to mind. Oh well, guess I was too focused on the happy trees. :smile:

Edit: It is yellow!
  • #25
There is cadmium red, cadmium yellow, cadmium orange...I'm not sure what the cadmium does, I was too focused on the cool afro he had going!
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  • #26
That explains it. tribdog must have all those colors, hence the "rainbow" effect. :smile: That, or it was just the paint fumes involved and he was just seeing rainbows.
  • #27
The finest cadmium red paint is made only from the purest cadmium sulfo‑selenide, C.I. Name: PR 108, C.I. Number: 77196, and not from cadmium‑barium sulfo‑selenide mixtures such as, PR 108, C.I. 77202, which contains 15 percent barium sulfate, or PR 108:1, C.I. 77202, which contains more than 15 percent barium sulfate. Such cadmium *barium mixtures fit into the professional grade because they tend to be weaker in intensity and the paint is more transparent, which is undesirable in a cadmium color. The movement toward better labeling, so far has met with limited results. The few manufacturers report color index names, such as PR 108 for cadmium red, on their tubes do not include the color index number, which would indicate the specific pigment. PR 108 can not only vary considerably in quality, but in color. PR 108 ranges from light red to deep purple.

But 'cadmium red paint' may refer to a paint of a particluar shade of red, which meets the above standards, but may not necessarily have cadmium metal in it. IIRC, cadmium is/was used as a corrosion inhibitor, like tin coatings. It is used on some steel fasteners.

FAQ: Thanks for the present, I almost lost my eye.

1. What happened to your eye?

I received a present that almost hit my eye, but luckily I was able to avoid serious injury.

2. What was the present?

I am not sure what the present was, but it was something small and potentially dangerous.

3. How did you almost lose your eye?

The present was thrown or launched in my direction and came very close to hitting my eye.

4. Did you seek medical attention?

No, luckily I was able to avoid any serious injury and did not need to seek medical attention.

5. Will you be more careful with presents in the future?

Yes, I will definitely be more cautious with presents to avoid any potential accidents or injuries.
