Girls in Engineering: Will I Be Surrounded by Guys?

  • Thread starter viet_jon
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In summary, the girl is considering going into engineering and is worried about being around mostly guys. She is also worried about the difficulty of getting into engineering school if you are a girl. The girl has heard that some colleges are easier on girls who want to major in physics/engineering/compsci.
  • #36
I'm a guy... and I like to be around girls. :smile:

Could you give me a typical overview of what Uni classes are like? They're nothing like high school right, where you come in, get a 10 minute lesson then get assigned questions one to fifteen?

I'm under the impression that you come to class only to get taught. One hour or so of lecturing, then it's up to you if you do your coursework on your own time or not. I'm hoping it's like this.

I have a lot of questions. I should have titled this thread accordingly.
Physics news on
  • #37
I've never actually had to do something during one of my physics lectures. It's just listening to the prof talk for an hour and then like you said it's up to me.

Which is why a guy/girl ratio won't matter. You won't have time to talk to them during class, and there's plenty of girls you can find outside of class.
  • #38
viet_jon said:
*got my fingers crossed

I'm not familiar with the how classes work in Uni. So are you saying, if girls in other degree programs require a calculus class, they could take it with EE majors?

Students in engineering, science, math, economics, and any other major that is very quantitative will require the same math classes, but you will mostly have guys in your EE classes.

You don't interact with your fellow classmates much during lectures. The professor does most of the speaking. Students take notes and occasionally ask a few questions. You get to interact with your classmates mostly outside of class and you probably see them a lot if you have group projects.
  • #39
Jordan Joab said:
Who goes to school looking for Women?
Jordan Joab.
Sorry in advance for how off topic this is, but because of the way you put your name after the question made it seem like you answered your own question.

Kind of like:
"Who goes to school looking for women?

Jordan Joab goes to school looking for women...giggity giggity."
  • #40
undrcvrbro said:
Sorry in advance for how off topic this is, but because of the way you put your name after the question made it seem like you answered your own question.

Kind of like:
"Who goes to school looking for women?

Jordan Joab goes to school looking for women...giggity giggity."


I hadn't noticed that!
  • #41
viet_jon said:
I'm a guy... and I like to be around girls. :smile:

Could you give me a typical overview of what Uni classes are like? They're nothing like high school right, where you come in, get a 10 minute lesson then get assigned questions one to fifteen?

I'm under the impression that you come to class only to get taught. One hour or so of lecturing, then it's up to you if you do your coursework on your own time or not. I'm hoping it's like this.

I have a lot of questions. I should have titled this thread accordingly.

No assigned work in lectures
Professor talk, and students can ask questions (if you ask too many; prof wudn't be able to finish material - everything is scheduled; he must and must finish the material) So, some/more profs don't like students who ask questions

You have tutorials (in addition of lectures) where you can bug your ta as much as you like... unfortunately, most tas are either
1) international kids
2) kids with no social skills - they can't explain you much
3) or, they don't know much about your course because they took this two-three years ago, and now have no clue about anything

So, basically most times you are on your own - and, you are loaded with way too much material -, and you start hating your life (many people whom I know either hate their lives or hate engineering and want to switch it) because everything sucks! :smile:

this wouldn't happen in first semester, hopefully :approve:
  • #42
rootX said:
No assigned work in lectures
Professor talk, and students can ask questions (if you ask too many; prof wudn't be able to finish material - everything is scheduled; he must and must finish the material) So, some/more profs don't like students who ask questions

You have tutorials (in addition of lectures) where you can bug your ta as much as you like... unfortunately, most tas are either
1) international kids
2) kids with no social skills - they can't explain you much
3) or, they don't know much about your course because they took this two-three years ago, and now have no clue about anything

So, basically most times you are on your own - and, you are loaded with way too much material -, and you start hating your life (many people whom I know either hate their lives or hate engineering and want to switch it) because everything sucks! :smile:

this wouldn't happen in first semester, hopefully :approve:
I was told that half the engineering students at a local Uni drop out after first year. That's a pretty big number. I'm not discouraged though...I see myself in the upper half for sure.

I'm starting first year at 25, partying days is behind me, so I'll have plenty of time for my studies. Now all I got to do is stay away from the girls, or I might be in trouble. :-pI can't wait to get in school. Learn about my passions, math and sciences, and have the opportunity to meet many many people. U of T has 60 thousand undergrads. So say 30 thousand female's?... life is going to be good.
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  • #43
Ok the truth is, it's nothing like high school. It is way better. At my college I am the only girl in my Physics and CAD classes, but the way I look at it, I have a slight advantage over some of the guys :) Any time I am having any kind of trouble i can have, oh say 3 guys come over to try to help and even explain it. I was scared at first to know that I would be the only girl in my class, but I have come to realize I love it, everyone is so nice. Though I do have to try harder to prove myself worthy. I have seen over half my original class drop out, mainly it was the Physics and Math courses that pushed some over the edge. The Math wasn't too hard, I actually enjoyed it, and now the Physics on the other hand, not so much fun, lol. I am willig to answer any other questions you might have concerning this subject, I am just on the opposite side that you are :)
  • #44
Is it a cultural thing or is it true that girls don't like science/engineering as much as boys do?

