Proving Normality of ||.||_1 & Cauchy-Sequence & Completeness in C^0([-1,1])

  • Thread starter Neoma
  • Start date
In summary: C^0 ([-1,1]) is not complete with respect to the given norm because the sequence (f_n) does not converge to a continuous function. As n approaches infinity, f_n approaches the discontinuous function defined as f(x) = -1 for x < 0 and f(x) = 1 for x > 0. This function does not belong to C^0 ([-1,1]) and therefore the space is not complete.
  • #1
We consider the space [tex]C^0 ([-1,1])[/tex] of continuous functions from [tex][-1,1][/tex] to [tex]\mathbb{R}[/tex] supplied with the following norm:

[tex]||f||_1 = \int_{-1}^{1} |f(x)| dx [/tex]

a. Show that [tex]||.||_1[/tex] defines indeed a norm.

b. Show that the sequence of functions [tex](f_n)[/tex], where

f_n(x) &= -1, \quad & -1 \leq{x} \leq{\frac{-1}{n}} \\
\ &= nx, \quad & \frac{-1}{n} \leq{x} \leq{\frac{1}{n}} \\
\ &= 1, \quad & \frac{1}{n} \leq{x} \leq{1}

is a Cauchy-sequence with respect to the given norm.

c. Show that [tex]C^0 ([-1,1])[/tex] is not complete with respect to the given norm.

I figured out a. myself, by showing this norm satisfies the properties of a norm, but I can't find out how to tackle b. and c.
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  • #2
b) I assume you can compute [tex] ||f_m - f_n||_1 [/tex] for arbitrary m > n > 0. Now [tex]f_n[/tex] is called a Cauchy-sequence if for all [tex]\epsilon >0[/tex] there exists a N>0 such that: [tex] ||f_m - f_n||_1 < \epsilon [/tex] for all m>n>N. You can do the estimates yourself.

c) Does the sequence converge to a continuous function? A set with a given norm is called closed if all Cauchy-sequences converge to an element in the same set.
  • #3
I knew the definition of a Cauchy sequence, but I still can't find the solution.

Timbuqtu said:
b) I assume you can compute [tex] ||f_m - f_n||_1 [/tex] for arbitrary m > n > 0.
I think I can't, given a certain n and [tex]f_n[/tex] I can find [tex]f_{n+1}[/tex] and I see that once n approaches infinity [tex]f_n[/tex] becomes either -1 or 1, but I don't know how to work from there. In fact this is all quite new to me.
  • #4
When we assume m > n:

[tex] \begin{align*}|f_m(x) -f_n(x)| &= 0 & x > 1/n \\
\ &= 1-nx & 1/m < x < 1/n \\
\ &= (m-n)x & 0 \leq x < 1/m \end{align*}[/tex]

and [tex] |f_m(-x) -f_n(-x)| = |f_m(x) -f_n(x)| [/tex]. So:

[tex]||f_m - f_n||_1 = \int_{-1}^{1} |f_m(x)-f_n(x)| dx = 2 \int_{0}^{1} |f_m(x)-f_n(x)| dx = 2 ( \int_{0}^{1/m} (m-n)x dx + \int_{1/m}^{1/n} (1-n x) dx ) = [/tex]
[tex]= 2 ( \frac{m-n}{2 m^2} + 1/n - 1/m - \frac{n}{2 n^2} + \frac{n}{2 m^2}) = 1/n-1/m < 1/n [/tex]

Let [tex] \epsilon > 0 [/tex]. Take [tex] N > 1/\epsilon [/tex], then for all n,m > N, we have [tex]||f_m - f_n||_1 < 1/N < \epsilon [/tex].

Now we have proven that [tex]f_n[/tex] is indeed a Cauchy-sequence.

FAQ: Proving Normality of ||.||_1 & Cauchy-Sequence & Completeness in C^0([-1,1])

1. What is the definition of normality in the context of ||.||_1?

Normality in ||.||_1 refers to the property of a sequence or function to have a finite ||.||_1 norm. In other words, it means that the sum of the absolute values of the terms in the sequence or the integral of the absolute value of the function over its domain is finite.

2. How is normality proved in ||.||_1?

To prove normality in ||.||_1, we need to show that the sequence or function has a finite ||.||_1 norm. This can be done by using the definition of ||.||_1 norm and showing that it is bounded. Alternatively, we can use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to show that the ||.||_1 norm is finite.

3. What is a Cauchy sequence in the context of completeness in C^0([-1,1])?

A Cauchy sequence in C^0([-1,1]) is a sequence of continuous functions defined on the interval [-1,1] that satisfies the Cauchy criterion. This means that for any given ε > 0, there exists an N such that for all m, n > N, the distance between the values of the functions at m and n is less than ε.

4. How is the completeness of C^0([-1,1]) proved?

To prove completeness in C^0([-1,1]), we need to show that every Cauchy sequence in C^0([-1,1]) converges to a function in C^0([-1,1]). This can be done by using the completeness of the real numbers and showing that the sequence converges pointwise and uniformly, which is a stronger form of convergence.

5. What are some applications of proving normality and completeness in C^0([-1,1])?

Proving normality and completeness in C^0([-1,1]) is important in many areas of mathematics, such as functional analysis and differential equations. It allows us to study and understand the properties of continuous functions on a specific interval, which has applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. Additionally, these concepts are fundamental in proving the existence and uniqueness of solutions to differential equations and other mathematical models.
