Calculate wind load using fluid impulse and momentum.

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of impulse and momentum equations to calculate the force of fluid, specifically in the context of wind loading on a wall or structure. The equations used are ƩFx = ρQ(Vx1-Vx2) and ƩFy = ρQ(Vy1-Vy2). It is mentioned that compressibility can be neglected if the gas velocity is less than 0.3 Mach. The concept of stagnation pressure is also introduced as a way to calculate the force on a flat surface from an air stream. The applicability of using the stagnation pressure approach is discussed, as well as the possibility of using momentum and impulse concepts for non-normal wind directions. The conversation concludes
  • #1
I recently took a crash course that included some topics in fluid mechanics. I learned that you can use the concept of impulse and momentum the calculate the force of fluid, for instance a jet of water on a turbine blade. The equations used are:

ƩFx = ρQ(Vx1-Vx2)
ƩFy = ρQ(Vy1-Vy2)

I realize that as a gas air is compressible, but I was wondering if I could calculate wind loading on a wall using the same concept, but maybe with a factor of compressibility factored in. If I treat air as an incompressible fluid, will I get a wind load that is reasonably close to the actual wind load?

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  • #2
Compressibility can be neglected if the velocity of the gas is less than 0.3 Mach (~100 m/s)

To calculate the force on a flat surface from the impingement of an air stream, the stagnation pressure can be used. Stagnation Pressure = (1/2)rho*velocity^2
  • #3
Would using the stagnation pressure approach only apply where the wind speed goes to zero, like up against a large vertical building? What if the face of the structure isn't normal to the wind, but at some angle that allows it to reflect off at a different direction. Then could one, use the momentum/impulse concepts.

By the way, my interest is estimating the wind loads on large microwave antenna dishes attached to communications towers. The face of the dishes are generally round and covered with a tarp, so i think they should represent uncomplicated structures.

Related to Calculate wind load using fluid impulse and momentum.

1. How do you calculate wind load using fluid impulse and momentum?

To calculate wind load using fluid impulse and momentum, you will need to first determine the fluid density, the velocity of the wind, and the area of the object being impacted by the wind. Then, you can use the equation F = ρV²A, where F is the force of the wind, ρ is the fluid density, V is the wind velocity, and A is the area of the object.

2. What is fluid impulse and momentum?

Fluid impulse and momentum are measurements used in fluid dynamics to describe the force of a fluid on an object. Impulse refers to the change in momentum over a period of time, while momentum is the product of mass and velocity.

3. Are there any factors that can affect the accuracy of wind load calculations?

Yes, there are several factors that can affect the accuracy of wind load calculations. These include the shape and size of the object being impacted by the wind, the roughness of the surface, and the direction and speed of the wind.

4. Can wind load calculations be used for all types of structures?

No, wind load calculations using fluid impulse and momentum are typically used for structures that are impacted by wind, such as buildings, bridges, and towers. These calculations may not be applicable for structures that are designed to withstand other types of forces, such as earthquakes or snow loads.

5. How important are wind load calculations in the design of structures?

Wind load calculations are crucial in the design of structures, as they help engineers and architects determine the amount of force that structures may experience due to wind. This information is used to ensure that the structure is built to withstand these forces and is safe for use.

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