Our department asks such a question everytime when female enrolment into our 4th year physics course goes below the faculty's expectation...
  • #45
Well, some girls don't like engineering as much as some guys, but I absolutely love it. Girls, I think have to want it more, because guys seem to under estimate us girls. We can sometimes be treated as the underdog at times, it sucks, because of the fact some teachers think us girls are only there to find a man. That is not the case, but if one does come around while we are there in class, then it's all good too, just can't let your feelings get in the way of the studies :)
  • #46
mcknia07 said:
We can sometimes be treated as the underdog at times, it sucks, because of the fact some teachers think us girls are only there to find a man.

perhaps, then, it is a cultural thing rather than something to do with genetics/evolution...
we can change the culture though... but probably not the genes...
  • #47
Einstein and the Final Frontier.
  • #48
mjsd said:
perhaps, then, it is a cultural thing rather than something to do with genetics/evolution...
we can change the culture though... but probably not the genes...

Yeah, I think you are right on that :) The cultural things will always be changing, but the genes, on the other hand, nope, lol.
  • #49
And when you're around engineers, most of the time the jeans aren't getting changed either.

Ooh. Burn.
  • #50
Huh, why would you say that? Are you saying engineers are dirty or something, lol?
  • #51
none of the girls in my physics classes even look human and a usual compliment at the engineering school is "oh she's pretty enough to pass for normal on main campus".
  • #52
ice109 said:
none of the girls in my physics classes even look human and a usual compliment at the engineering school is "oh she's pretty enough to pass for normal on main campus".
:smile: The last time I checked, many of the male physics/engineering students aren't exactly prince charming either:rolleyes:
  • #53
undrcvrbro said:
:smile: The last time I checked, many of the male physics/engineering students aren't exactly prince charming either:rolleyes:

I'd have to say, I'm pretty sure you are so totally right on this one. :wink:
  • #54
ice109 said:
none of the girls in my physics classes even look human and a usual compliment at the engineering school is "oh she's pretty enough to pass for normal on main campus".

undrcvrbro said:
:smile: The last time I checked, many of the male physics/engineering students aren't exactly prince charming either:rolleyes:

:smile: You guys are terrible!
  • #55
Hey we do have some hott guys in there too ;) and as for the girls, lol, I'm the only I'm not sure how the guys feel about that...I hope good :)
  • #56
Hehe physics is no place for dating

"Gravity cannot be held responsible for people falling in love" -Einstein

  • #57
Would you never date anyone in your classes?? Some of them might not actually be so bad, lol :) I mean, you never know. The people in Physics are some of the smartest people out there, just might need a little fashion help, but that's it really, haha. That really isn't that hard to help them with :biggrin:
  • #58
Haha... well actually to be honest the one girl in my physics class looks like a damn supermodel (and has one of the highest grades in the class).

Soo yea...Guess I would consider it. :rolleyes::shy:
  • #59
I make a point of not dating engineers though...

Just kidding:-p
  • #60
Haha, see, so us girls aren't so bad after all then, now are we :biggrin: Some have the looks, some have the brains, and some have it both :)
  • #61
Oh really, lol, ok :)

But...I see where you are coming from here too. :smile:
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  • #62
haha yes,

I'm a sucker for the last combo
  • #63
That's the best kind...

Beauty plus the brains,
not too many have
them both though
  • #64
Except me...


J/K I think for most people my 5 inch high hairdo is an acquired taste. It does however make my brain look bigger I suppose :)
  • #65
Haha, nice

5 in, wow, Do you have an afro or something? :smile:

Some might not go for it, but some do, who knows...
  • #66
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  • #67
Haha Nice, lol!

Yeah, I haven't got my pic up there yet either, my pics are kinda too big to get them on there, lol

Well I guess that means I'll have to fix it somehow, just not too sure yet...
  • #68
Yea Ifranview I think its called is what I used to get my myspace pics smaller so they would let me upload. It's a free image editing thing.
  • #69
Never have had to use it, I'll try it though.

All my myspace pics have been able to load when I tried them.

Thanks I'll give it a try in a minute though :smile:
  • #70
Flirtation Alert!