How can I accurately calculate the cooling effect of an AGR fuel pin?

In summary, the cooling effect of a AGR fuel pin depends on the flow rate and the decay heat of the fuel being processed.
  • #1
Hello and here is my problematic 1st post.

I have a problem which i need help with, I'm an electrical engineer so my understanding on this subject is basic.

I need to calculate the cooling effect of a AGR fuel pin and I'm not sure were to start.
Here is some background on the question.

At work we have a facility were we process the used irradiated fuel, this facility can be considered as a pipe with a diameter slightly larger than the fuel diameter. The fuel is lowered into the facility which has a CO2 cooling circuit flowing down the fuel.

This facility was designed for larger decay heat levels than we operate at, i wish to calculate/model the effect on fuel temperatures based on a reduced flow rate.

How do i go about doing this, the only information i have to go off is the decay heat of the fuel (16kW), physical dimensions, i know the coolant is CO2 its present flow rate and pressure of the facility.
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  • #2
Freddy_uk said:
Hello and here is my problematic 1st post.

I have a problem which i need help with, I'm an electrical engineer so my understanding on this subject is basic.

I need to calculate the cooling effect of a AGR fuel pin and I'm not sure were to start.
Here is some background on the question.

At work we have a facility were we process the used irradiated fuel, this facility can be considered as a pipe with a diameter slightly larger than the fuel diameter. The fuel is lowered into the facility which has a CO2 cooling circuit flowing down the fuel.

This facility was designed for larger decay heat levels than we operate at, i wish to calculate/model the effect on fuel temperatures based on a reduced flow rate.

How do i go about doing this, the only information i have to go off is the decay heat of the fuel (16kW), physical dimensions, i know the coolant is CO2 its present flow rate and pressure of the facility.
Well, for steady-state, the heat from the fuel element would have to be transported to the coolant. One should know the enthalpy in, add the heat from the fuel element, and that should give one the enthalpy (and temperature out).

It has to be steady-state heat transfer, otherwise temperature would increase until it achieves equilibrium.

Reduce coolant mass flow would produce a greater exit temperature, and also a reduced heat transfer coefficient, so the fuel element temperatures would also be greater.
  • #3

Thanks for your reply to my question.
I have been making some progress (i think) and have determined that the pin temperature would be around 320degC based on h=250W/m.k for general forced convection with gases.

Im unsure if this is at all accurate as when i look at decay heat at around 70kw the pin temperatures are a couple of hundred degC greater than some other predictions i have. This data though includes the radiative heat transfer between pins and uses a calculated value for h.

Once i have some confidence in my answers i wish to build a model that determines the maximum heat of the pin and how long it takes to reach it based on a given flow rate.

FAQ: How can I accurately calculate the cooling effect of an AGR fuel pin?

1. How does cooling affect fuel pin performance?

Cooling is essential for the proper functioning of fuel pins. It helps to maintain a stable temperature, which in turn prevents the fuel pins from overheating and potentially melting. Cooling also helps to remove excess heat generated during the nuclear fission process, ensuring that the fuel pins do not reach a critical temperature that could lead to a nuclear meltdown.

2. What is the most common cooling method used for fuel pins?

The most common cooling method used for fuel pins is forced convection cooling, which involves circulating a coolant, such as water or gas, through the fuel assembly to remove heat. This method is highly efficient and allows for precise control of the temperature of the fuel pins.

3. Can fuel pins be cooled too much?

Yes, fuel pins can be cooled too much. While it is important to maintain a stable temperature, excessive cooling can also be detrimental. If the fuel pins are cooled below their design temperature, it can cause the fuel to contract and create gaps between the pellets, reducing the efficiency of the fuel pins. Additionally, too much cooling can also increase the risk of corrosion and damage to the fuel pins.

4. How is the cooling process monitored and controlled?

The cooling process is monitored and controlled through a variety of methods. Temperature sensors are placed throughout the fuel assembly to measure the temperature and ensure it stays within the desired range. Additionally, flow meters are used to measure the rate of coolant flow and ensure it is sufficient to remove heat effectively. Automatic control systems are also in place to adjust the cooling process as needed.

5. Can different types of coolants be used for fuel pin cooling?

Yes, different types of coolants can be used for fuel pin cooling. Water is the most commonly used coolant, but other options include gas, such as helium or carbon dioxide, and even liquid metals, such as sodium or lead. The choice of coolant depends on factors such as the type of reactor, the fuel design, and the desired temperature range.

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