Forced oscillation, Equation of Motion and verifying solutions

In summary, the conversation discusses the equation of motion for a particle moving along the x-axis with a resistive force and no spring-like restoring force. The equation is satisfied by a solution in terms of parameters m, b, C, and \gamma. The conversation also discusses the equation of motion when a driving force is present and how to find the appropriate solution using complex exponentials.
  • #1
Hi, Been registered for a while here, but this is my first post, been using the forum as more of a resource before. I am going through some past papers, but I am faltering at 1 question.

Homework Statement

A particle moving along the x-axis with velocity v experiences a resistive force –bv, but no spring-like restoring force, where b is the friction coefficient.

(a) Write down the equation of motion. [3]
[tex]\ddot{x}= -(b/m)v [/tex]

(b) Show that the equation of motion is satisfied by
[tex] x(t) = C - (v_{0}/\gamma)e^{-\gamma}[/tex]

where , m is the mass of the particle, and C and [tex]\gamma=(b/m)[/tex] are free parameters. [3]

Not the quickest with latex so the answer was to just differentiate twice, you can then see they are equivalent.

(c) At the particle is at rest at t=0 x=0. At this instant a driving force is switched on [tex] F = F_{0}cos(\omega*t)[/tex] what is the equation of motion for t > 0 ? [2]

[tex]\ddot{x}= (F_{0}/m)cos(\omega*t) -(b/m)v [/tex]

(d) Show that, when both forces are present, x(t)= A*cos(ωt−δ) is a solution to the equation of motion with appropriate choice of A and δ. Find A and δ .
We are also told that [cos(δ) = 1/(rootof 1 +tan^2(δ)] and sin(δ) = tan(δ)/(rootof 1 +tan^2(δ)]

Again I try to differentiate through but I come to a block, I use the 2 above identities but doesn't help me? I know I must be missing something simple or just not seeing it.

Any help much appreciated.
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  • #2
If you haven't already, try verifying it by using complex exponentials rather than trig functions rather than trig functions. It's usually much easier.
  • #3

Hello there, welcome to the forum! I will try to help you with this question.

First, let's review the concept of forced oscillation. When a particle experiences a resistive force, it may still oscillate due to a driving force that is applied. In this case, the equation of motion for the particle can be written as:

\ddot{x} = -\gamma\dot{x} + \frac{F}{m}

where \gamma = \frac{b}{m} is the damping coefficient, \dot{x} is the velocity of the particle, and F is the driving force.

Now, in part (c) of the question, we are asked to find the equation of motion for t > 0, when the driving force is switched on. As you have correctly written, the equation of motion in this case is:

\ddot{x} = \frac{F_{0}}{m}\cos{\omega t} - \gamma\dot{x}

To solve this equation, we can use the method of undetermined coefficients. We assume a solution of the form:

x(t) = A\cos(\omega t - \delta)

where A and \delta are constants to be determined. Substituting this into the equation of motion and simplifying, we get:

\ddot{x} + \gamma\dot{x} + \omega^{2}x = \frac{F_{0}}{m}\cos{\omega t}

Comparing this with the original equation, we can see that A = \frac{F_{0}}{m\omega^{2}} and \delta = 0. Therefore, the solution for x(t) is:

x(t) = \frac{F_{0}}{m\omega^{2}}\cos(\omega t)

Now, to show that this solution satisfies the equation of motion, we can differentiate it twice and substitute it into the equation. You should get the same result as the original equation, thus verifying the solution.

For part (d) of the question, we are asked to find the values of A and \delta when both forces are present. Using the identities provided, we can write:

A = \frac{F_{0}}{m\omega^{2}}\cos(\delta)


\sin(\delta) = \frac{\tan(\delta)}{\sqrt{1 + \tan^{2}(\delta)}}


FAQ: Forced oscillation, Equation of Motion and verifying solutions

1. What is forced oscillation?

Forced oscillation refers to the motion of a system that is continuously being driven by an external force. This external force can be periodic or non-periodic, and can cause the system to oscillate with a frequency that is different from its natural frequency.

2. What is the equation of motion for a forced oscillation system?

The equation of motion for a forced oscillation system is a second-order differential equation of the form mx'' + bx' + kx = F(t), where m is the mass of the system, b is the damping coefficient, k is the spring constant, x is the displacement of the system from its equilibrium position, and F(t) is the external force acting on the system at time t.

3. How can we verify the solutions to the equation of motion for a forced oscillation system?

The solutions to the equation of motion can be verified by plugging them back into the equation and ensuring that they satisfy the differential equation. Additionally, the solutions should also satisfy any initial conditions given for the system.

4. What are the different types of solutions for a forced oscillation system?

The different types of solutions for a forced oscillation system are underdamped, critically damped, and overdamped. Underdamped solutions exhibit oscillatory behavior, critically damped solutions return to equilibrium without oscillation, and overdamped solutions take longer to return to equilibrium than critically damped solutions.

5. Can forced oscillation occur in real-world systems?

Yes, forced oscillation can occur in various real-world systems such as a pendulum being driven by a motor, an electronic circuit with a capacitor, or a building being subjected to external vibrations. Understanding forced oscillation is crucial in designing and controlling these systems.
